80 YEARS YOUNG - November 24, 1932-2012

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I cannot believe it has taken m 24 days to get back to finishing up about this trip. In a few more days I'll be able to tell you why :o)
Friday, October 5th, David drove us to the San Francisco airport about 5 a.m. to catch our American Airlines flight back to Tulsa. We were scheduled to arrive at 2:15 and Marc was picking us up. The plane loaded but was a few minutes late and we were a little concerned about making the connection we had to make in Dallas. When we landed in Dallas we RUSHED to the gate, we needed to be on, and boarded just in time. We were so relieved.
So we settled down in our comfortable 1st class seats, 2nd row on the right. Then the pilot came on the speaker and said, "We are going to be leaving a few minutes late because we are awaiting a connecting flight." No problem. We wait and we wait.....finally a bunch of American stewards and pilots come rushing on board. So that was who we were waiting for!! Then we wait and the pilot came on and said, "We have a minor problem with an engine light and we are waiting for a mechanic to check this out." We wait and we wait and we wait....."The mechanic has arrived and we will be leaving shortly".... and we wait and wait ....."We have a shift change and the mechanic is leaving and they are sending another." WHAT???? Shortly..... "The mechanic needs just a small part and has left to go get it from the service area across the field." Everyone is patiently sitting, at least in our 1st class area. We have no idea what it must be like in the main seating with 3 narrow seats. The little female stewardess is literally running up and down the isles tossing bags of snacks to the people and offering water. Trying to "feed the animals"?
Mickey and I knew instantly what was going on...because we have a big American plant in Tulsa...and are aware their is a labor dispute between American Airlines and the pilot union. This was definitely a "quiet demonstration". Because we had no connecting flight to worry about, and because it was afternoon Mickey & I just sat and visited and I worked a lot of puzzles in my Sudoku puzzle book.
FINALLY, after 2 1/2 hours we are in the air and on our way to Tulsa. We arrive at 5:30 and Marc, who we had been in contact with telling him, "we're still on the ground" and finally, "we're finally in the air" was waiting for us. We had to go to Owasso, to Marc's house, to get Mickey's pick-up. Marc says, "We'll have to jump the pick-up because the battery is dead." No problem. We decide to go out to eat before heading home so pick up Aric at the house and go to Red Robin. Have a delightful meal and visit with Marc & Aric, telling them all about our trip.
We leave Red Robin and are going to head to Marc's get our pick-up and head home. Oooopppps.....Marc's car will not start!! WHAT??? He has jumper cables so a man in a car pulls up beside us and Marc asks him if he will let us jump the battery. He is very nice and we think wheee "thank you Lord". Well, guess what? The car will still not start. The man offers to drive us where ever we need to go, even offering to drive us to Coweta (which is a 40 mile trip) but we thank him and call AAA for service. About 45 minutes later the man comes out of Red Robin after his meal, we are still waiting for AAA who hasn't shown up yet so and we tell him if he really doesn't mind we'll take him up on the ride. Mickey, myself and Aric all hop in his vehicle and he drives us to Marc's, which is a very short distance away. Then this wonderful man helps Mickey & they jump the battery on the pick-up.
AAA finally arrives and Marc's vehicle is hauled to a near by Auto repair store, Tate Bros., so he can get it fixed the next morning. Mickey picks Marc up and brings him home. It is now so late, and at this point Marc has no vehicle so we decide to just spend the night with Marc & Aric.
Tate Bros. got right on his vehicle the next morning and had it done by noon. By the way.....it was the starter, and of course a $300+ bill. So after a nice breakfast at IHOP we drop Marc off to pick up his vehicle and we head to our home in Coweta, a day later.
I have to say, it was an exciting end to an exciting wonderful trip that we will never forget!!! We live such an exciting life.
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6:04 AM
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