Thursday, January 8, 2009


I love a brand New Year......

Even though the Lord gives us a clean sheet to write on every day.... "It is of the Lord's mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not. They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness." Lamentations 3:22-23 ....a New Year with 365 of those clean sheets is always motivating to me.

In preparation for getting back to losing the pounds I need to lose I decided it was time to take inventory of, and straighten out, all the food that is stashed in various places in this house. We have an extra refrigerator and freezer in the garage, and in addition to my kitchen cupboards I have "extra" food stored in a 2 closets.

Mickey helped me take the inventory, which was no small chore. Then I decided that this NEW YEAR I was going to put, and maintain, this inventory on an Ex*cel worksheet. I love Ex*cel!!! So we worked some on the inventory Sunday between church services, and finished up yesterday. I built my worksheets (yes plural!!) and I am so excited and feel so good about this project for this NEW YEAR. Now I will have to daily make adjustment by deleting what I use that day and adding in new items we buy at the grocery store.

The surprise benefit of this project, after realizing how very much we had, is we are not going to buy any new groceries this month, except for perishables like fresh vegtables, milk, eggs, etc. I am hoping to save enough to make an additional principal payment on our mortgage. As my blog friend, Brenda, would say, "It's a Good Thing"!

Another added benefit, I am doing more meal planning and using up things that I need to use and had forgotten about. After supper, I made an Apricot-Walnut bread because I found the dried apricots that needed to be used. Sure is what does this do to the weight loss?!!!!!

Another of my goals for this NEW YEAR is to de-clutter this house and have a big yard sale this spring. God has really been speaking to my about de-cluttering in every area of our lives, mentally, as well as physically. As my header reads, "If you keep things simple, they'll stay pure."

What new motivation has God given you this NEW YEAR?

post signature


Anonymous said...

Shoot, I keep telling myself to get on the band wagon with my weight. You looked amazing when I saw you and I knew after the holidays it would be time to kick it in. Does this mean I need to forget about the chocolate peanutbutter brownies I was going to make tonight? I guess so...

Mari said...

Hi Susan - thanks for stopping by. I see you at a lot of the blogs I frequent too, and I know you are a friend of Gingers so that puts you right up there! I am in the same mindset as you are and have been decluttering and organizing. I'm impressed with your excel spreadsheet.

Pear tree cottage! said...

Dear Susan, This new year has seen me working harder then ever at the op-shop (thrift store) So that we can help the homeless and needy even better then last year. I think that is a very good way to start my year.

Now if you two could just come on over and sort out my walk in pantry I am sure you would find dried apricots I have in there someplace too.

I love that your year also has started with a very well looking husband and an going friendship for your son, she sounds a lovely lady.

Now which butter do I push to get a spreadsheet (I wish!!)


Pear tree cottage! said...

OOOP! sorry button (not butter) who needs butter after christmas (not me!! (smiles)


Joy said...

Susan, I also made an inventory posterboard that I tacked on the wall of my pantry. When I take something out I cross thru the little tic mark I had by it. Maybe I'll blog about it one day. I think you have a lot more inventory that I do. My posterboard worked for me ~ not quite as techie as your excel spreadsheets... :)
I try and make myself eat of the pantry too. It's too easy for me to just run to the store.
I only stock up now when things are a really really good deal and I have a coupon...
Good luck with your inventory sheets.
I need loose 10 lbs. That's what I'm working on.


Brenda said...

Yep, It's All Good! Thanks.
I think for me, it's just continuing to be as frugal as possible, and like you, using up stuff and not wasting it.

Brenda said...

oh, and Chelsie is moving out next week, so we have a bedroom that is going to turn into a new play/office/craft room.
As much as I'm happy/sad about Chels (new motherhood era for me)I am looking forward to getting this new room organized which will help with the clutter, especially Grace's room (yikes!)

Maxine said...

What good ideas you have! If I can figure out how to use that program you mentioned, I should try it too. Maybe I can get my daughter to show me! I have lots that need to be used and meal planning for that purpose is something I hadn't thought of. Thanks, Susan!

Betty said...

You´re doing good! Glad to hear it. I need to take an example and start to clean out my cupboards too...

Nadine said...

Wow Susan that's wonderful. You're off to a great start. I know right before we moved, we cleaned out. Boy did we need it. I feel lighter from all the excess "stuff."

Debra said...

Love those verses in Lamentations, some of my favorite bible verses! Blessings!

Shirley said...

I am impressed with your using excel! Now, if we could just program it to do the shopping, too, huh? :)

God has impressed on me to resolve (as I had in my post) - resolve to lean on Him in all things. The first one on the list is attitude - our attitude is our choice. How we react is our choice. So, I am choosing to react better - with Christ's help.

Anonymous said...

