Royal Rangers Pinewood Car Derby & Sleep-over
(click to enlarge all pictures)
Aric & his grandpa (that would be the Mickey) have been busy the last several weeks getting Aric's pinewood derby car ready for the big race.

A close-up of the finished car.
6:30 Friday night was the big race!! The first thing they had to do, when getting to the church, was register and weigh-in their car.

Of course there were hot-dogs, chips, soda's and freshly baked chocolate chip cookies and various games after the race.
At 9 they had lock-in for the night. Marc went home at this point but Aric & Grandpa did the sleep-in. Mickey had taken a double air mattress that blew-up for the two of them to sleep on. Aric with his bedroll and Grandpa with his comforter. Just one problem.....the air mattress did not stay blown up!!!! Oh well, such are the joys of being a grandpa and a Royal Ranger leader.
The next morning the very tired grandson and grandpa came and got grandma and the three of us went to Aric's favorite spot in Coweta. The Sticky Bun's doughnut shop!! Grandma likes it, too :o)
Aren't Pinewood Derbys fun? Our 4th grader had one for Cub Scouts (didn't win but had a ball!)
That sleepover sounds a bit hard on Grandpa's back, but what great memories they'll have!
What great fun. I did several GA's (Girls in Action) lockins with my girls. I had one year my mattress would stay inflated.
I'm sure Grandpa was glad to get back to his own bed.
What special memories you're giving Aric!
I've been on one of those air matresses, not fun.
Have a great week, Susan.
Wow - Aric had a great day! Congrats to him on his winning. What a neat thing for Aric and Mickey to do together.
What a great Memory!
We have a problem with Air Mattresses too! Last night while my husband and I where on our date. We stopped and got a new air mattress for a camping trip the family is going on Wednesday. As we looked and looked...we pay for what you get in a quality air mattress. (at least we hope so)!
Thanks for a great Post...Julie
Wow - how great that his car did so great! And what a great grandpa to stay the night.
Congratulations, Aric! That's a great looking car!
What a treasure for Aric & Mickey to do this together. And Mickey was so brave to spend the night! Did they sleep much? Susan, you must be so proud of them both!
~ Leanne
Oh I remember many years of Pinewood Derbys....many years with cub scouts with our son, Colt. I'm sure your little Aric had a great time and what memories he and Grandpa made!
What a wonderful fun time for everyone. I am glad they shared this time together.
My husband did the pine wood derby car racing with my sons when they were in boy scouts! They had a great time doing it!
What a great car! He looks so happy with his ribbons. And what a great grandpa to spend that time with him!
Mickey sure is a good sport.
And good job on the car. I was always the AWANA car builder for my boys. My husband did not enjoy that kind of thing. And we always took home some sort of ribbon, whether racing or just for looks. Those were fun days.
Aric and his grandpa did a great job. Wonderful pictures of the event.
These look like the boys did them themselves! Cool!!
Congratulations. A lovely car and fast too!
Hope grandpa recovered from the sleep loss.
I think I will say it every time, still, it is so wonderful to me that you and your husband, Ma'am are so involved with your family. How wonderful for Aric to have such grandparents.
I loved this post Susan.. what a great Grandpa Mickey is!
Those moments are so precious...Blessings to your family.
congratulations to aric!
and way to go mickey. i'm impressed. it's not easy being a leader at a lock-in. probably my least favorite part of being a youth leader.
Congratulations to Aric! What an exciting day for him. The car was adorable and they did a great job on it.
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