ANYWAY!!!!! We are just so happy to have them back & become an active part of our life once again.
So Thursday night, to welcome them home we were blessed to take dinner in to them.
ANYWAY!!!!! We are just so happy to have them back & become an active part of our life once again.
So Thursday night, to welcome them home we were blessed to take dinner in to them.
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2:36 PM
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Life has been so busy for me this month that I have only posted 9 times in the past 29 days of July. I am using this post to try and play some "catch up".
Some close friends of ours gave us these wonderful looking and tasting peaches from their very own peach tree!!! Aren't they beautiful? Trust me, they are very tasty.
With our wonderful blueberries, & these peaches I added a store bought banana and have been enjoying a delightful bowl of this healthy eating every morning. Yum and double yummy!!!
Tomato's galore from Mickey's garden this year :o) He planted 4 plants and he has been bringing in a supply like this every few days. We have eaten tomato's almost every day, sliced, in salads, & bacon, lettuce and tomato sandwiches. We have given some away and I have 9 (to date) 2 cup containers full in our freezer. Have this many to work up this morning. They will continue coming until frost time, that is a l-o-n-g way off!! Thank you Lord for your bounty, blessing & harvest.
I had recently attended a 3 hour training class, put on by our local County Election Board, to learn about assisting at elections. Shortly after attending the class I was assigned to participate at one of the election sites.
Tuesday was our Primary Election here in Oklahoma and I worked as a Clerk from 6:30 a.m. until 7:30 p.m. (you can take a lunch but you cannot leave the premise). It was a totally new experience for me and I enjoyed it thoroughly: found it both fun and very interesting. I worked with 3 other delightful woman. I love meeting new people. It was also fun having people I know coming in to vote and saying (with a shocked look on their face) "Hi Susan - What are you doing here?"
There are 1500 registered voters in the precinct I worked and we ended up with 324 voters. Isn't that sad?!!!! Only 21.6%. Of course some people vote by Absentee Ballot I realize, but it's still so sad that so few people take their privilege and responsibility so lightly. I know a lot higher percentage do vote in the General Election but they should realize how important it is to research and get the right candidate, of their party or choice, on the ballot for the General Election. SO please VOTE!!!!
Yesterday, I received a call from the Election Board asking me first to work the Run-Off Election, which will be held on August 24th, and then asked if I would be willing to be assigned to this Precinct to work on a permanent basis. I was delighted to be asked, and delighted to accept.
We had both Aric & Oksana this week on Wednesday & Thursday. On Wednesday we took them to eat at McD's and then to see the movie, Despicable Me. They thought it was cute and enjoyed it......me, not so much!!! I am always appalled at the price you have to pay at the movies for pop-corn and soda drinks......but....what's the movies without those things? Then it was home and to Wednesday night Church services.
Yesterday, after they got up (which wasn't early!) it was off to the dough-nut shop. Then Oksana and I spent a good part of the day cooking. I'll post about that in another post tomorrow.......so please come back to read it.
Aric & Oksana had to be up at 5:30 a.m. this morning and are flying off to California to spend 2 weeking with their Aunt, Uncle & Cousins. They will also be seeing their Maternal Grandparents, their Great-Grandmother, other Aunts and Cousins. I know they'll have a grand time. Aric was a little apprehensive about the plane flight but he'll do fine. Thankfully they do not have to change flights either going or coming back.
I am truly blessed to live a wonderful, busy, satisfying and very happy life!!!!!
Posted by
7:21 AM
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Labels: Recipe
Three years ago, soon after beginning this Penless Writer blog, I wrote a post entitled IN THIS SKIN about my view of aging. A number of months ago a blog friend suggested I re-post that writing. Since it is one that I have on my side-bar I felt like most everyone who reads this blog had probably already read it and so did not.
Lately I've had quite a few people who know me in REAL life, as well as in this magic Blogland, comment on how young acting I am and how they forget how "old" I really am!!!! I'd been thinking about this quite a bit lately and then a few days ago I was going through some old quotes that I have, love and treasure, and stumbled on this one:
"Youth is not entirely a time of life; it is a state of mind. Nobody grows old by merely living a number of years. People grow old by deserting their ideals. You are as young as your faith, as old as your doubt; as young as your self-confidence, as old as your fear; as young as your hope, as old as your despair." Douglas MacArthur
Three years ago, when I wrote the IN THIS SKIN post I was 69 years young. Now I am 72 years young! and I believe both what I wrote then and this wonderful quote by McArthur even more today than ever.
