Some events in our lives are life changing. I believe that attending Emplowered 21 is just such an event in my life.
We picked Wantha Ann up at 9:30 and headed to ORU as planned. We were all three eager and excited, especially after the wonderful opening session meeting of the congress we had attended the night before.
There were so very many speakers to choose from for the 3 sessions that day: 10:45 - 2:00 - 3:30. Mickey & I picked hearing Chuck Pierce speak on "Understanding the Times Through the Prophetic" at 10:45. Oh, what a treat to hear Chuck Pierce in person. I have read many of his articles on Elijah List and we had recently participated in his 28 Day Prayer focus.

Here are pictures of us outside the Howard Auditorium where he spoke.

The meeting ended at noon and as we were standing outside Brother Pierce walked up to us. Looked at Mickey's attendance badge to see where we were from and commented on our grey hair and that God was still speaking through us!!!! I asked him if Mickey could take a picture of him & I. He graciously asked the woman with him to take the picture of both of us with him.
We meet
Wantha Ann, who had chosen a session on Fine Arts since she is an artist, and the 3 of us left the campus to have a lovely lunch together and catch our breath.
We got back to campus just in time for the 2:
oo o'clock session. Our choice this time was "Ears to Hear (Hearing God's Voice Through the Noise of Culture". The speakers were Kelly Fellows and Jerry
Dirmann from a Foursquare Church in California. We were not familiar with them and made our selection based on the topic which sounded so interesting. We were not disappointed. Kelly Fellows gave a brief story and then introduced Jerry
Dirmann who gave absolutely the most moving, through explanation, all
Biblically based, on truly hearing and obeying God Voice that we had ever heard. I have written his website about obtaining a
cd or
dvd of the program because it
definitely is a teaching I would love to hear over and over again to truly get it down into my Spirit. If I ever get another chance to hear Jerry Dirmann speak you can be sure I'll be there!!!
We had to walk really fast to get to our the 3:30 session, which was clear back across the campus, and we were actually a few minutes late. This session was "Spirit Filled Publishing & Writing in the 21st Century" and the speaker was Ken Horn from The Pentecostal
Evangel, a weekly publication of the Assemblies of God. He spoke of not only print writing but about blogs,
FB, twitter, etc. Our Pastor Gary & wife, Paula, were also in this session.
We met up with
Wantha Ann once again, who had run into our Music Minister Pastor Bobby and his wife, Dana. The five of us decided to leave the campus and shared a really good pizza at a place
Wantha Ann knew about. We were having such a lovely time visiting and chatting that we barely made it back to the
Mabee Center for the evening program.
The music, the messages by Ron Luce of Teen Mania, & Lou
Engle of
TheCall, and then the keynote message by
Jentezen Franklin were wonderful.
Jentezen's message was "CAN'T END THIS WAY" based on Ephesians 4:26 -32. This conference has been geared a lot to the young people and the next generation to step-up and take their places in the move of God.
Jentezen, however, spoke of the importance for the "Old Pillars" to begin moving in prayer and fasting for so the glory will come back.
As we drove home we all 3 had heard so much and participated in such a moving service that we were spiritually, emotionally, mentally and physically spent!!!! But, oh what a wonderful feeling.
We had planned to go back for another full day of three sessions and the final evening service but didn't because we were just so totally overwhelmed, and worn out.
If they hold this again next year you may be sure we will be in attendance and I would encourage any and all of you who can to come!!!!!!!
I know our lives are going to bear fruit from this conference and all we saw, learned, felt & participated in. PRAISE GOD!!!!