My head, and also my heart, is just being bombarded with so much lately. This is probably going to be a very disjointed post, but I just have to try and get some of my thoughts organized and down.
In my personal life things could not be better: I love my Lord & Savior, Jesus - my wonderful husband, Mickey - my four wonderful, and totally different from each other kids- my 2 beautiful and talented granddaughters - my 1 and only sweet & gentle grandson - my home - my church - my pastor - my 2 bible study groups of woman hungry for God's heart and purposes - my deep and probing very small Sunday School class. I just plain love my personal life and all it entails and encompasses, every aspect of it.
I am blessed beyond words: My Lord & Savior meets all my needs - I feel the Lord leading and guiding me on a daily basis - both my husband and I are in wonderful health for our 71 & 76 years of age, and wear and tear - I do not want for one single thing.
AND YET.......I look at: Our nation spiraling into massive debt - our nation so fiercely divided and with such hate & animosity on every side - the world about to explode on nearly every front - such apathy among the people about the direction our nation and our world are taking - such apathy and "business as usual" among most of the "Church" - The Body of Christ so divided and it breaks my heart.
I want to just stand on my roof top and shout.......Can't you all see what is happening? - Do you not have eyes to see and ears to hear what is going on?
"But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be." Matthew 24:37
The Lord is coming back soon. "In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed." I Corinthians 15:52
I know many of you will say, just as it does in II Peter 3:4 "Where is the promise of his coming? for since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of creation."
In Ezekiel 3:18-21 the Word warns us to speak to 4 different type of people:
vs 18 - the wicked and if we don't warn them their blood will be on our hands
vs 19 - the wicked who will die in his ways but we have delivered our soul by warning him
vs 20 the righteous man who we fail to warn and his blood will be required of us
& vs 21 - the righteous who heeds the warning and our soul is delivered for warning him.
These are very sobering words to me!!! I am not held responsible for the "results", that's the person and God's part, BUT I am held responsible to tell and to warn. That is what I have done in this post.
We must do all we can to save our nation and return it to "One nation under God, indivisible..." and to look up and know that our redemption drawth neigh.