12th Book for 2012 - The Tehran Initiative
Read this thrilling 459 page, 62 Chapter novel in 14 days!!!
This is the 9th exciting novel by Joel Rosenberg we have read since we picked up his first book in 2008.
It will not be our last.
Joel's chapters are short and leave you hanging in suspense and you have to quickly read the next one.
Joel's books are like reading the morning news headlines, or listening to CNN or FOX.
Except from page 445, Chapter 61: "That said, his overall mission had been a total failure. By God's grace-and there could be no other explanation for it-David had done nearly everything his superiors at Langley had asked of him.........But what had really come of any of it? At the end of the day, the president hadn't been willing to use all means necessary to stop Iran from getting the Bomb. It had all been too little, too late. So what was he supposed to do next?"
Sounds eerily familiar doesn't it??!!!!!
We'll be purchasing his newest thriller - Damascus Countdown - in the next few days when we go into Tulsa to the Christian bookstore.
I highly recommend the entire series of these 9 Rosenberg books we have read to date.