I am using all kinds of Excel worksheets this New Year, too!! =) I think it is so much fun. My favorite is the one my mom helped me create to manage the kids' SS accounts, individually and as a whole. It does all kinds of calculations for me, adds up certain columns, subtracts from the grand total, compares my balance to the bank balance, subtotals certain categories, and more. I cannot believe how much fun it is. It's like when I would play "office" as a little girl, with my mom's old accounting things, only better!! =)

Anonymous said...

I am backing you all the way! That sounds like you are very serious and I applaud you.

... said...

that the problem... i have no motivation =/

TO BECOME said...

I seem to have been on the same page as you, Susan. I have spent time since Christmas, giving away food, sorting food, and putting things back into order.

I made a commitment at the beginning of the Thanksgiving holidays to not gain any weight during this time. So up to today, I have not gained and have even lost 2 pounds. That probably seems very small but for me it is a miracle. I have been trying to lose weight for many years. Gain a little here, lose a little there and then gain more. Finally this last year I realized that it was a heart problem and not just a physical problem for me. So I am trying with God's help to get where I need to be to get the diabetese,blood pressure, etc under control. I have de-cluttered in our home also. I have committed to start a walking program on Monday. I hate to walk for several reasons but I am going to do my best for as long as I can. Please pray for me.

I enjoyed your post, it encouraged me. connie

Kathy said...

Yesterday was Pantry Cleaning Day for me. The excel spread sheet sounds like a winner!

the voice of melody said...

What a great idea to do an inventory! I'm sure it will prove to be so helpful. :)

The Olson's: said...

Wow! You are quite ambitious! I can see how keeping track of what you have on hand can help to cut down on your budget. It's amazing all the stuff we have in our pantries & never use. Great idea!

As for me, I recently shared on my blog that TREASURES is the current theme I feel God is challenging me on. One of the areas is with the boy I take care of. Over the past 3 yrs I've had him, I haven't taken advantage of teachable moments to teach him about Jesus. This is one of the things I feel God is wanting me to focus on - eternal treasures.
~ Leanne

Anonymous said...

Weight! Freedom from weight and food! Renewing my mind.

Anonymous said...

Ah! I did not mean to rub in the Gator win! I am sorry if I offended your sweet Okie self. I told my husband last night that I have tried so hard to NOT like your Sam Bradford and I can't do it. He is just a nice fella and a quality guy. It is good to see so many young men that know who they are and what they are made of.

Anyway, it could be your turn next year. And although I am not gloating, I am proud of my Gators.

:) Have a great week Susan.

Scooterblu's Whimsy~Rhonda said...

Hi Susan, I have been trying to declutter too, but I seem to be making a bigger mess in the process! LOL! I think it will all come together eventually! I'm impressed that you are taking such a logical approach to your organizing!

Looks like Mickey is doing so well! Praise God! :)

Hugs, Rhonda :)

Mountain Mama said...

Good job Susan!
I went through my cupboards before Christmas and took a mental inventory. I had found a can of mandarin oranges with a puffed up lid and decided I better check shelf dated before I poisoned myself!

Like you I don't have to buy much now except perishables,and that really feels good!

Now I need to do the same thing upstairs, but that's another story, Oh boy is it ever!

I hop-e it's easy for you to get back to your diet plan and get the rest of the weight off. We feel so much better with each pound we manage to lose.

New Year Blessings

Sue Seibert said...

More exercise and teaching Sunday school...and continuing to do what you got me to do...pray without ceasing!! Thanks, Susan.

Lori said...

What a good idea Susan.

I am going to motivate myself to exercise 4-5 times a week weather it be at home here or at the community center.

Lori said...

What a good idea Susan.

I am going to motivate myself to exercise 4-5 times a week weather it be at home here or at the community center.

retha said...

We hardly got enough space to keep what is essential. This to my advantage I can't gather what we do not need. Helping me to not have mountains to climb over. Hopefully this is something that becomes part of me so that when we do have more space I will not try to fill every nook and cranny.

Spreadsheets sounds very complicated to me.

Susan Skitt said...

Good thoughts Susan. Talking of decluttering, I'm cleaning out my coat closet today (hopefully).

Stop on by, I'm having a book give away contest :)

Happy New Year!

Anonymous said...

What a great idea to do this and great job in doing it! I am also going to try to de-clutter this year...clutter robs us of so much more then what it provides for us! I need to do it for myself and for my family..simplify

Barbara said...

De-cluttering - always my first task of the New Year but as I combine it with Spring (now called deep) cleaning it takes months to complete, especially as it is just fitted in around everything else as you well know.

You will be back from the hospital now I guess so will look forward to hearing how Mickey got on.

The sky is beautiful.

Best wishes for your continued weight loss. You will get there in the end with your determination Susan.