Wow!!! What a 5 weeks it's been for us!!! Here is the over-all recap.
July 17 & 18th - Trip to Eureka Springs/Branson with Tuesday evening Bible Study.
July 23 & 24th - Trip to Eureka Springs area cabin of our friends and neighbors Wayne & Jimmie. We were to stay longer but forgot the suitcase!!! What????
July 31- August 3 - #1 Son, David's visit from S.F., CA
August 1 - Getting to meet blogger friend #9 - Lisa from TX her husband & 4 daughters. Pure delight.
August 2nd - Marc's 40th birthday dinner celebration for 16
August 7 - Trip to Tulsa Air & Space Museum & Planetarium with Aric
August 9 - 11 - Mickey's niece and her husband, Karen & Tommy, from Chesapeake, VA visit.
August 9 - Karen & Tommy arrive - Dinner for 12
August 10 - Sight seeing to ORU - Out to lunch - then family gathering of 12 at restaurant.
August 11 - The movie with Oksana which I will post here.
Mix all this in with Church Sunday a.m. & p.m. - Bible Study Monday morning - Bible Study Tuesday evening - Church Wednesday evening - several Thursday evenings out to dinner with friends, Don & Barbara.
Oh, and bee extraction's (2) - and don't forget all the food preparation for the 2 large dinner parties, plus the clean-up!
Wheeeeeeee I'm tired...... but wouldn't have missed one minute of any of this wonderful, blessed life the Lord allows Mickey & I to share.
School starts next Thursday, August 20th. Boy that seems early. When our kids were in school it started the Monday after Labor Day. Even the kids have been put on a faster pace and schedule.
We wanted to do something "special" with Aric & Oksana before they had to be back in school. I've shared Aric's trip to the Space Museum and we let Oksana choose what she wanted to do.
Monday evening after our family get together at Ma*car*oi's Grill Oksana came home with us and spent the night. After a big breakfast, lazying around watching TV, then fixing and eating lunch and seeing Karen & Tommy off, Oksana and I RUSHED to Tulsa and the movie theater to see Ju*lie - Ju*lia. Now as most of you know, I am not a big movie or video watching fan but Oksana loves to go to the movies.

This is an adorable, entertaining movie and I thoroughly enjoyed every minute of it and so did Oksana. I would highly recommend it to any and all. The story was delightful.....When Oksana selected it she said, "It's about blogging grandma so I'm sure you'll like it". It was ..... I did. The acting was excellent and the story was delightful. I did not realize until we had seen it that it was a true story. I knew the part about Ju*lia Ch*ilds was but not the part about Ju*lie.
Just one negative point.....I think it is highway robbery that 2 small soda drinks and 1 medium pop-corn to share during the movies cost $13.25!!!!!!! This goes totally against my frugal life style and idea of correctness. But,'s only once a year and what's a movie with out pop and pop-corn? Not gonna happen!!!!
I'll be posting tomorrow about what Mickey & I did Friday, August 14th. Another exciting adventure and privilege.
Today is another busy day - Ronnie is coming over for Mickey to help him with more honey extraction.
I'm glad you enjoyed the movie with your grand-daughter. Also good to know you gave it a possitive review, as I was wondering.
Sounds like you are having the time of your life. It is wonderful to be so blessed!
Ann and I saw and enjoyed the Julie/Julia movies too.
Great travelogue and pictures in your last posts Susan. Looks like a great summer in your neck of the woods.
You have been really busy. It makes me tired just to read it! Thanks for the movie review - it's hard ot find good ones!
I liked the blogging factor in this movie too. We identify, huh.
Wow. You have been busy.
I want to go see that movie also. I like Julia Child and blogging so I'm sure I will enjoy it too.
I'll go read on that movie. If ever it comes here would want to see it. Because you 'passed' it.
Oksana, hope it goes better.
Forgot to say, happy to see Jessica was also at the niece-meal.
You're are so right about the popcorn and soda, cost more than a matinee movie. Crazy. Fortunately for us, since I've been making my own popcorn, the movie popcorn is way too salty-- and I pay for it with the swelling!--so it doesn't appeal to me like it used to.
I really want to get out and see that movie. Maybe I can snag Reva and we can catch a matinee this week. Today's her birthday so that'd be a good excuse right?
Have a great week.
You've had a great summer! I have heard much good about this movie, and maybe will part with the money and the change of my life style to actually go see it with the friends I wrote about in my last post.
I hope I'm your #10 to MIRL! But knowing you, there could be more between now and November!
and it's a good thing the Lord has given you stamina!!! man alive, that is a busy schedule you keep! *grinning* ... i'd be taking naps every opportunity i could get ... !!
blessings on you!
I want to see that movie too. I spread my movie going out also. Those prices are ridiculous.
I hate paying them too.
Whew! Susan! You've been busy!
My husband and I have never been to Branson and hope to go one day.
Also wanted to see that movie Julia & Julie. Glad you thought it was ok. Maybe we can go next week end!
Get some rest!LOL!
You are the busiest woman I know. Sounds like you are the kind of grandma that all of us wish we had. Love you all.
I think I'll check that movie out myself. I don't buy the soda and popcorn at the movies for myself. WAAYYYY too expensive for my liking.
Yes, you've been busy - I get tired just reading, LOL!!
What a fun time - I love Mac Grill!! Mmmmmm
I really hope to see that movie while it is still in the theater - what a special treat for you both. And how sweet that she thought you'd like it b/c it was about blogging!! :D
I want to see that movie - I'm glad you went and liked it.
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