I have always loved music. When I was a very little girl I would beg, and BEG my parents for a piano. There had been a piano in our family before I came along that apparently no one played. and it had been sold. When I came along, about 5 years old, asking for a piano it did not meet with a great deal of enthusiam!!! But with the persistance of a child I kept asking.
Three years later, when I was 9 years old and in the 4th grade, my parents finally gave in and bought an old used spinet piano for me and I began to take lessons. I took from an individual in her home for several years and then the piano teacher told my father that she had taken me as far as her ability could and I needed to be placed for more advanced teaching. At that point my parents enrolled me at Loretta Academy where I took the remainder of my piano training from various nuns. It was excellent training for me.
Loretta had practice piano rooms and once in awhile we could even play on the concert grand piano!!!! Oh, how I loved that. Where you hear tales of most children and young people having to be "made" to practice, I was just the opposite. In fact, at my house, it was usually my mother saying, "Please, Susan, get off the piano for awhile."
Here are a couple of pictures of me in my teen years on this old blond spinet piano.
Get a load of the apron in the one picture. I was probably suppose to be doing the dishes but instead was playing my beloved piano.
In 1956, at the age of 18 I bought this brand new Wurlitzer piano in ebony. I loved it!!!! I still love it... it has been moved all over the country and from home to home and currently sits in the corner of my living room. It is in pretty good shape for being 53 years old. I can't remember how much I paid for it, but I know I made monthly payments of $25 for it. It was the first item I ever went into debt for.
I accompanied in music class and programs in high school. I played in church both while I was still living at home and then in various Baptist Churches over the early years of our marriage. I played the keyboard in a small non-denominational church when we move to Coweta in 1998. Haven't played much since.

I have many, many pieces of individual sheet music and various paino music books. I just laid out a few of them here for this picture to give you a sampling. Although most of the music is advanced I even have some beginning piano teaching books that my children used when they were young.
I have decided to start liquidating most of this music so........if anyone reading this is interested in purchasing antique sheet music of a wide variety just leave me a comment and I'll get back to you with a complete list of everything I have.
Susan, I love the pictures of you playing the piano. I'd love to hear you play it.
I know what you mean about sheet music. I have tons of my own. I took piano from 2nd grade - 12th grade. My two girls have both taken lessons too. My oldest used my books from when I was a little girl. She loved it. I wasn't quite the practicer I should have been though.
I think playing the piano is such a wonderful talent to have. My mom played when she was young but we didn't have a piano in our house growing up so I only was able to hear her once or twice. I love your piano, Susan!
Love the photos of you at the piano.
I never have played the piano,but my dil does and I love to listen to her play.
Thanks for sharing
God bless
I loved seeing the pictures of you. I love music too and took lessons for quite a few years. Our piano was also a Wurlitzer and my Mom bought it about the same time you got yours. I enjoyed this post!
This is a beautiful story Susan. It shows how much you loved piano.
I loved them too but never got one as a child. After I was married my husband paid $25. for an antique piano the church was replacing. Oh how I loved that thing!! I don't have it anymore but do have a nice keyboard.
I never learned to read music, just played from memory.
You said you don't play much now. Why?
I was the same way with practicing - my sister hated it, and regrets it to this day that she didn't keep going with the piano.
I began lessons at age 7 and was playing for our tiny little church (my dad pastored) at age 8. The songs were picked by Dad and he led them - they were part of my lesson each day. My piano was destroyed when my folks were moving while I was in college - someone forgot to fasten the back of the truck and they headed up a hill. I was devastated!
I have played either piano or organ ever since, except while I was in college and everyone else was so much better!
When we moved to a large city, my folks couldn't afford lessons any more, regretfully - I wasn't able to reach my full potential.
Aw, memories!
