This is a victory pose
Mickey (upper left) David Killion (lower left)
Gene Killion (right)
just before the last small, remaining fence panel is put in place
June 2nd.
Now, for the story~~~~~~~~~
This wonderful father and son team, Gene & David Killion
spent 11 days (off and on due to the rain, rain and more rain,)
repairing 64' of privacy fencing in our back yard, that was destroyed by a very HIGH winds one evening in a violent rain storm.
Gene & Mickey surveying the damage on May 23rd.
Gene, David & Mickey then began dismantling the busted, damaged fence sections, loading it on their trailer and hauling it off.
There was a total of 8 posts and sections, all but 4 posts were taken out today.
Tuesday, the 24th, after King's Kitchen, work began again
Gene removing one of the 4 remaining posts.
The 25th it rained HARD all day
The 26th the 3 of them made the trip to Lowe's to pick up all the supplies.
Gene had priced out the material ahead of this and when they got it all today, due to the 9 panels being on sale, the price was $129.95 LESS than anticipated. Thank you Jesus!!
Lowe's loaded it all for them, but of course these 3 had to unload all these heavy items.
David, Mickey & Gene letting me get another picture of them.
The poles and old fencing gone.
May 27th ~~~~~~ Gene & David worked hard all day by themselves. Mickey didn't even help today.
May 28 - all three of the guys worked 5 hours today digging 2' deep post holes and cementing 7 posts in place.
Sunday, May 29th through Tuesday, May 31st no work was done while the cement hardened and set the posts securely.
Wednesday, June 1st a great number of the fence panels are attached.
Thursday, June 2nd the last large panel being measured and ready to set in place.
This picture is out of order, but this other small piece at the opposite end was the very last piece to be put in place.
These three wonderful guys, Mickey, David & Gene humored me with one last picture, peeking through the hole!
Almost done!!! The last large panel piece and we no longer have to look in our neighbors yard.
Love is talked about a lot ~~~ but this father, Gene Killion, and son, David Killion showed true love and servant hearts in laboring so hard for so many days to repair this 64' of privacy fence for Mickey & I.
I know our GOD is going to bless them above and beyond,