Friday, August 26, 2011

"Q" & "R" stand for .............

OK, 2 more letters today as I work to finish up ALPHABET in AUGUST over at Cliot's Run.

'Q' is for QUIET -I love my quiet time and my spirit and soul need it!!!  When we was raising our 4 children I would usually stay up until 1 o'clock in the morning, even though I worked and we got up by 6 a.m., simply because the QUIET time was more important to me than sleep.  Fortunately, I am also blessed not to require a lot of sleep.  Mickey & I share most everything, as most of you know, and we talk a lot but we also can just be together and QUIET without the need to say anything.  I think that's the way our Lord wants us to be sometimes, too. 

'R' is for RELIGION - I hate RELIGION.  That probably shocks some of you but it is the truth.  RELIGION distorts the pure, simple, truth of Christianity and our faith in the Triune God.  RELIGION has done much harm in the world and is one of satan's tools.  Whenever any one calls me "RELIGIOUS" I politely correct them!!!  If it is anything I do not want to be it is "RELIGIOUS". 

'R' is for RECONCILE - I am a firm believer in RECONCILIATION and the importance of it in every area of our lives.  First, we must be RECONCILED to God and then we must be RECONCILED to each other.  No matter what has happened, how wrong we have been, or how wronged we have been by someone or something else, we must be RECONCILED and make the necessary amends.

'R' is for REGRET - We all have REGRETS in our lives; either for things we have done, things others have done to us, things that have happened, and sometimes dreams and hopes that have not been fulfilled.  We must not let any of these REGRETS become a stumbling block to us, but must make the RECONCILIATION needed and then move on and determine to be all God wants and intends us to be.     
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Crystal said...

I'm not bored! It's interesting to hear your thoughts about words that important to you. (I agree with your thoughts about religious!) Keep going - I'll be reading.

retha said...

Yes, yes and yes I agree with your thoughts. Or shall I rather say right, right