Some times we wonder what to post and other times there is so much going on in our lives we have to make a choice. There is so MUCH going on in our lives and I will be posting more about that, including pictures, in the next few days. Today I have to share yet another writing from My Utmost For His Highest because it is exactly where I find myself.
The Commission Of The Called
"Who now rejoice in my sufferings for you, and fill up that which is behind of the afflictions of Christ in my flesh for His body's sake." Colossians 1:24
"We make calls out of our own spiritual consecration, but when we get right with God He brushes all these aside, and rivets us with a pain that is terrific to one thing we never dreamed of, and for one radiant flashing moment we see what He is after, and we say - "Here am I, send me."
This call has nothing to do with personal sanctification, but with being made broken bread and poured-out wine. God can never make us wine if we object to the fingers He uses to crush us with. If God would only use His own fingers, and make me broken bread and poured-out wine in a special way! But when He uses someone whom we dislike, or some set of circumstances to which we said we would never submit, and makes those the crushers, we object. We must never choose the scene of our own martyrdom. If ever we are going to be made into wine, we will have to be crushed; you cannot drink grapes. Grapes become wine only when they have been squeezed.
I wonder what kind of finger and thumb God has been using to squeeze you, and you have been like a marble and escaped? You are not ripe yet, and if God had squeezed you, the wine would have been remarkedly bitter. To be a sacramental personality means that the elements of the natural life are presenced by God as they are broken providentially in His service. We have to be adjusted into God before we can be broken bread in His hands. Keep right with God and let Him do what He likes, and you will find that He is producing the kind of bread and wine that will benefit His other children."
Our oldest son, David, returned to Tulsa Sunday. He arrived, after a very long, 3+ day drive, from California at 2 a.m. His less than 3 year marriage has very serious issues. David is bi-polar and there are very serious issues related to that.
Mickey and I KNOW, without a shadow of a doubt, that God is at work in the lives of this family and especially our children. God is turning our grapes into wine.....the above writing I quoted was for the date September 30th. It never ceases to amaze me how God always puts the exact words and messages in front of us as they apply and we need them.
We covet your prayers for David, his wife, Nicole, and Nicole's three wonderful sons.
We covet your prayers for Mickey and I as we allow God to do whatever squeezing of us to make the wine he desires we become.
We are still reeling from our beloved granddaughter, Oksana, leaving her father and moving away. We covet your prayers for Marc, Oksana & Aric during this time in their lives.
I am praying for your famiy. I have seen God heal marriages!
He is a wonder working- sea splitting God!!
PS: Come check out my free giveaway!
I like this part - "I wonder what kind of finger and thumb God has been using to squeeze you, and you have been like a marble and escaped? You are not ripe yet, and if God had squeezed you, the wine would have been remarkedly bitter."
No one wants to be bitter wine. Great post.
I pray that the Lord's hand will be with your family at this time.
What a devotional! I am making a copy right now. Susan, I am praying for your family right now. May God bring his healing power to all involved.
You are in my prayers. I am sorry what you are all going through right now, but I am always so amazed and encouraged by your outlook. You trully are a faithful woman. I hope you have a good day!
Praying for you and your family... encouraged by your faithfulness. ~ kim
That devotional was perfect! I'm so glad you shared it with us as it shows us that God is in control of this as well as directing and guiding you in these times.
I am a very visual person and
"Grapes become wine only when they have been squeezed.I wonder what kind of finger and thumb God has been using to squeeze you, and you have been like a marble and escaped?"
is just a great word picture in my mind!
I am praying for you too! I am seeing the presses working on you and I too feel them.
I love Diana's idea!
prays gone up susan... \o/
i'm listening to UCb Christian Radio station on my DAB radio what a wonderful breakthrough ;]
Susan...I am praying for you and your family. Such tough times to be going through yet you remain solid in your faith...what an inspiration to us all!
I am praying for all of you sweetie! I am believing also that God will take care of it all and heal any areas that need healing. Love ya! Oh and I must, must, must go check out More of Him Mondays!
I will happily keep your family in my prayers.
Yes, God is always at work. As each of us submit to Him, He will bring about His will. But even when other people choose to not submit, He is still working all things together for those who love Him and are called to His purpose... just like He did when Pharoah chose to harden his heart, God still rescued His people... I am praying my dear sister. Blessings today.
Oh, I will be in prayer for your family, Susan!
What a wonderful post and I will have to go check out Diana's place, too.
It was on my heart to ask you how things were with your granddaughter this morning and then I saw this post mentioning family concerns - I will pray. I sense the prompt here and will be honoured to pray for you all.
This was an amazing post and I can just tell that you have walked the walk, I can picture you on your knees and in tears before God in the silence of your room or a special place where you pray before God and I have an image of his hand gently placed on your head and his Angels surrounding you and your family.
