Do you love to be INSTRUCTED and learn? I do, and I especially love the way God teaches and INSTRUCTS us continually, precept upon precept, if we will but desire that HE do so.
"I will INSTRUCT thee and teach thee in the way which thou shall go: I will guide thee with mine eye." Psalm 32:8 KJV
"Let me give you some good advice; I'm looking you in the eye and giving it to you straight." The Message .
We got some good INSTRUCTION recently and it so altered my way of thinking I wanted to share it here.: We recently went to a conference to hear Bill Cloud speak and one of the many things we learned was that in Hebrew the word "good"- Tov = Something, or someone, is where they are suppose to be, doing what they are suppose to do. Functioning in the purpose it/they was created for. That was one of those "WOW" moments for me!!!
Bad - Rah = evil. Something, or someone, who is NOT where they are suppose to be, doing what they are NOT suppose to do. NOT functioning in the purpose it was created for. Double "WOW"!!! I am evil if I'm not functioning in the purpose that God my Father, and Christ my Savior who died for me, and The Holy Spirit who lives in me, created me to function in.
Conversely, I am good if I am functioning in the purpose that God my Father, and Christ my Savior who died for me, and The Holy Spirit who lives in me, created me to function in.
So then, I have to ask myself: "Am I WHERE I am suppose to be, DOING what I am suppose to do. functioning in the PURPOSE I was created for?"
I'm seriously asking myself this question and I trust you will ask yourself the same question now that this INSTRUCTION has been passed on to you.
I ask you to leave me a comment with your thoughts on this post.

Wow is right, Susan. I never heard it just like that. You're right, the way we use those words...good and evil...changes the meaning somewhat, doesn't it?
Thanks for sharing! This would make a great post to link up to Joy's Faithful Friday tomorrow by the way! :)
Maybe not exactly what you asked
" I will guide thee with mine eye." when I read this, I thought of how a mother can direct the children to do what has to be done.
As you say, I just love hearing the Hebrew of Greek explanation of words. Just illuminates so much in the Bible. Thanks for sharing that.
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