Saturday, July 3, 2010

Spring Honey Flow

This is the 3rd flow of honey that Mickey has harvested since becoming a bee keeper. One last year, one in mid-may and now the first of the Spring Honey Flow.

The first dozen bottles and caps all ready.

The honey in the bucket after being extracted and filtered once.

Mickey filters his honey two additional times before bottling it.

16 pints of pure, wonderful honey in the bottles.

The finished product!!!!!!

Pure, edible honey comb!!!!!

This post can't be closed off without also reporting that Mickey was attacked by his bee's prior to this harvesting and was stung TEN times. As one of my blog/fb friends, Kathy, said, "It just makes the honey taste sweeter."

I love it that honey is one of the foods mentioned so much in Scripture!!!
Thank you Jesus and thank you bees.

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Mari said...

What a beautiful batch of honey. How "sweet" of Mickey to do all the work and get stung as well!

weavermom said...

Oh, poor Mickey! Exactly why I'm too chicken to have bees though! I love the honey, but I'm terrified of the little things. Does he know why they did that so he can avoid a repeat?

The honey looks delicious!!! Yum!

Oklahoma Granny said...

My husband is very allergic to bee stings so we'd would never be able to have the little honey makers. I've heard many times that local honey can really be a big help to those with allergies.

Kahri said...

Beautiful! Can't wait to get up there and buy some from y'all!! :-) Tell Mickey's bees to be nice. ;-)

Michelle-ozark crafter said...

That honey is so lovely!

Anonymous said...

I'm here to testify that Mickey's bees make great honey. It was a wonderful treat for us to enjoy a jar!

retha said...

Beautiful honey comb that is.
Good to hear it was only once that the Sir was attacked!

Does the honey have a specific flavour, Ma'am?

Just Mom said...

Oh my goodness, YUMMY!

I thought about Mickey and his honey bees when we were at Disneyland last week standing in line to ride the Winnie-the-Pooh ride in cars shaped like swirls of honey. :-D