Love is a heart and soul connection that only God can make that transcends our human understanding.
Such is a love is my connection with Kathy Wright and her wonderful family from Phoenix, Az.
It all began seven years ago, on April 24, 2007, in the wonderful land of BLOGS. I stumbled (no, in hindsight I know it was God's leading me) onto a blog called The Bumbling Genius by Kathy's husband, Danny. I liked and approved of what I read and became a faithful follower of Danny's blog.
On April 2, 2008 Danny informed me his wife, Kathy, had started a blog called A Field Lilly and invited me to visit it and meet her. I checked it out immediately and knew this was an instant connection.
We followed each other faithfully and during the Cancer Battle of our daughter, Suzette, and her trip to Heaven on May 19, 2011 I found GREAT strength and comfort from both Kathy & Danny.
Our first MEETING, in real life, occurred on July 2, 2011 when we finally got to meet the Wrights - Danny, Kathy, Daughter Bethany, Son Daniel. What a grand time we had celebrating July 4th together and their visit of 3 days, our friendship grew.
Our first MEETING, in real life, occurred on July 2, 2011 when we finally got to meet the Wrights - Danny, Kathy, Daughter Bethany, Son Daniel. What a grand time we had celebrating July 4th together and their visit of 3 days, our friendship grew.
Our second meeting occurred in September, 2012 when Mickey & I, along with help from Danny and their wonderful, dear friend Mary Lee worked hard on arrangement when Mickey & I decided to SURPRISE Kathy with an unannounced visit on September 29, 2012. What a fabulous 3 days we got to spend with them and the friendship grew.
Fast forward to Sunday, April 12, 2005
Kathy & her lovely daughter Bethany came to Tulsa!!!
I planned a surprise Get-Together of the WOW Woman (Woman of the Word) Bible Study group, of which both Kathy and another DEAR Connection, Retha Naidoo, belong via the private fb group.
There were only 5 of us from the group who were able to make it Sunday afternoon after church for our Luncheon but we had a good time.
(Left to right, Jenny Oswald, Thelma Horton, Kathy, Bethany, Patty Ross, Susan Joyce, Kathy Robinson.)
Bethany celebrated her 15th Birthday on the 10th so I surprised her with a cake.
Bethany blessed Mickey & I by playing a song for us on her violin.
It was beautiful and such a joy and blessing.
The bad part of this 3rd visit was that it lasted only about 5 hours.
Part of this visit was to encourage Mickey who has been fighting the Aorta Heart Valve replacement process for the past 8 month.
Mickey is giving Kathy driving instructions as they are leaving.
Kathy blessed me with this lovely bluebird picture with the verse
His compassions fail not
They are new every morning
Lamentations 3:22-23
I had the perfect place to hang it, even with a nail already in place!, over the sliding glass doors in our living room. Right where Mickey can see it as he watches his bluebirds building their nest, sitting on the eggs, and awaiting the new life of baby birds flying away.
Now - Mickey & I are waiting and looking forward to visit #4!!!
Don't know where -
Don't know when -
but are confident there will be a 4th.
And we'll be seeing all 4 Wrights, including Danny & Daniel, next time, too.
How I thank my Father God for placing this wonderful family in our lives and the ability to stay connected, almost on a daily basis, via fb and still share our blogs.

So cheerful the birthday cake is!
Remember about your visit there, the photo of the 'conspirers' What a lovely time you all had there.
I think that violin performance is special.
What a special time for all of you, with special memories forl special friends.
I "met" Kathy through your blog, and then Mary Lee as well. It's been a joy to follow along on all your visits and I'm so glad you had another short time together! What a blessing to you and Mickey!
It's so lovely to be able to meet and connect :) Anyway, I blogged about you. Come see!
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