Friday, August 14th, one of our 2 Oklahoma Senators, Tom Colburn, held a Town Hall meeting from 9-10 a.m. It was scheduled to be held in the Broken Arrow Community Theater. The crowd was so BIG that it was moved 3 blocks to the Broken Arrow Community City gym. Cars were parked everywhere and we ended up parking on a side street down a ways and walking.

It was a totally orderly group. The crowd was a group of all ages, although perhaps senior citizens out numbered by a bit. The majority seemed to be against Obama's health care plan as it currently stands, although it was felt that something has to be done about our current health care system. and problems. The majority consensus of opinion is that it needs to be reformed but for the government not to take it over.
There was one woman who walked the entire perimeter of the gym, in front of the bleachers and chairs, the entire time carrying a sign about Change. No one bothered her and she was even one of the questioners.
One assistant walked around and gave the mic to various ones to ask questions. I think there were about 9 or 10 questions asked. Most of Senator Colburn's answers were met with much applause, clapping, hurrahs & stomping of feet.
Tom Colburn is a Medical Doctor so he has a great understanding of the medical system as it currently stands, both good and bad.
We left feeling really good about the interest and support in our area for the Congress to take their time and truly come up with a Health Care plan that will take care of people and the problems we currently face and yet stick to the Constitution. There was a general opinion, with the majority of the people, that Obama and the current majority Congress and House of Representatives are getting our country into too much debt and usurping too many powers.
Our other Senator, Jim Inholf, is not holding Town Meetings but has a statement of his stand on the Health Care issue on his web sight. This Town Hall meeting was one of 9 that Senator Colburn is holding.
We didn't get any national news coverage and I'm sure it was because our area is one they felt would not be contentious or make for big news!!!
We were proud to be a part of this Town Hall. Proud that we have a Senator who gets out among the people, not only at this occasion but others. I hope if you have a chance to attend a Town Hall in your area by your Senator or Representative that you will take part.
We ALL need to be good Citizens of our Great Country and do all we can to ensure that it stays the Great Country is has been. Take your stand and make your voice heard.
Very interesting post. We haven't had any town hall meetings that I know of, but, my husband and I are watching nightly news coverage on this issue.
Thank you so so much for the sweet gift of music you sent!I'm so excited and can't wait to hear it being played here in our house! You are such a sweetheart! Love and Blessings!
That's great that you were able to attend.
There was one in a city just a little north of us, with one of our senators, Arlen Spector. I think many went just to ask why he switched from the R party to the Dem party.
wow - thanks for the update - since I'm out of town, I was wondering/hoping that things were happening there, related to the whole health care issue.
Susan, a few weeks back I remember a comment you made that we cannot afford, any longer, to be uninformed Christians. You're living that statement out, and you are so right. Thank you for being a voice.-Kathy
So glad you had some positive feelings, some of the Town hall meetings turn into a shouting match.
So happy your meeting went's so sad how some of those meetings turned out.
Amen, Amen, Amen! I saw your title and just got so excited. I knew you must have attended one! I have followed Sen. Colburn for a few years now and really like what I know of him.
Now that my company has left, I intend on seeking out a townhall here! We had one quite rowdy one in Tampa last week.
The landscaping there at the gym was so pretty!
The best stand we can take though, is on our knees. :)
I am SO encouraged by this, Susan! That was an excellent turn out and I'm so glad you two were able to go! Our Senators aren't having live town hall meetings, but one of them is having tele-town hall meetings and one is tonight. We will try to call in, but whether we get through or not, I don't know.
I agree....something needs to be done about health care, but government involvement is NOT the answer.
I did feel like the media was giving these town hall meetings negative publicity on the side of the conservative view. I'm so glad you shared your experience, which showed a gathering of orderly citizens!
Have a great day!
What a great thing to attend! We have not had any in our area in a very, very long time!
Susan! I didn't realize you were a member of some protest organization. :)
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