Friday, April 13, 2012

The Weapons of our Warfare.....

The longer I walk with the Lord the more amazed I am!!! 

We know:  For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but migthy through God to the pulling down of strong holds. II Corinthians 10:4 but this was brought home to me yet again this week!!!

Here is the story:  I, through God's help and walking with Him for so many years, been able to build up a fairly good arsenal of these wonderful, not carnal, weapons.  Thy Word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee.  Psalm 119:11 - This is the foundation, and the only foundation, for this wonderful arsenal He builds up in us.  But I'm sure you've noticed that God ALWAYS, if we have "eyes to see, and ears to hear", will use various ways of reinforcing just what we are going to need before a situation even comes up. Why should we be surprised!  He knows what is coming and He prepares us.  He loves us so!!!!

My WOW Woman Bible Study group started a new book that was recommended by one of the members.  It is Kerry Kirkwood,  The Power of Blessing.  We had only finished 2 chapters of this book that is teaching no matter what happens we are to speak blessings upon the circumstance and all the people concerned.  Kerry Kirkwood doesn't say this but I also thought about the Beatitudes which teach that we "turn the other cheek" and also it reinforced a strong foundation in my life that I don't have to "defend" myself because The Lord is my defender.

So, on Tuesday afternoon, just about 2 hours before WOW is to gather I got hit by a situation.  I instantly KNEW that it was nothing but an attack of my enemy, satan, and I just stood on The Word, pulled out my "not carnel" weapons and told satan I was on to him and he had met his foe in this Child of the King.  Then I spoke blessings over every piece of it.  By the time we had finished Chapter III, and the last WOW woman left this entire attack had been put to rest - BY GOD!!! 

HE is so faithful.  I love HIM so.
I would love to hear of some of your "learning" experiences of The Goodness of our GOD.

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Mari said...

I love how we can look back on situations and see how God was working before it came up.
He is amazing!

Sharon said...

He does help get us through lots of trials of evil.
He is amazing for sure.
Have a great weekend.

retha said...

Jason had to go do work out of town. The LORD said for us not to go. At work he was told go, you must go.
We did not go. The day we would have left a pass half way to that town was closed because of snow.
We were cosy at home.

Sylvia said...

So, so true Susan.