This aging process, this growing older, this journey through life, truly is so very much about our attitudes, our outlook, our view of life, and most importantly our view of our eternal home and where we are going than it is the mere passing of these 365 days a year, year after year.
So for all of you many out there who are so much younger chronologically than I am please be assured......growing older is not bad at all!!!!
To close with another great Douglas MacArthur quote:
"In the central place of every heart there is a recording chamber. So long as it receives a message of beauty, hope, cheer and courage - so long are you young. When the wires are all down and our heart is covered with the snow of pessimism and the ice of cynicism, then, and only then, are you grown old."
Posted by
11:44 AM
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Labels: Aging
I wonder how many of you are like me and sometimes end up spending the better part of a day in the kitchen. That is what I did this past Saturday.
Last Monday, after bible study, Kelli & I drove to the peach orchard and split a 1/2 bushel of fresh peaches. Yummy!!!!
In addition, Mickey's garden has been producing tomato's and cucumbers galore. So I decided Saturday was a day to get some of these items put up. A couple of weeks ago I had stewed enough tomato's to fill 4 two cup containers each for the freezer. I stewed another 2 cup container of tomato's for the freezer. In addition I had a bag of apples that were getting too ripe so I stewed up all but 2 of them and made this bowl of Cinnamon applies. I also made a fruit salad of peaches, apples, & pineapple.
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1:27 PM
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Posted by
12:01 PM
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Labels: Prayer Shawl
I was delighted when looking up some honey recipes last week after he harvested the Spring Honey flow and I found this hydrate drink made with honey!!! It is so delicious I wanted to share it with everyone.
Honey Hydrate Drink
1/2 cup honey
1/2 teaspoon lite salt
2 cups orange juice
5 1/2 cups lukewarm water
Combine - Stir until honey is dissolved & refrigerate.
You can see I am bottling it up in the empty gator*aide bottles we had.
Delicious, convenient and money saving.
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11:33 AM
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Labels: Frugal, Health Care, Honey
The 4th of July and the celebration of our great countries 234th Birthday was EXTRA special this year for us for many reasons and was a great day.
Our grandchildren grew from 3 to 6 and we are loving that.
(left to right) Cody (9) Aaron (11) Mason (13) Aric (11) & Oksana (15)
(missing this time) Jessica.
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2:34 PM
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Labels: Celebration, church, Holiday
Posted by
8:16 AM
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Labels: Holiday
This is the 3rd flow of honey that Mickey has harvested since becoming a bee keeper. One last year, one in mid-may and now the first of the Spring Honey Flow.
The first dozen bottles and caps all ready.
The honey in the bucket after being extracted and filtered once.
Mickey filters his honey two additional times before bottling it.
Posted by
10:38 AM
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Labels: Honey, Honey Comb
Even though I don't actively work in the Klothes Kloset ministry any more, since Mickey started The King's Kitchen in February, we still have a real heart for this ministry. Another wonderful ministry in our church is called Bridge Builders. It is headed up by a husband & wife team, Dianna & Danny, and began a year & a half ago for people with special needs.
About a 6 weeks ago the Bridge Builders ministry expanded to operating the Snack Bar which serves beverages & snacks before our services. They are open Saturday nights from 4 to 9 pm, Sunday mornings from 8 to 9:45 am and on Wednesdays from 2 to 7 pm. This 11 3/4 hours per week is an expansion of this ministry to oversee, train & teach skills that will help Bridge Builders participants obtain jobs in the public sector.
This article, which ran on June 11th in our Coweta American newspaper, is announcing an important step of expanding the clothing ministry hours to a 3rd day per week by being open on Saturdays from 3 to 7 pm. It is also announcing the news that the Bridge Builders are providing this service, giving them an additional 4 hours of job training skills per week.
We are totally amazed, and oh so thankful , with the way the Lord is expanding the unity and growth in so many areas within our congregation as we reach out to serve the needs of our community.
Posted by
2:27 PM
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Labels: Bridge Builders, church, Klothes Kloset, Ministry