A 2 Z Challenge - B = BRENDA & BLESSING
B is definitely for BRENDA and her B.E. Creative Co. and the BLESSING that we received from her.
Our history: Mickey & I meet Brenda, her husband Sunny and her youngest daughter Grace, back in October 2008 when we went to Flagstaff to celebrate our 50th Anniversay. At the time our blog connection had not been very long and since then Brenda, and family, has moved to Colorado. Over these past 4 years of blogging Brenda has become one of those I have developed a very close relationship with. Shortly after our beloved Suzette went to Heaven Brenda contacted me and said she wanted to gift Mickey & I with one of her precious Memory Books she makes and asked me to send her pictures, personal information and various items pertaining to Suzette and her life.
Last Thursday this precious BLESSING arrived at our house. Isn't it just so like God that it "happened" to arrive on August 2nd, the birthday of our youngest son, Marc. An honor to our oldest child, Suzette, arriving on the BD of our youngest child. God never ceases to amaze me in all the minute details HE does for us.
I, nor my camera, are very good and my pictures do not do this treasure justice but I have tried my best to capture it all here.
And though we now are far apart
You hold a big piece of my heart.
I never knew how much I’d grieve
When it was time for you to leave,
Or just how much my heart would ache
From that one fragment you would take.
God let’s this tender hole remain
Reminding me we’ll meet again,
And one day all the pain will cease
When He restores this missing piece.
He’ll turn to joy my every tear,
And when I wear this necklace near
It will become my simple way
To treasure our Reunion Day.
Page 2: Depicts family. A picture of Suzette & Jacque, ages 2 & 3, in front of a picture of their grandmother & grandfather Errett and me. The picture in the lower part of opposite page is the last picture taken of ALL of us with Grandmother Errett before her death. Christmas, 1982 - Susan, Marc, Mickey, Grandmother Errett, Suzette, David, Jacque. Behind that is another picture taken when Marc was a baby - 1970: Suzette, David, Marc, Jacque.
The hand written note: Dear Suzette, It's me, Aric, this is one of the few letters I've written. Please take your time to read this. You see, we all care for you. You're really a great aunt and we all pray for you. Treasure this and please remember we're all there for you. It would take a miracle to survive, so please let this letter go to your heart and treasure it always. Love you so very much, Your nephew, Aric Joyce (Age's age was 12)
The opposite page is a little sheer fabric envelope with a piece of the yarn from the prayer shawl I had made as a Christmas gift for all my children for Christmas 2010 but pulled off the shelf and took to Suzette, along with the above verse on that May 19th evening. Inside is a picture of the prayer shawl with the 3 verses, Jeremiah 31:16-17 - Psalm 33:11 - Proverbs 22:6.
Page 7: Picture of Dave & Suzette, taken at Aric's birthday party, February 3, 2011 which has a heart reading "Dave & Suzette - February 14, 1994" which was their marriage date.
Top of the page: Family picture of Dave, Susan, Marc, Mickey & Suzette taken in December, 1996 and the lower picture of Dave, Aric, Suzette & Marc, also taken February 3, 2011.
Page 8: Christmas pictures: 2008: Suzette, Oksana, Jessica, Jacque, Susan & 2010 Jacque, Jessica, Susan & Suzette in our "BELIEVE" birthday T-shirts.
The back cover: In Daddy's arms May 19, 2011

I'm crying as I read this! What a beautiful memorial of your sweet Suzette, and waht a gift of love from Brenda. She is truly a blessing!
What a precious and special gift from Brenda - she must have taken so much time over it. What a treasure for you all.
Precious gift indeed. Tears are steaming here too.
Now you all have made me cry! It was such a pleasure making this for you and Mickey. Every time I had a moment to get in and work on it, I felt a tad more connected to you both and even though I had never personally met Suzette, I felt like I kind of got to know her a little, if that even makes sense!
Love you both!
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