I DO love the pictures. I thought, "Is that an apron she has on??" How precious. I think it captures your serving and ministering heart all in one photo. (I just know that when you play that you also minister to the Lord.) Uh, if I picked up any sheet music I think my husband would have me rent a storage building. BUT, if you have a favorite that I might be interested. I think I would love to have a piece of your youth, and I would treasure it as being from a very Godly woman. Tell me what you have....(but keep it quiet, okay?) : ) Teasing.
Susan, I had no idea you played. I am sure your playing is beautiful. It's funny how God puts the desire and talent in certain people. Thanks for sharing the pictures and the memories. Love the one in the apron!
It's a beautiful piano!! I didn't know you played. Do you ever sit down and play now?
T grew up with a piano and had lessons. I grew up with an organ in the house, but it was broken and mom hasn't played in a long time.
We'll need to think of purchasing one, as Q is eager to learn!
What a wonderful talent and gift to have! I dearly love piano music. Enjoyed seeing the pics!
Hey Susan!
This is a good post...being a musician and all...of course I would love it. :o)
Your piano is lovely! Bet it sounds lovely as well!
I remember somewhere in one of your posts that you mentioned you played.
Our church has a grand piiano...I love to play it!
Oh yeah...I forgot to tell you...those teen photos of you are really neat...what a great memory!
i remember you saying that you used to play the piano but i didn't realize how much you loved it. thank you for sharing this part of you with us. love those old pictures.
why don't you play anymore? and if you happen to have a copy of moonlight sonata, i would be thrilled to receive it. that was my favorite and what i played over and over again.
What has gotten into you???
oh my goodness. I need to come up there and take your temperature!!!
How fun to see those wonderful photos of you playing the piano, Susan! They are precious!
I took piano lessons on and off growing up...I only got good enough to to play "a little" but sometimes I like to sit down and just tinker. We have the one I grew up with, an old mahogany Kimball and I really need to get my girls started with lessons now.
I tried to learn to play as an adult but never could get the hang of it, but I love to listen to piano music. Have you ever heard of Di scherling??? she has some beautiful CD's out.
This made me smile as I too, play and started at the same age as you. My mom used to tell me to, "Stop playing that piano" quite often, hehe. I always went and sat to play right after dinner every night.
My piano sits quiet now unless Beto comes home and plays it. He plays by ear just for fun.
I usually open it at Christmas and play some caroles, but that's about it.
Why don't you play any more?
Hi Susan,
Love the pictures!
Is the sheet music of old hymns? My brother just recorded his 2nd cd of his rendition of old hymns on piano. I love listening to it, and have an idea brewing of making a type of journal using old sheet music for him.
I didn't realize you played the piano! I do too and started playing when I was 10. I began playing in church at 14 and played in several Baptist churches throughout the years. I give lessons here at home. I was the same as you...the piano called my name and I loved it...always on it! Music is a big part of my life!
Loved this post! (and your pics)
Have a great week!
Awwww... I didn't know you play the piano. Did you know I have played since I was 5? And now I teach once, very selectively...
Totally loved the apron! Too cute!
How I would have loved to hear you play!! Growing up, I always wanted to learn how to play the piano but my parents couldn't afford one. When we got new neighbours and they had a girl my age, complete with piano and who took piano lessons, well I was in my glory! lol She would come home from piano lessons then teach me on her piano what she had learned. Before you knew it, I could play as fluently as her:-) Only problem is, I can't read music notes, I play by ear! lol xoxo
How blessed you were. I would have loved to have learned to play the piano. My children who had every opportunity and played well, gave it up.
Fun to see your old home Susan.
What treasures, Susan! I love the story of your piano. It is the one regret I have, not learning to play. Oh well.
I wish you well as you "liquidate" some of these things.
A lovely post. Great photos. I was like that with the piano too. Couldn't get enough of it.
What a beautiful post! I love your pictures. You were quite a beauty, then and now. Your beauty shows through your lovely spirit. I would love to have a couple of pieces. Hymns if you have it. I'd love for my little girl to learn some music for church in a year or so. She's two, but she loves to sing already. Blessings!
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