Monday, August 8, 2011

"D" is for .........DAILY and many more

Another letter for Alphabet in August over at Chiot's Run.

DAILY - Being a very DISCIPLINED person I have many things I do on a DAILY basis.  Of course a lot of these fall into the category of household chores and regular health & cleanliness routine, but also on my list are:(1) each morning my husband and I having a time of DAILY devotional readings - reading through the Bible together & reading an additional Spiritual related book and then praying together.  I love to read, and my Mickey is not a big reader, so we began the DAILY habit of me reading to him each morning many years ago.  Recently, I have added a DAILY walk as soon as I get out of bed each morning right at day break. This is my 33rd consecutive DAY to do this and I intend to be DISIPLINED enough to continue it.  I have always been thankful that the Lord divided time into DAY'S and I attempt to live in what I call DAY tight compartments, living each DAY and each DAY only, forgetting yesterday and not worrying about tomorrow.

DEVOTED - I am a very DEVOTED person.  First, DEVOTED to God, then to my husband, to my children and grandchildren, to my Church and my Church body.  Along with this I would use the word DEDICATED because to me these to words go togehter.  In fact each word is a definition of the other!!

DUBIOUS - I am not easily taken in by falsehood or DECEPTION and attempt to see the truth in things.

DUTY - I have a high sense of DUTY to preform well to any and all commitments or DUTIES that I have accepted responsibility for. 

DELIBERATE - I am very deliberate in all I do and say.  Doing things on purpose and not haphazardly.  I do not fit into the DELIBERATE definition of slow and unhurried though!!! 

DISCUSS - I love to DISCUSS various things either in writing or in conversation.  I love to exchange views through DISCUSSION.  I do not like, and walk away from, DEBATING things though because DEBATING borders too much on arguing and I do not like to argue.

DISORDER - I do not like DISORDER, either in sound or in  appearance of things.

DELICIOUS - I love to eat!!!  Enough said? !

DELICATE - I love pretty DELICATE things but I am in no way DELICATE in either appearance or emotion.

Thank you for letting me share a few of the "D" words that I relate to. 

If you come to read, please be considerate enough to leave a comment because they mean so very much to me.  Have a wonderful, blessed DAY as you do your DAILY things.

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kc bob said...

Love the word devotion Susan. Thanks for sharing these words with us.

Kansas Bob
Fighting Captcha since 2005

Humble wife said...

Sometimes dismayed.