a 2 z -C = CHILDHOOD
WARNING: Lots of pictures in this one to show some of my childhood.
The single candle says it - 1 year old
My maternal grandparents Martha & Arthur T. Dickey with Marion & I.
My paternal grandparents were deceased before I entered the scene so I never knew them. Since my maternal grandparents lived in Missouri, and in those days we did not travel much I only saw them about 4 times during my lifetime.
My mother Pauline and my father Henry Harrison Errett and I in our front yard at 202 Navajo Blvd., Santa Fe, New Mexico
An early Sunday School class picture at First Christian Church.
My father was a Deacon and he had played Santa Claus at a church program the evening before I was born on Christmas day, 1937. I was raised in this church, which was a Disciples of Christ Church.
I am right behind the girl in the tam on the second row.
Across the street is Harrington Junior High where I went to the 7th, 8th & 9th grades.
The first professional photo of me. My mother had made this dress (as she did most of my clothes)
It was bright blue velvet with pink star buttons - I thought it was so beautiful!!!
Me, with my niece Connie & uncle Ray who were twin children of my father's 2nd daughter.
They lived in Peru and came to the states on a few occasions. They were a year and 2 months older than I.
A little confusing when my father would say, "This (the younger, smaller one) is my daughter, Susan, and these (Connie & Ray) are my grandchildren!!! As we got older Connie & I would say we were "Cousins" because it was simpler and we didn't have to go into all the details.
Susan with her beloved dolls
Flower girl at my Sister Marion's wedding when I was 9
Sister Marion, Mother, Susan & Daddy
At the annual Santa Fe Fiesta (every Labor Day weekend) with a family friend, Ray.
My favorite picture of my Father, Henry Harrison Errett but he went by
HH Errett most of the time.
This was taken, by a street photographer, in front of his office on the plaza.
Susan, by the same street photographer, on the same day.
I thought those moccasins were really something!!
This was on the steps of my first piano teacher's home and after a few years training with her I went to the Loretta Academy nuns for my piano training.
All dressed up in "costume" for a school production we were doing.
My beloved cat, Muffy, which was the only childhood pet I had. She was poisoned and it was the first death, and grieving, of my life. I grieved over Muffy for years.
Susan & Alonzo Martinez
Alonzo's family lived behind us and when he moved in he spoke no English & I spoke no Spanish.
Unfortunately he learned English from me and I never learned to speak Spanish. One of the regrets of my life. Alonzo was a year younger than I and truly a best friend growing up. I have tried to locate him on fb but have been unsuccessful in doing so :o(
Susan, Alonso & my forever friend Joan.
We were 3 close buddies who had so much fun with each other.
We just stayed in Joan's lovely Albuquerque home while in Albuquerque last month for the Hebraic Roots Conference we attended.
Before school one day with my sweater and jump rope.
In front of the State Capital in Springfield, Mo when I was 9 on the only family trip my mother, father & I ever made to Missouri, although my mother & I went a couple of time ourselves by train.
Susan (center) with a group of church friends ready for another Fiesta.
Pauline June Dickey Errett & Henry Harrison Errett in front of our front door.
On of the last and favorite pictures of my Daddy.
He went to Heaven in 1972 at the age of 86 years,
I was only 35.
Grandmother & Grandfather Dickey on their 50th wedding anniversary in 1955. I was not present but my mother was.
I, and most of my generation, were blessed to grow up in what I consider the last generation of innocence. I was blessed with a wonderful foundation of Christianity, family, friends, innocent fun, good education, values & morals.
I would so appreciate your leaving me a comment about your childhood.

I just love looking at these old pictures. You were so cute! That picture of your Dad in front of his office is really nice.
I agree that you grew up in a wonderful time.
I love these pics. I lost both my grandfathers before I was born. I lost my grandmothers 11 months apart- when I had just turned 14, and when I was almost 15.
"generation of innocence" I like that description.Probably before movies and such become so easily accessible.
I loved going through these with you Susan ma'am.
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