Last Saturday my husband came in with the mail and handed me a box. I thought, "What in the world is this?" Then I saw the return address and who it was from and was surprised and thought "How sweet of Leigh Ann". Then I opened it and after taking it out of the box, carefully unwrapping the tissue paper wrapped around it and seeing what it was I burst into tears!!!
Only someone with the heart of Leigh Ann could have thought to send, not only me but 2 other of her blog friends, a handmade, precious pillows with our word for the year embroidered on it.
Therein, came the tears....for the past 3 years I've asked the Lord to give me a word on January 1st for that year. In 2009 the word was "unity". Go here to read about it. Then in 2010 the word was "vulnerable". 8 months ago on 1-1-11 it was "persevere".
At the time I thought, "Oh, persevere - that means that we will persevere through Suzette's chemo treatments and she is going to be healed, cured and whole." Little did I know that on May 19th we would be called on to "persevere" in a way that we had not, until the week before, even let enter into our minds or hearts.
Yes, persevere we did, and persevere we are, and persevere we will because Jesus holds us in the palm of His hands and because God has plans and purposes for each and every one of us that we know not, nor can we question why because He is God and He is good and He is all sufficient.
So this precious treasure, from a most precious friend, sits here in my office by the computer where I spend so many hours blogging, in this basket that holds yarn left off from prayer shawls I have made. It reminds me daily that I not only HAVE but CAN and WILL persevere no matter what.
Another reason this gift is so precious to me is because of Leigh Ann and who she is in my life and what she means to me. When I began blogging on January 21, 2007 I wondered if anyone would ever read or comment on my little blog. I had 1 comment on that post and 1 comment on 1/22 post and then on 1/27 I had 3 comments and one of them was from Leigh Ann, but she went under Momma and then LA and it was some time before she told me her full name :o)
Whatever she went by, it was instant connection between the two of us. Strange, because I had just turn 68 years old and she was in her early 30's. Younger than all 4 of my children. But there is no question that ours has been a God connection from the very beginning and one I treasure with all my heart and soul.
So thank you Leigh Ann, you touched me at a level you will never truly understand until we finally get to meet some day in Heaven around HIS throne. I love you and thank you from the bottom of my heart!!!!

Love this! What a neat relationship you have built through this internet connection :)
That LA is one special lady! It was so sweet of her to do this for the three of you, and it will be a good remembrance of how God helped you persevere this year!
You both are amazing and special ladies!
A special gift for a special lady.
What a special and sweet thing for her to do! You will treasure this gift always.
How special is that!
I love how the Lord continues to demonstrate His love for us! How wonderful. I love the pillow. It's just beautiful. I also love how you're keeping the yarn from other shawls in your basket. Persevere in prayer. What a powerful message. Love to you, Susan.
I, too, love how you are keeping the balls of leftover yarn from the prayer shawls.
Love you!
Yes, I love mine as well. I was equally touched. It has been a stretching year for me and the reminder to be "found" faithful is one I need daily in the midst of whatever storm comes my way.
God has blessed us with a connection that is beyond my wildest dreams. Never did I think I would have friends in OK, PA, SD and around the world. The three of you hold a special place in my heart and will always be a reminder of the joy of heaven and the gift of friendship!
Love you my friend...forever.
Beautiful post Susan, and very inspiring to me :)
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