You can hardly fly direct from Tulsa to anywhere. Our flights were booked through Delta so you can imagine our surprise when we had to walk down stairs and across the tarmac to reach this small, 4 seat across, commuter plane on our first leg to Cincinnati. We were 20 minutes late leaving and weren't sure if we'd make our connection to Norfolk or not.
When we landed we had to almost run to our next plane which was already loading to leave. This plane was only 3 seats across!!!! We did arrive in Norfolk almost on time.
On our return flight we actually had a large plane on the first leg to Atlanta and then another small, 4 seat across, to Tulsa. We were late leaving Norfolk by 30 minutes and didn't arrive home until almost midnight. Our son, Marc, picked us up at the airport and brought us home.
I hate to have to say that my left knee gave me fits and much pain on this trip. Of course walking through 3 airports, 2 times, plus all the other walking we did didn't help it at all. I'm no longer doing the "happy dance" about this knee.

What a beautiful place to spend some time. It looks so peaceful and refreshing!!
I'm not good with traveling by plane - I worry too much. It was a very good thing that our trip to Kentucky was a non-stop flight :-)
What a gorgeous does look peaceful!
What a lovely place. I know you really enjoyed yourselves1 Love the sign about the dogs! Too funny!
Wow, how beautiful! By the way, I had been meaning to ask you what a tatoo was??
Welcome back! It sounds like you had a wonderful, restful time. The farm is beautiful. Glad to read about what the Lord is doing. Have a great week.
Welcome back Susan! So sorry to hear about your knee.
Looks like a great place to go get some rest. Love the dog sign ;)
Oh what a beautiful place you visited.
about your comment on my blog I can truly say: I have a "shack" in my life... a place where I once was ... broken ... and God met me in my "shack" and changed me from the inside out. I know what it means to have my grief, broken dreams and damaged heart healed and restored by Papa and Jesus and Holy Spirit. He has changed my "shack" into His secret place and He covers me with His wings.
That is why this book "The Shack" means so much to me.
That is a gorgeous and peaceful looking place. So glad you were able to visit with them.
The flights sound a little hectic. Sorry that your knee was acting up on you.
I have to agree - what a beautiful place! I grew up with horses, so this was right up my alley. Loved the sign about the dogs - too cute. We recently drove through VA on our way to PA, and really enjoyed all of the red bud trees blooming along the freeway - they were beautiful!
Hope your knee feels better soon.
How pretty. I love horse farms of any type. And, the sign about the dogs is too funny!
how nice it must have been to stay in such a beautiful place. sorry your knee was in pain. looking forward to hearing more about your trip.
A Lovely southern farm indeed. And I'd want a golf cart too to cover all that acreage and chores!
Susan, I so enjoyed reading the post right before this one. To see God work in the details was a reminder of how much He loves us all and wants us to embrace life and see all He has for us as well.
I loved the photos of the farm. God's blessings indeed!
What a beautiful farm. It looks like a great place to write.
lovely trip! glad you enjoyed yourself
Hey Susan...I just tagged you in my latest post...for the "Find A Book" meme.
Blessings, Lisa
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