SHOW & TELL #10 - The Mezuzah

Time for me to once again participate in Kelli's Show & Tell. Go here to learn all about it and find something special to Show & Tell us all about.
When I was in Eureka Springs 2 weeks ago with my Tuesday night Bible Study group I bought myself a Mezuzah. I had been wanting one for the past 4 months since learning about them.

Deuteronomy 11:18a-20a ways: "Therefore you shall lay up these words of mine in your heart and in your soul... you shall teach them to your children, speaking of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up: and you shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates, that your days and the days of your children may be multiplied...".
Ever since Moses spoke these words, the Jewish people have literally placed God's word on the gates of their cities and on the door frames of their home. The scriptures from Deuteronomy 8:4 and 11:13-21 are written on parchment, rolled up and placed inside a mezuzah, which is a small box that is nailed on the right doorpost or lentil at a slight angle. As you enter and exit your home this is to keep them focused on the Lord whom they serve.

Placing God's words in our heart is the important thing, but I love these items that just reinforce that truth deeper in me.
Thanks for letting me share this new addition to our home.
Love this!! I am familiar with the practice a bit. So glad you found one.
What a special treasure, Susan! I enjoyed learning about the Mezuzah.
I think that is an excellent addition to your house. The door we go in and out of is the garage door. I do have a plague that says: As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. It needs to be added to our door now that we are moved.
Mama Bear
I love this! My mother gave Bill and I one years ago!
Thank you for showing us this. I love the meaning behind it.
I'll have to look it up and read more about it.
I'll keep my eye out for one.
What a great post as always.
I will have to read more about the Mezuzah.
Thanks for sharing.
Have a great weekend.
God bless
Hello Susan...
My friend, what an interesting Show & Tell post...I loved seeing your mezuzah! I have studied a bit of Hebrew/Israelite History and have always found it so interesting...not to mention all the spiritual applications for us today! I did know that the Israelite people wrote the Word of God on many, many of their items but I was not aware of the mezuzah. I just watched a movie on pay-per-view last week about a Jewish family (3 boys) that helped to get the Jews out of Polish occupied territory. It was so interesting...sorry, I can't recall the name of the movie for the life of me. But at one point in the movie...the boys took the mezuzah off of their doorpost as they were moving away from their home. I didn't know what it was at the I know!!! I learned something today...thanks to you! So interesting! The wood and carvings are really beautiful on your mezuzah...thank you so much for sharing it with us today!
Warmest wishes,
I thought this was very interesting and a wonderful treasure for your home and family.
I knew about this practice, but have never heard of one with the grafted in symbol. I think this is a very moving thing to do.
How lovely. I love the symbols on it. I also appreciated the lesson on the history.
Thanks for sharing these and the story.
I'm not sure how close you live to Eureka Springs, but I grew up in NC Arkansas (Mountain Home to be exact), but I've only been to Eureka Springs once in my life.
I was not familar with this till reading your blog. A special treasure for sure! I'll will have to learn more about it.
It's beautiful.
Susan, that is a wonderful treasure and addition to your home. Thank you for the wonderful scriptural reminders as well. I've thought about putting a scripture in one of those name tag things that hand on a string around your neck for my children when we're working on a particular matter....just as a reminder that God's word is that lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path. I thought rather than writing it on their forehead I could hang it from their neck so to speak. : ) Still think I'm gonna try that some time. Blessings!
Oh, Susan, it is beautiful!
How exciting to go to Eureka Springs! I went there many years ago.
Thank you for sharing,
That is one of my all time favorite old testament scriptures. What a wonderful treasure you now have!!!!
many folk put Mezuzahs on each doorway in their houses....
Thanks for popping over and visiting my blog!!! I love making a new friend every day!!! My goal in life is to talk or do something to make a person feel like he or she is special that some stranger would ask them how are you today, and where are you from?? from those simple gestures more talk ensues and before you know it you are a friend of there's!!!!Be a friend and make a friend good motto to live by!!!!
So glad you stopped by and I can get to know you better!!!!
I love your show and tell, I'm doing the show and tell only on Wednesdays!!!!
I love your item, the Mezuzah, I want the necklace and the one to hang on my door!!!! I will be looking for those now!!!!God is so good to all of us and we are Blessed to be his children!!! I have been Praying for dear Amy all night and all day
Keep the faith, that is what I say
hugs to you my dear,
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