Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Wednesday Hodge-Podge #6

Think I'll take part in hodgepodge this week.  Go here to see other links.

1. Spring is in the air (at least in my neck of the woods) and the birds are singing...what's your favorite bird?  Definitely the Blue Bird.

2. Speaking of you tweet? If so tell us your screen name and we'll come flocking to your Twitter site. Even if you don't let's all pretend here that we do-in 140 characters or less, sum up your week so far.
I do not tweet.  Sunday-wonderful worship & preaching.  Monday-not-my husband wrecked his pickup.  Tuesday-blessed-delivered meals to shut-ins & lead Bible Study in my home. PM.

3. Its been reported recently that employers are not only viewing the facebook pages of potential hires but they're also requesting your facebook password to have a look at what you've kept from public view. What say you?  I do not think they should have access to what you have chosen for private viewing only.

4. It's April and you know what that means-Major League Baseball is back in action. What's your favorite baseball movie? If that's too hard, what's your favorite sports themed movie?  I am not a movie watcher or sports fan so I'll pass on this one. 

5. Something else this season brings-asparagus. Yes please or no thanks? If it's yes please what's your favorite way to have it prepared?  I like long spears steamed.

6. What drives you? (Don't you love how I sandwiched that one in between asparagus and jugglers???)  My love and devotion to my Lord and Savior, Jesus the Christ.

7. April 18th is International Jugglers Day...can you juggle? No, nor do I have any desire to do so!

8. Insert your own random thought here. How do you deal with negative people?

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April said...

I enjoyed your answers, Susan...have a great day!

Joyce said...

How do I deal with negative people? I try to stay away from them : ) Course sometimes we're related to them and I try to always bring the positive. I probably sigh around them a lot because negative people are so tiresome.

Marti said...

Thank you for visiting. Our Saturday Bible study meets once a month for pot luck and a study. We take turns teaching, whatever we like. We develop our own lesson plan. This gives us all experience in teaching, developing teaching methods, and the confidence to teach. We are a small group of friends who have been meeting for several years. My Sunday study just finished an overview of Acts, now we are studying the life of the the Kings, beginning with Solomon.

Sharon said...

I truly enjoyed your answers.
I don't do asparagus at all.LOL
Have a great day.

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

Fun post sweetie!!!

God bless ya and have yourself a sunshiny kinda day my friend!!! :o)