She remarked to me during this time, "Mom, I told ________ I have no idea how many people are praying for me, but I know there are MANY." I said "That's right honey, you really have no idea just how many there are, all around the world praying for you."
As a result of this conversation I thought it would be wonderful if those of you who read my blog, and are praying for her, mail her a card or note telling her that. I don't want to give out their address so if you are interested in participating please mail them to: Suzette Stevens, c/o Mickey and Susan Joyce, 13630 S. 285th E. Avenue, Coweta, OK. She does NOT know I'm doing this, nor does she read this blog so it will be a BIG surprise and blessing to her.
If you are not actually praying for her, please don't just send a card. The entire purpose of this is to let her know how many are PRAYING.
April has been a very difficult month. As I reported in my April 7th post update she was given a bad radiology report on the 5th. On the 6th, 7th & 8th she was given a new chemo drug. On the 6th she also had x-rays taken in preparation for 10 radiation treatments on her leg, arm & spine. On the 13th they met with a nurse practitioner and had a trip to the hospital for blood typing. On the 14th she had a blood transfusion. She had radiation treatments on the 15th, 18th, 19th, & 20th. On the 21st when we went for the radiation she was too ill and they were afraid she had a fractured upper arm and sent us to the hospital for x-rays. It was a HORRIBLE day with her spending about 5 hours sitting in a wheel chair and in misery as we waited for reports and results. The 22nd she was scheduled for another radiation but saw the nurse practitioner first and they were so concerned with her blood pressure, oxygen level, etc. that they put her in the hospital late that day. Again, after many miserable hours for her sitting in that wheel chair in such pain. They gave her another blood transfusion during that first night.
During this 8 day hospital stay they got all her readings in a normal range and worked to establish a manageable pain medication routine for her to go home.
They released her late yesterday afternoon and she will begin back on the radiation schedule after a few days of adjusting and rest at home.
Two new items. We had put out a request to purchase a small used wheel chair. As soon as the request went out a young woman, who used to work with Suzette as her assistant, called and said she had one they could use. When she brought it over the next day it was brand new, still in the box. She had purchased it for them!!!!! The goodness of people is amazing.
The second item is the Dr. had a hospital bed delivered to their home yesterday before her release. Dave dismantled their king size bed and removed it, purchased a twin size bed for himself and had the room all rearranged and ready for her when he took her home last evening.
More update - Of course the 24th was Easter Sunday and we were naturally upset because Suzette & Dave, and our entire family had planned to be in services that day and only Mickey & I were there. I went to the front, during praise & worship just to raise my hands and worship my Lord, after a short time I was surrounded by 5 wonderful praying woman. I also KNOW that many of my Bible Study/Prayer Group sisters in the congregation were in just as much prayer for us!! One of them, my dear friend and prayer warrior, Wantha Ann, placed a beautiful sheer black scarf around my neck as she began to pray. When we started to walk back to our pews I started to take it off and give it back to her and she said, "No." When we went to the hospital after services to visit Suzette I tied this beautiful scarf, which was covered with silver and gold bibles, doves, crosses and "Jesus is our healer", "Jesus is Love" all over it and most importantly OUR PRAYERS, on the side of the bed!!!!