I want to close out this year, as I did last year, with the 10 things I am most thankful for and that have made 2009 so wonderful.

This is the Tuesday night Bible Study and The 3rd Day Sisters. This is such a very special and diverse group of woman that only God could, and did, put together. We are from different churches.
3. I am thankful that God saw fit to graft us into His Olive Tree, and to be studying our Jewish roots with The 3rd Day Sisters.

4. I am thankful we got to make several short, but very wonderful, trips this year.
1) In June we made a trip to Tennessee to visit Mickey's family in Nashville & Memphis. We got to see his brother, Jerry - brother-in-law, Ronnie - Nephews Wayne, Joe & Billy & his wife, Dianne and all the grand nieces and nephews - sister-in-law, Helen. So thankful to have this family and be a part of it.

2) In July the 3rd Day Sisters went to Eureka Springs & Branson for a couple of days. We visited the Passion Play and Christ of the Ozarks Statue in Eureka and saw the musical/drama Noah in Branson. What a fun time.

5) I am thankful for my family! I am so very thankful that 3 of our 4 children and all 3 of our grandchildren live in the Tulsa area and we can be such an integral part of their lives.
6) I am thankful that David, the child who does not live near us but in California, was able to come home in August for his brothers birthday and this Christmas eve for Christmas & my birthday.
7) I am thankful for the very good health that both Mickey & I enjoy and are blessed with.
8) I am thankful to get to meet 3 more blog friends in real life during 2009. Tammy, and her husband & daughter, in West Memphis on our way to Tennessee - Lisa and her husband and daughters who came through our area from TX & Dawn, who came to OK from CO. This makes 10 blog friends I have been privileged to meet and look forward to who those I will get to meet in 2010.
9. I am thankful that all my needs are met by my Lord and Savior. That I have joy & contentment and optimism about the future and what God has in store for His Body - The Church.
10. Last but not least I am thankful that we were introduced to Deann last New Years Eve.