Even though 1-1-11 is truly NEW BEGINNINGS there are things that we carry over from the old year that need to come to completion. Such is where we find ourselves at this point in time. FIRST - is the manifestation of Suzette's healing of Lung Cancer. This battle began on September 22, 2009 with an appointment to her primary care physician which she thought was routine. September 23rd and 24th she was hospitalized for tests and a Pulmonary Dr and an Oncologist were brought in. September 28th came the dread diagnosis. We are 102 days into this BATTLE. We've been fighting since day 1 and we will fight until the battle is WON.
"Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses. let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doeth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us.
Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of God." Hebrews 12:1 & 2
We don't run the race until it's DONE - we run this race of life until it's WON.
We stand firm in our Faith and. more importantly, THE WORD OF GOD, that 2011 is going to bring victory in this attack that satan has brought against our daughter, and our family. He is a defeated foe!!!!!
This, Marc, Oksana & Aric, is becoming-
ThisMarc & Aric
As Marc is, at this very moment, driving across states, taking Oksana to live with her mother.
Marc has been the custodial single dad since April, 2006 when Oksana was 11 & Aric was 7. During these past 4 years & 8 months they have seen their mother three times. Once for 1 week in 2007, this past summer for 2 weeks, and once in between for breakfast and a couple of hours when she passed through Tulsa traveling.
In 2007, when they were 8 and 12, and went for the first week visitation, Oksana asked her father for permission to stay with her mother which he granted. She was to come to Tulsa for a visit for Christmas and we were all praying when she came she would decide to stay here. As it turned out she called her dad just before Thanksgiving and he immediately brought her home. She has been here with us these past 3 years.
Divorce and abandonment are horrible and it has been hard on Oksana & Aric. Oksana, especially, has had a very difficult time and Marc has provided her with professional counseling during these ensuing 5+ years. Prior to Marc remarrying, last February, Oksana made it very clear she did not want him to re-marry. She wanted Marc & Deann to date and each keep their own homes and for her not to have to move.
We had great hopes for this marriage and for the merging of Deann & her 3 sons with Marc & his 2 children and becoming a happy family of 7. Unfortunately, from Oksana's point of view this did not occur. In October, just 7 months into the marriage, in order to try and work out the problems, Marc moved himself, Oksana & Aric into an apartment close by in Owasso. The two parts of the family spent the week-ends and every Wednesday evening doing things together and working on the issues.
“Here’s to the bright New Year, and a fond farewell to the old; here’s to the things that are yet to come, and to the memories that we hold.”
Happy New Year, dear Susan. Wishing you and yours all the very best that 2011 can bring. My prayers are with your daughter as she continues her battle, as well as with your son & family. xoxo
So sorry to hear of this. I know first hand the difficulty of re-marriage, new marriage and the blending of families. I, honestly, had a long 7 year struggle that did not work out as I'd hoped. Continued prayer for you all!
You are starting the new year with some tough issues. None of this is a surprise to God though and He is with you every step of the way. I appreciate your honesty. It adds many people who can pray for you!
I will be praying for Suzette, and Marc and family. Also praying for you and Mickey. I know you are both a great source of support to your family, but at the same time your hearts are hurting.
Susan, rest assured that we will be praying for Oksana and the reuniting with her Mother. I am sure that this has been excruciating for you and for Mickey to go through. Your prayers are not just floating out there, as you know, but are contained in the very heart and hand of God, Himself.
It's difficult when we, who are created for a spiritual relationship with our Father, choose to live only in the natural. Thus, only experiencing a very small and temporal portion of what and Who we are designed for. I am sure that you have spent these last years pouring into Oksana and Aric (and they are just beautiful and handsome!), it is not for nothing. It will yield a result, and we believe that it will be a righteous result. Part of this, as you know, is their own choosing. We pray they will choose wisely as they go (I'm speaking specifically of the children).
God is Oksana's healer. I pray He will go, by His Spirit, to the deepest part in her precious heart and place His caring hand there until she is healed and restored. Jesus died for the injustices done to the children and to Marc, and we pray that the very power that raised Christ from the dead, will resurrect the destiny and wholeness for which He designed not only Oksana and Aric, but also Marc, and now Deann and her children. I once heard this that a blended family is really a sifted family. Pain implied! It's difficult. But, in Christ, with two people whose hearts are given to the Lord, it can be done honorably. My Mom and stepdad, My Dad and Stepmom were able to do it. Yes, great pain, but the greater reason to turn to the Lord for His wisdom and guidance, and restoration.
You know we pray daily for Suzette, and will with assurance as long as is needed. Some trust in horses, some in chariots, but WE will trust in the name of our God.
We also pray you will continue to lay all of this at the feet of Jesus where you will find unlimited grace and mercy for every heartache you are carrying about all these matters.
Blessings, dear sister and brother in Christ. Like Paul, I have a longing to see you that I hope someday will be realized. My very eyes are filled with tears as the weight of your load is realized in my heart.
Much love.
Praying for peace for all in all these situations.
Hugs Susan,
♥ Joy
Many prayers are being lifted up for Oksana and your whole family.
As you know, only GOD is in control.
Susan, So sorry to hear about this. These are very difficult issues to deal with and I appreciate your sharing your heart with us concerning them. It's nice to know we can help bear one anothers burdens.
Will keep you all in my prayers as we all bravely march into this new year together, expecting nothing but good things from our Father above.
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