SUZETTE - Answered Prayer
Monday, the 18th, Suzette & I went to an appointment with her local Dr. Cole and he told us he was wanting to talk to NIH for the results of the tests that they had done on her.
He set up the appointment for this morning at 9:30 to begin the chemo therapy......IF we had no answer from NIH.
AT 9:30 THIS MORNING DR. COLE WALKED INTO THE ROOM AND INFORMED US HE HAD JUST GOTTEN OFF THE PHONE WITH DR. CARTER FROM NIH!!!! They believe that Suzette will qualify for a stage II study they are doing. They have 2 opening left and they have reserved one of those slots for Suzette. They have one last test to run on another cell and we will know for sure by Friday.
PRAISE GOD - PRAISE GOD When I told Dr. Cole, "This is an answer to prayer!!" He replied, "Yes, it is!" God has even made sure that Suzette has a Christian Dr. who believes in prayer and knows that God is the true healer who quite often uses Dr!!!!!
I invite you to read my previous post, "What is Truth" to see our stand on this and why this is just confirmation of THE TRUTH as we walk through this journey we found thrust upon us 22 days ago when we heard the awful words "Suzette has lung cancer".

Susan I just read your message about Suzette and I am so sorry!! I will certainly keep her in my prayers.
How wonderful that our heavenly Father reserved a place for her in this study. He is so good!
God bless you and yours.
Standing firm here dear friends and continuing to pray.
God has certainly shown Himself already as you've traveled this path. I'll keep praying!
First of all, your daughter is absolutely beautiful. What a smile. And those eyes! : ) Oh, I just love them.
God is in charge of this whole thing; I am absolutely certain of this much.
I will now go and read your more recent post. Hugs and blessings.
The shorter hair suits her beautifully!
A man I adopted as my "spiritual dad" would always say "It's a miracle!" even with the smaller things we don't think of as miracles really are when you think about it. :) (((hugs)))
Standing with you!
Standing with you as you know in this most difficult time. I like Suzette with her short hair too.
Prayers will sure continue here.
I sure do like her hair cut short.
Thanks for the updates.
God is in your corner.
So happy to read your update. Of course Suzette and you all continue to be in my prayers.
Sounds like the Lord is already working and answering our prayers! PTL!
Keep us posted with updates!
Love and prayers!
I can just feel your joy, Susan, at this news. We'll continue to pray for her.
You are in my prayers, Susan. May God show Himself strong as he uses this trial to make you all more like Him!
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