Friday, August 23, 2013


"Those who fear to see too clearly what this love asks for fool themselves by thinking that they have this watchful and devoted love.  There is only one way to love God, that is not to take one step without him, and to follow with a brave heart wherever he leads......God has little patience with weak souls who say to themselves, 'I shall go this far and not farther.'"  Joy of Abandonment to God - Christian Perfection by Francois Fenelon (1651-1715)

Most of us dislike change - My friend Sandra posted on her fb "One of the hardest things in life is change.  Especially when that change means you are no longer going to be spending time with friends".

Hebrews 11:8   By faith Abraham, when called to go to a place he would later receive as his inheritance, obeyed and went, even though he did not know where he was going."

For the past 31 months, even through my daughter Suzette's cancer battle and death, I have hosted a woman's Bible Study group called WOW Women, which stands for Women of the Word, in my home every Tuesday evening at 6:30.. 

That came to an abrupt halt after the Tuesday, August 20th meeting.  God had been dealing with me for several weeks prior that He wanted me to discontinue doing so.  Mickey and I have been cleaning, clearing out and discarding a lot of physical household "stuff", in the natural, the last couple of weeks.  But I think, much deeper than that, God is having us do some cleaning, clearing out and discarding of things in our daily walk with HIM.  So when the gals left my house Tuesday night I knew that was the last time.  Wednesday morning I made the announcement .

I quoted Abraham above because that is exactly how I feel.  I have NO IDEA what HE has in mind but I know God has a plan and Mickey and I both trust HIM completely.  We hear HIS voice and know HIS leading in our lives and intend to be obedient in following those as HE directs and leads us.  One thing we know for sure....God is not through with us yet.  

It is in HIS glorious name I live and move and have my being.   

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retha said...

GOD is GOD and we follow, when we are disobedient HE waits for us to repent and have fellowship again. The quote almost seems like GOD is looking at as a man does.

I hope rest is part of what you'll will be doing.

Mari said...

You have obediently followed in so many things. It'll be exciting to see where He leads now - and I hope some rest is part of it as Retha said. :)

Denny said...

An abrupt end? Interesting.

Yellow Rose Arbor said...

I call this "Blind Faith!" It takes a strong Christian to hear His voice and step out in faith, especially when it requires giving up something you love and enjoy. I admire you. Someday (hopefully soon) you will see clearly why He had you do this, and you will smile and give thanks!

God Bless,


kc bob said...

Loved this Susan ...

"not to take one step without him"

... speaks to me about how faith is not really faith unless it is integrated into all of our life.

Leilani Schuck Weatherington said...

It does take courage to obey God's voice and do what He says. Sometimes it is giving up something simple -- like time (take your guitar and go to the hospital and Fred a song) and sometimes something not so simple. Perhaps God wants to challenge and raise up someone else in the group to teach the class. He is faithful! Blessings

Sylvia said...

Much easier to start things than have the courage to stop when He says isn't it Susan? Anticipating your next step

Frazzled Farm Wife said...

Change is hard but can also be very rewarding!