How Big is Our GOD?
I've been thinking a lot lately about two things. How BIG is our God and how BIG is our Faith?
Within the church body I currently attend, and all I have been exposed to and involved with since Jesus became my SAVIOR in 1958, I hear a lot of TALK about faith. But, as I look around I observe and witness a lot more FEAR and DOUBT than I do FAITH.
Why do I say this and what do I mean? I hear "God will supply all my needs according to His riches in glory" (Almost a direct quote of Philippians 4:19 kjv But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.) yet I hear these same people worrying about the cost of this or that; how they are going to afford this or that; making money, or the lack thereof, this or that has broken down or won't work. One of their primary concerns on all levels seems to be voiced in lack, and doubt coming from their mouths and their actions.
I hear, "By His stripes I am healed." (From Isaiah 53:5 kjv But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities; the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed)yet I hear how this hurts and that hurts and asking for prayer for the same ache or ailment time and time again, running to this or that Dr. and taking this or that medication or treatment. We must pray, seek the necessary medical advice and then begin to WALK in healing regardless of how we feel, or what is hurting.
I think all 3 of those are true. I've seen God do amazing things and yet I must confess to a lack of faith. Why do I have faith that God can do these things, but have that doubt that he will do it in response to my prayers?
I love your last sentence about learning to walk in the bigness of our God!
Yea, I'v been thinking about this lately too! What I say I believe and then what I go and say afterwards sometimes...I have to remind myself that God doesn't care if something looks impossible because He does impossible things :)
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