a 2 z - H = HURRAH
I had no idea, when I began this a 2 z challenge, that my F - G - and now H would be about books!!! Then it shouldn't be a surprise either since I am an avid reader and my recent teaching, in both Church small group and my Tuesday Night WOW Woman Bible Study, have been book studies.
We began this book, The Power of BLESSING by Kerry Kirkwood way back on March 27th & finally finished it last night, August 14, 2012. The book is only 12 chapters and we should have been finished by June 12th. We didn't because we kept having dvd's that we felt were more pertinent to watch,; primary election, and a vacation that caused us to cancel our meeting for those Tuesdays.
I highly recommend this book for either individual reading or group study. This is especially true if you have grown up in a home or environment where words of blessing were not spoken over you, and especially if words of cursing have been spoken over you by anyone at any time. Sadly, in so many homes that are not built on Christ's teaching.this has been the case. I thank God I grew up in a home where blessings were spoken over me.
Here are a few quotes from the book:
- "Blessing and its counterpart, cursing, will set a path for us without our being fully aware of it. "
- "A person who is full of faith will have the ability to bless continually. Why? Becoming a blesser is an issue of faith, because when we bless we are doing it through faith."
- "Accusations are a curse."
- "We are either blessing or cursing. There is no neutral Ground. God is the Blesser and the devil is the curser, or the 'accuser of the brethren.'"
- "Though we may pride ourselves for having an opinion about everything, this habit brings us in agreement with the accuser. Being opinionated is a difficult habit to quit."
- "Constantly feeling rejected or being easily offended can also be a sign of habitual cursing flowing through us."
I trust these 6 brief quotes will prompt you to get this book, if this is an area that our enemy, Satan, has made any inroad into your life.
This is a quote from the very last chapter: "Remember my definition for a curse: to place something in a lower position than what God intended. It is safe to say that one does not come under a curse casually or easily. For one who is a born again believer, a curse must have a cause to have any affect. Someone cursing you is not enough; there would need to be a point of acceptance through an open door. That pathway could be agreement by also cursing others, or maybe through fear that curse has power over you."
"Like a sparrow in its flitting, like a swallow in its flying, so a curse without a cause does not alight." Proverbs 26:2
Be Blessed by learning to be a Blessing!!
Please be kind and leave me a comment and your opinion.

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