THIS & THAT - Good & Bad
This morning we finished this, our 3rd book so far this year. My friend, Carmel, gave me a big box of books last year and we are gradually reading through them, in addition to new books that come up that catch our eye and attention. This book is one from that box and was written in 1976. It contained 14 chapters and we totally agreed with everything he wrote in 12 of them but did not agree with chapters 12 & 13 where he takes the stand that the Gifts of the Spirit passed away with the Apostles. We knew, going into this book, that Dr. Van Gorder would take this position, as he was the associate teacher of the Radio Bible Class with Richard De Haan.
The main reason I am commenting on this book is not because of our disagreement with him on this one point. I was raised in that type teaching and many years ago settled that issue for myself. What struck me the most was that all the positions he pointed out 35 years ago that needed correction within the Church are still the same issues, but of course MANY times worse as pertains to our life styles and commitments. It was a good read and well worth the 2 weeks we spent reading it.
BAD - but, I trust with good results . I spent yesterday afternoon in the dentist chair having a root canal on a tooth that a permanent bridge was attached to. Not only was it a gruelling experience during the procedure but it cost me $768. OUCH!!!! That hurt almost as much as the root canal.