Friday, February 27, 2009

SHOW & TELL #1 - Beautiful beads from far away

I can't believe this is my first Show & Tell for 2009. I haven't posted one since December 12th last year. Please drop by Kelli's to check out all the many Show & Tell items to see. Pick something you are proud of to show and sign up on Mr. Linky. It truly is so much fun to participate in this.

(click to enlarge)

This beautiful set of beads: neckless, bracelet & earrings arrived at my home via a package from South Africa Wednesday. They are so very lovely.

My wonderful friend, Retha, had told me she wanted to make a set for me and even let me pick the colors and the length. How special. I think the pure white and dark blue I selected is just beautiful. She did such a beautiful job and the labor of love that it took means so very much to me. In fact I had tears in my eyes as I opened this special package from so far away.

As proud as I am of the beads the special part of this TELL for me is the special friendship I have developed with this dear young, wonderful Christian woman who lives so many, many thousands of miles away from where I live. As I have told Retha, I will never get to met her on earth, but you can be assured we will meet and hug in Heaven!!! Isn't that an awesome thought?

Thank you Retha for blessing me and being a blessing in my life.

post signature


Mari said...

It is beautiful! What a special gift!

susan said...

Isn't it wonderful to share such a bond with someone so far away. It just proves that we really do communicate with the heart! The beads are beautiful.

SmilingSally said...

Retha is a good and generous friend. I love your color choices. Thanks for sharing. Happy Show and Tell Friday!

Betty said...

That is such a special gift! Looks great!

A Hint of Home said...

It is indeed an awesome thought. The necklace set is very pretty and is a labor of love that is specail.
Thanks for praying for hubby. He is doing well and thankful the heart and arteries all looked good yesterday.

Sue said...

ThIs is so pretty, and just think of all the love that went into making it. I know you will always cherish this. I agree with you we who are believers will one day meet and never have to say good bye, how awesome is that? Thank you for your visit and your kinds words!!

Joy said...

Susan that is a gorgeous set. She does beautiful work. How sweet and generous of Retha to make for you.
Thanks for sharing it with us.


Maxine said...

You have the best friends, Susan! This is so lovely!

Heather said...

what a special present! they are beautiful. you're so luck to have such a great friendship/bond with someone so far away!

Ingrid said...

I love jewelry and what you show here is absolutely gorgious !

Nanna said...

beautiful necklace, I love things that are sentimental to me, thanks for stoping by

Unknown said...

Beautiful gift and so much more special that is was made especially for you.

Thanks for sharing, and for visiting my Northern Ireland blog.

Brenda said...

Gorgeous! I especially love the centerpiece beads. What a friend!

playsdolls said...

Wha true gift you have in your friendship with is so wonderful to have a far away friend.The jewerly set that Retha made for you is so beautiful.

Heidi Pocketbook said...

Very pretty. And to know that such special hands made it for you is wonderful.

Thanks for stopping by to see me and have a good weekend☺

Shirley said...

Those are beautiful! How special for you to be able to wear them and think of the love that went into making them. So much better than something bought. Enjoy!

Momma Roar said...

They are beautiful!! What a wonderful treasure!! And, blue - but of course!! :)

The Old Parsonage said...

Your show & tell is lovely, but the ending comments brought tears to my eyes!

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous!! What a special gift and a special friend. =)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I want Retha as a friend.

Such a beautiful gift, she must care about you very much.

Mrs.T said...

How lovely! The colors are so nice. You will think of your friend whenever you wear these. Isn't it wonderful to know there are friends we'll meet in heaven that we never had the opportunity to know in person here in this life?

Thanks for stopping by my kitchen table, too. Please feel welcome to stop by anytime!

God bless,

KBeau said...

What a beautiful gift. I know you will think of her every time you wear them.

Denise said...

Love your beads! Thanks for your comment on my blog. Won't heaven be wonderful!

Elena said...

That is a beautiful necklace and what a special gift. Handmade gifts are the best kind. Thanks for sharing this and the story behind it! God bless you!

Pink Slippers said...

Something special from someone special. Wonderful.

Chari at Happy To Design said...

Hello Susan...

So happy that you stopped by my place and took a peek at my ebay ironstone bargain...thank you so much for your sweet comments!

Well my friend, (and yes, I can call you friend...after reading your profile, I see that we are sister's in Christ!)...this is my very first time to visit your blog, I'm so glad that I came very nice to meet you!

Your hand-made necklace, bracelet, and earrings are so beautiful and such a priceless treasure!!! I have met so many dear ladies blogging...and although we have never met...they have become so very dear to me!!! And like you and your friend...we'll probably never least on this side of heaven but I what a homecoming that will be when we all meet in heaven!

Warmest wishes and Lord Bless...

Vanessa Cole said...

A beautiful story.....thank you for sharing that.

Gayle said...

The beads are beautiful; the story even better.

Lisa Cobler said...

They are very beautiful. I love the color combination.

Karen Sherrill said...

What a beautiful gift... and a beautiful friend as well ;o),


Dawn said...

Just beautiful. Now you have Kenyan elephant earrings and beautiful beads from South Africa!

My aunt made beautiful jewelry when she was a missionary in Africa - she shopped and sold beads for years over there.

Susie Homemaker said...

So pretty...she was so kind and generous to make them just for you.


Yellow Rose Arbor said...

A very nice gift!

I'm glad to see you back with Show and Tell, have missed seeing you participate with us!


Susan B said...

Your friend did a beautiful job on the jewelry. And your color choices are lovely. Thank you for sharing such a precious gift.

Thank you for stopping by my blog. I'm not sure why the pictures didn't show, because I could see them on my computer. I redid them, I hope that fixed the problem. Have a lovely weekend!

marallyn ben moshe said...

shalom susan...i am thrilled to hear from you...and thank you for your kind words about my Mom...i hope you are having a wonderful weekend...hugs and love

Anonymous said...

What a lovely gift for a lovely woman!

Kathy said...

My bridesmaid more Navy in my wedding and I have always loved the elegance of the color combination of Navy and White. How blessed you are to have received such a gift!

michelle said...

Yeah all the way from South Africa!

I need to hook up with Retha!

Carla said...

Just lovely!

... said...

they are beautiful. how nice of her to make them for you. and what a blessing your friendship must be for the both of you.

Karen said...

Thank you for stopping by my blog! Your jewelry set is just beautiful...and very special. Thank you for sharing it.

Alice said...

these are really beautiful and your friend did such a great job making your gift! i love the blue beads you picked out for the bottom stones - really pretty! wow! you'll be quite stylish :O). thanks for sharing.

There is always room in The Shadow of the Cross. Feel free to visit anytime :O).

Secondhand Blessings said...

What a beautiful gift, and to think it's handmade by someone yu know! She did a nice job on it.

Kelli said...

Oh, they are so pretty! I love the blue!

Barbara said...

A lovely gift Susan and I can see how well they will suit you.

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful special keepsake gift

The Olson's: said...

Beautiful! Such a special gift!