Wednesday, December 22, 2010


Yesterday was our normal King's Kitchen delivery of a hot meal to the 52 shut-ins we currently serve each and every Tuesday.

But today, being the Christmas delivery, was an extra special delivery. One of the joys for Mickey & I in heading up this ministry is ALL the support that we have not only from the ones who faithfully serve week after week, but the general support we get from the Church body. That is what today's post is all about.

FIRST, the single adult class made hand-made book marks & hand-made personalized Christmas cards for each of the 52 recipients. These were given to them with today's meal.

SECOND, one of the families in our church, The Humphries, fixed turkeys for Thanksgiving at the church this year and invited any within our Body who wanted to bring a side dish and a dessert to join them. They ended up with quite a few people attending. Just like Jesus did with the loaves and fishes they ended up with lots of left overs. They called us, as they were preparing to clean up the kitchen that day and asked if The King's Kitchen would like the left overs. We were delighted as Mickey said "yes" very quickly!!! Then to our amazement they proceeded to prepare and seal up 32 meals for us!!!! Yes, loaves & fishes just like in the Bible. Since we deliver a hot meal each Tuesday we came upon the idea to add 20 more prepared TV dinners and in addition to their hot meal today each person received a frozen meal which they can heat-up and eat as they like and want.

We had a crew of 13 today, plus 3 children. Sorry I didn't get each and everyone of them in these pictures. With the hustle & bustle that goes on when the trays are being filled, and then sealed, and ALL the items being placed into the 2 coolers each of the 5 teams use for the delivery, and today adding the Christmas cards, bookmarks and extra frozen meal, it got a little hectic. I did good to think and grab my camera and get these two shots!!!

Most of these people I have already introduced to you in past posts about this special operation but I had to take this picture because the beautiful lady at the sealing machine is our new Pastor's wife, Michele. She is a grade school teacher and is off this week for Christmas break and came down to fill in one slot on a delivery team of one of our men, Jimmy, who was home ill today. Since Jimmy also doubles for us by running the sealing machine Mickey asked Michele to fill in there for us also. What a trooper she is and what joy to have Michele be part of the operation today.

The menu today was: turkey breast, stuffing, gravy, green beans, cranberry sauce, hot roll, butter, 1% milk and a dessert of either red velvet cake, chocolate cake or chocolate cookies.

A complete Christmas Dinner, a smiling face to deliver it, a sweet greeting, a prayer shared and joy in the hearts of those who are blessed to serve in this way.

And yes, being we are in Oklahoma, the first meal in January - January 3rd - will be black-eyed peas and cornbread!!!

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Sharon said...

You and your church should show GOD's work here on earth. What blessing you are.
Have a Merry Christmas to you and yours and prayers for all.

Kathy said...

Fabulous post! Truly, the King's Kitchen! Jesus Himself accompanied you as you prepared and delivered these wonderful meals.

Devoted said...

I get excited every time I read about THE Kings Kitchen. What a joy... what a blessing... both coming and going. God bless you my dear friend, may your CHRISTmas be filled with all the love your hearts can hold!

Brenda said...

I know I say this so much, but what a wonderful blessing not only for the shut-in's but for the workers as well.