Oh when we are being refined (back to the post) we don't anticipate how it will come, thinking maybe through a different easier source, not through someone who can wound us, an irritating situation.
Very timely and wonderful post. Bless you Susan. You are having an impact on those around you in blogworld!
Susan, thanks for stopping by my blog. Do it again sometime!
I enjoyed your blog,and appreaciated your testimony and quote. I will certainly pray for your family. I know God is already working in the different situations.
You remind me often that we are the clay and He is the potter. When I dig my heals in and want to run and hide under my covers you find a way to remind me that only God to make a way where there seems to be no way.
Thanks for being my friend and my wise counsel.
I know our Father hears us when we call on Him. I am calling now on your behalf. I know His love for you is deeper than the oceans and wider than the seas.
We may be miles apart, but our hearts are bound together in love.
Sometimes I AM the marble. God squeezes and I go flying and hit the wall.
It's so much better to be soft and fruitful, yielding to His gentle pressure. At least then you get to see some of the results of His kind reshaping of your life.
We have some son problems too - very fresh and painful right now because he's here.
Praying for you!
Found my way over to your blog by way of Maalie by way of LorenzotheLlama - reading the Pascal entry comments and saw this one from you - "It is better to live your life as if there are no Gods, and try to make the world a better place for your being in it. If there is no God, you have lost nothing and will be remembered fondly by those you left behind. If there is a benevolent God, He will judge you on your merits and not just on whether or not you believed in Him."
Just wanted to say, "well said!"
Halfmom aka Susan, I am afraid you are confused. What you wrote in your comment is what Maalie said, not I.
I went back to this comment which was on 9/20 and copied my comment as it related to that. Here is my comment:
This is my version, if I may:
"It is better to live your life as if there is one true God, and try to make the world a better place for your being in it. If there is noy one true God, you have lost nothing and will be remembered fondly by those you left behind. If there is one true God, you will not be judge on your works but on your faith and belief in Him."
My view is we better live our lives as if there is a God. In my case you can remove the little word "if". I live my life KNOWING there is a the one True God.
susan, i am honored to have you as my first link on "more of Him." your words here on your blog, and what we can see of your life, makes it obvious that your life is "full of Him." it is a great encouragement to all of those who read your blog.
the deviotional you shared was great. whether it's the grapes being squeezed or the clay being molded, it's HIS hands that are at work in our lives.
and i, too, will be praying for your family. there is real power in prayer.
Great devotional, Susan, very inspiring. You and your family are in my prayers.
"We must never choose the scene of our own martyrdom. If ever we are going to be made into wine, we will have to be crushed; you cannot drink grapes." Those words really spoke to me.
hi susan... someone sent me yuor link - it totally fitted with what i posted today - i am reading a book called 100 Days In The Secret Place and wow is it challenging and good and real-life! I have posted a quote from your post (and your link!) in my comments - i hope that is okay - i thought it was very wise and relevant! thanks so much for wht you have shared! blessings, claire
hi again... here is the link for hte post i did...
blessings, claire
This is a great idea that Diana is starting. I hope to participate next Monday.
I will be praying for your children, grandchildren and you.
Praying for all you mention here.
Many many hugs, Susan.
:-) Susan
great post Susan....HE indeed has been at work in my life....
Oh Susan what a great post. I will certainly be praying for your family. God is in the restoration business.
Hugs, Lyndy
Oh my goodness, I am so very sorry. When I went back and forth to copy your comment, I didn't copy the one I intended to and didn't proof read, so didn't catch the mistake myself.
I did actually intend to quote back to you exactly what you left for me - thanks so much for bringing it to my attention -
I have had a few exhanges with him on him mom's blog - at least I think it's his mom - Lorenzo - and they have been rather heated from him because he cannot believe that a scientist could actually be a believer, so I was very glad that someone else has also been very clear with him about what the gospel actually is. What especially caught my attention is that you were able to do so in such a succinct and gracious manner.
Again, please accept my sincere apology for the cut and paste error!
I have nominated you for an award Susan! I am glad you hooked up with Claire, she is a 'real life' friend of mine and an amazing young woman of God.
Oh Susan, I read this today in my devotional! Great isn't it? I really needed it in my life right now too.
So sorry to hear about the situation with Oksana! Will pray for all your family.
Oh and just so you know -- *IT* came in the mail today!! LOL Thanks you so very much. Can't wait to see how it gets used! I'll have to email you a photo of the end result from *IT*!!!
I love it when you share your wisdom with us!
I will be praying for David, I know it must be hard. I have a VERY close friend who has bi-polar.
God Bless,
It is a beautiful post! thank you for writing it. Oh to become broken bread and poured out wine like our Master. Only He can do that deep work in our lives.
I am visiting your blog often - Karen "introduced" me to you and if I can manage it to get the links sorted I want to participate Monday.
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