#9 And Counting
Blogging has been a wonderful blessing to my life and one of the exciting joys that I NEVER dreamed of, when I began this journey 2 1/2 years ago, was getting to meet some of my blog friends in real life flesh and blood form!!!!
I had this wonderful joy for the 9th time Saturday, when Mickey & I got to not only meet my blog friend Lisa, who blogs as My Homemaking Rurality, but her husband and 4 girls.
This family was going to Branson, Missouri for a weeks vacation and while usually they go up through Arkansas to visit family there, from their home in NE Texas, they decided to come up through Oklahoma. YEAH!!! That gave us a chance to set up a meeting at the Wagoner McD's. They were driving right through on HW69 and we live only about 12-13 miles from there.
Left to right - Keith, Elizabeth, Mattie, Reabeccah, Nathallie & Lisa
What a delightful visit and sharing we had with the entire family. Keith & Lisa have precious, very self-confident and assured young daughters. Testimony of the home & family.
Keith & Lisa had a leisurely traveling agenda so it was nice to be able to have a long, not rushed time getting to know all of them. Their older two, Elizabeth in FFA and Nathallie in sports, are distinguishing themselves and working toward College. I have no question the two littler ones will follow suit in their special interest.

My thanks to God for blessing me again for the 9th time and for Keith & Lisa taking the time and effort to include us in their family vacation. Hope we can do it again.
That is just soooo totally wonderful! Isn't life good!
Wow...what a blessing to meet one of your Blog friends! What a precious family...and a sweet gift they brought! Blessings...Julie
How wonderful to get to be able to actually touch the friends you made!
That is so neat! What a great family and boy is Keith out numbered. :) I'm sure Keith and Mickey enjoyed all the blogging and girl talk.
So happy you got to meet another blogger.
It's so wonderful to meet blogging friends. I've been able to do that twice and enjoyed each one. I'm happy you were able to do that again!
Looks like you all had a great time and those girls are so cute!
Aww, what wonderful fun for all.
Susan the friendship you have with those bloggers you visit with, well it is almost like - "he works in wonderful ways!" wouldn't you say! I sure would.
ahhh, what fun!
i have yet to meet a single blogging friend ... you were certainly blessed!
Treasures for Susan. The order of the day from the Lord who made her and loves her so very much! (Us too, Lord!) Hugs.
Brings back a great memory of our brief but wonderful time of meeting.
Love you both!!!!!!!!
Hey Susan....we blew in late last night!
Got pics of all of us up on my blog, too.
I sure hope we get to do that again sometime soon. It was such a blessing to meet ya'll. That was fun!
Told Keith that it felt like I'd know ya'll for years!
Thanks again for taking time out & coming to McD's! The girls loved it, too!
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