Mickey & I recently joined up with 5 other families to form Coweta Milk Co-op. We've been working on setting it up,getting all the guidelines, rules, procedures, etc. in place. We are rotation making the trip to Claremore, and Swan Diary, every two weeks.
Mickey & I started off the rotation this morning. I had done all the preliminary things I could in advance. Purchased a receipt book, got the 4 families who ordered this week order's off our fb group page. Figured the approximate bill for each family. The milk and cream prices are set, but the cheese prices vary a small bit because the .5#, 1# and 2 1/2# bulk cheese come in hunks.
We wanted to get an early start so we started out at 8:49 on this beautiful, bright, clear, crisp morning. Set our mileage counter to see exactly what the mileage and drive time would be.
We could either take the turnpike and pay the toll, or we could drive the regular highway. We opted to not go the turnpike route. All was fine for our first 16.7 minutes as we travel from Coweta northward. Problem #1 occurred when we turned too soon and ended up on the turnpike. No problem, we'll just take it on into Claremore.
Problem #2 occurred when we got off the turnpike and weren't sure which way to turn, as we had not looked up directions using the turnpike route. Nearing the turnpike exit Mickey takes his wallet out to pay the toll. After paying the toll and exiting the turnpike we decided to turned right/West and went quite a few blocks. After deciding it was too "city" we turned around and headed back East. When it looked like we were getting too far into the country we decided to stop at a tractor business and inquire. Where is Swan Diary? We had been correct in turning West and was told it was behind the Motel Six. So we turn around and head back East. Then we see a Motel 8, not Six, and realize, yes, this is the correct street to turn on. It was right there. Boy, were we relieved to be here!!!!
We park and go into the very small retail area with our list. The gentleman fills the order for the # of gallons of both raw & pasteurized milk. He tells me the cream and the cheeses are behind me in the refrigerated case. So I get our cream order and start on the cheese orders. Problem #3 they were out of both Colby & Mozzarella so 2 of the gals did not get their order filled completely.
We pick-up our plastic bags and place them in the area behind the seats in our HHR, start up the car to go and Mickey says, "Where is my wallet?" WHAT......Problem #4 and the real problem has just raised it's ugly head. We search the car, upside down, front seat, back seat, behind where all the bags are, under the seats, in the glovebox, under the floor mats, by the side of the front seats. EVERYWHERE. No wallet. He goes back into the retail area thinking maybe he laid it on the check-out counter...NO. Back to the vehicle again, and re-search all over again....NO. We start up the vehicle and drive back out to the tractor place where he had asked directions, thinking maybe he left it there.....NO. Nothing to do but head home, scans the wallet. He is so angry with himself. I'm thinking, "How could you loose your wallet?"
To say we are both frustrated is an understatement but there is nothing to do but come on home. We reset our mileage reader to obtain an ACCURATE mileage reading and make the return trip using HW66 and not the turnpike. Mileage one-way is only 32.0 miles. Not bad at all.
We return to our house to sort out and repackage the 4 individual orders and figure the exact cost per family. It all adds up .....Praise the Lord to the total we had paid.
Mickey had place a blanket in the back of the vehicle where we were putting the purchases and he thought perhaps he might find the wallet under that blanket......NO. He did one final search of the car and low and behold....stuck under his front seat was said wallet. BIG sign of total relief!!! And a huge THANK YOU LORD!!!
I had my camera, was going to take pictures of this new adventure...guess what? Not one picture. Oh well hopefully when we make our next trip on November 20th, we'll know where to turn and how to do it correctly.
![post signature](http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a30/anniepok/susan.gif)
This was a practice run! next time it'll go much smoother. So glad you found the wallet. :)
Relieved to have read the discovery, the worst inconvenience is to stop and re-apply for the cards!
Here, it is very seldom one find shops or stall where you can buy fresh from the farm.
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