Wednesday, March 18, 2009


It always pleases me to introduce someone special to me and my life. I have that privilege today....please meet Paula.

Paula is the wife of our beloved Pastor Gary. She hasn't had her blog very long and it is called BLESSING FOR TODAY.

Paula's desire is to be a blessing to others, especially pastor's wives. Gary has been ministering as Senior Pastor at Coweta Assembly of God for the past 16 years. Prior to that he served as Youth Pastor at another church. During these years she has experienced many joys and lessons as a Pastor's wife to share with all of us.

Paula & Gary

Paula is a bundle of energy and fun and has a great outgoing personality. You will quickly see that as you read her posts and get to know her.

I invite you to drop over and meet her . Be sure and tell her Susan sent you.
You will get your BLESSING FOR TODAY.
post signature


Mari said...

All right - I'm heading over there!

Betty said...

WIll be heading over there. Just wanted to wish you a good day!

retha said...

Thank you ma'am for sharing your friend.I read the post on the shoes an funeral gave me a bit of familiar laugh. I'll be reading there regularly.

Brenda said...

I went over the other day and 'met' her. I look forward to reading her blog.
Thanks for letting us know!

Susan said...

How nice!! I'll head over to meet Paula today. Hope you're well.



Nadine said...

Just because you said - :)

I'm going to check it out. Thanks.

Joy said...

I'll check it out.
Also, Susan, I wanted to ask you if you voted on the sidebar on that travel blog.
Thank Susan, Some were confused if it was leaving comments or voting in the side bar. She said it had to be in the side bar.


... said...

i'll go over and say hi. it's so nice to read a blog where you personally know the person. i only have a couple of those.

Debra said...

As always I'm a little late reading this, but I will be sure to pay her a visit. Hope you have a great day today Susan!

Momma Roar said...

I will be sure to stop over and say hello!!