WOW Woman Bible Study -
I started up WOW Woman (Women of the Word) again on January 21st after about a 5 month break. We meet in my home every Tuesday evening at 6:30.
(left to right) Jeanne, Kathy, Glenda, Sandra, Carmel, Brittney, Susan
I love these precious woman so very much. They encourage me, stretch me, and make me a better Child of God as we study and share together on a weekly basis.
This group was started on January 18, 2011 so we are beginning our 3 year. Some ladies have come and gone but the core of the group has remained.
January 21th I showed a dvd by Brad Scott about Satan and his tactics that was from the 2013 Revive Conference in Dallas.
January 21th I showed a dvd by Brad Scott about Satan and his tactics that was from the 2013 Revive Conference in Dallas.
January 28th we watched a teaching by Pastor Mark Biltz from May, 2013. We have ordered 4 dvd's by Pastor Biltz on The 4 Blood Moons that we will be watching and studying next.
At the January 21st meeting we also anointed 3 prayer cloths and prayed over them. One was sent to Washington State, another to Arizona and the 3rd Mickey & I took to a man from our church. We do not always do that but prayer requests are an important part of our meetings.
I highly recommend that you find a women's Bible Study to attend, or maybe God wants YOU to be the one who starts one. You will never regret it.

Oh, yes to be obedient is always to our good benefit!
I know this group has been such a blessing to you! I go to the ladies Bible study at our church. We have a great group of ladies, about 24, but we split into 3 small groups and most of our small group has been together for several years. It's a great place to not only study, but to share and pray for each other too.
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