Have Marc & Android - WILL TRAVEL
The reason for this title is that we were so happy to have Marc & his android with us on this trip. I'll tell you, that android could spoil you in a quick minute, the way it would pull up any and all information we needed.
July 18-23, 2012 Marc, Mickey & I took a trip to New Mexico. On Thursday, the 19th, we spent the entire day in SANTA FE for the sole purpose of reminiscing and showing Marc some of the many spots of my childhood. It was a WONDERFUL, very emotional day for me.
This Johnny's Market (I short block from my home) was there when I was growing and I made MANY a trip here, for not only bread & milk but candy. I stole a candy bar from here one time, I have no idea how old I was, but when my father found out what I had done, which was almost immediately, he made me go back, by myself, and confess!!! It was a very important life lesson I never forgot.
This sign was not on the vacant block that served as a park and was across the street and between my home and Johnny's Market
By the time I was a teenager they had added a swing set and a teeter totter and here are some picture of me back in those days.
Here I am standing by a huge tree (there was another just as huge to the left) in the park as it is today. The original playground equipment was gone. I had hoped to take a picture in that old swing and on that old teeter totter. The grass and the chain link fence were not there when I grew up.
The old Santa Fe Public Library is now a museum but I spent MANY hours here during the 2 hours I had between my walk to town from grade school & Junior High school and waiting for my father to ride home at 5.
The Palace of the Governors. Indians selling their wares just as they did when I was growing up. It was, and still is a museum and was built around a large, open patio area in the center. As a young person I spent many hours playing here also. When we went to go into the patio to show Marc they now charge you to enter!! That was a shock to me.
The Santa Fe Art Museum - Another place where I spent MANY hours. I have several poignant memories here. One, I use to go in and play the grand piano any time I wanted, which was often. My piano recitals were held here. My forever friend, Joan, and I also got locked in here one afternoon - when they closed we happened to be in the restroom and they were unaware and locked us in!!! I called my father who had to call the Museum Director and he had to come down and open it so we could get out. Oh yes, those days were innocent and free and children growing up today have no idea of those innocent days.
Monument & plaque in the center of The Plaza. Again, many hours playing and running around this monument. It did not have the picket fence when we were growing up.
Another play area - the band stand in the middle of the Plaza. I huge by my legs on those rails many times, as well as jumping and running up and down and all around here.
My father owned and operated H.H. Errett Realty and Insurance from this location. His address was Room 3, Gans Building, Santa Fe, New Mexico.
There are 2 steep, narrow flights of steps up to the second floor, and then another set of steps to the 3rd floor. My dad literally ran up and down these steps several times a day until late in life. One of the reasons he lived to be 86 years & 7 months of age.
The area where my fathers office had been had been closed off to encompass rooms #1, 2, & 3 and the door was locked but opened. I hollered to see if anyone would come. A woman did come from one of the back rooms and when I told her who I was, my story and that my father had occupied Room 3 for many years she was gracious enough to let us in and I was able to take several pictures inside his office.
We, of course, spent a lot of time walking around the plaza, downtown and the various shops. I priced both my squash blossom necklace and my concho belt and was pleasantly surprised at their value!!!
Tired, HOT, and very hungry we used Android to locate a cafe to get some good, authentic MEXICAN food with green chili. Turned out we made a good choice with The Horseman's Haven. When I was growing up the High School Sports Team was called Demon's, but a number of years ago a controversay arose over the name "Demon" and it was changed to Horseman.
The food was as good as we hoped!!!
The sad and final stop of our journey this day was here where my father, mother & 1/2 sister, Marion, are buried.
A sad moment for all 3 of us as Marc & I locate the grave markers. Many tears for me as I have only been back here about 5 times.
Then it was time to drive the 60 miles back to Albuquerque where Marc picked up his rental car so we wouldn't be tied at the hips for the entire trip.
This picture is taken at the home of my forever friend, Joan who, in Phoenix with her husband at a business conference, left us a key and total access to her lovely Albuquerque home for the 5 nights of our stay. I have known Joan since the 2nd grade and all these childhood memories included her. You truly are a "sister" to me Joan. We've been friends for 68 years!!!! Few people can make a claim like that.
The next day, Friday, Marc meet up with a high school friend from his past, Lorri, and they spent the afternoon reminiscing at the Albuquerque sights of their days, rode the tram to the Sandia Crest and went out for dinner. Mickey & I began attending the Hebraic Roots Conference we had come for. THAT will be a separate post.