a 2 z - JOYOUS
A time of JOY - JOYOUS
That's what it was this morning, August 19, 2012, in our small group Real Christianity class as we JOYOUSLY celebrated finishing up our first class, and study of The 10 Second Rule for the past 14 weeks, with a pot-luck breakfast.
Kent & I share the role of facilitators and teachers.
Kent, Kathy, Susan & Mickey.
Kathy is our secretary and Mickey helps Kent & I in a 1,000 and 1 ways with whatever needs done.
Lee treated us with guitar & harmonica music as we ate.
Starting to arrive.
Table laden with fresh fruit, cinnamon rolls, quiches, egg & sausage casseroles, link & regular sausages, orange juice.
Another view of the laden table with chocolate covered strawberries and more cinnamon rolls and
each table had sliced pineapple, which wouldn't even fit on the main food table because we had so much!!
Enjoying the food and
each other..
What a diverse and great group of people that made up this first Real Christianity group. We are looking forward to recapping the next 2 Sundays and then we'll start our brand new study after Labor Day, on September 9th.
Stay tuned for coming attraction!

Looks like a wonderful time!
"Enjoying the food and each other"
Definitely shows it was joyous for al.
There's nothing like fellowshipping with Christians!
Lee looks alot like Jason's Unce Bill! lol!
Have a great week, Susan!
That looks like a wonderful being had by all.
hugs Susan
What a wonderful group of people!!! I am so blessed. Such an amazing fellowship!! I love you all!!
What a wonderful group of people!!! I am so blessed. Such an amazing fellowship!! I love you all!!
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