For the past 4 years the Lord has given me a "word" for that year.
2009 - Unity
2010 - Vulnerable
2011 - Persevere
2012 - Fervent
Here is what I wrote last year about the word Fervent: "So, as I enter 2012 with my word FERVENT I am once again excited ! I intend to use every experience I've had to date to be even more Fervent for my Lord & Savior and the calling He has on my life."
My 2012 word Fervent was right on as the Lord truly built a "fervent" fire in my bones throughout the year. He also opened up broader insight and teaching than I had ever seen before. I am so thankful for that. I certainly intend to remain Fervent in my pursuit of His path for me in 2013.
The word He gave me for 2013 is EXPAND. I love this word and it feels just right. I'm not sure what all God is planning to Expand in my life and walk with Him but I am very ready and eager and yes, will pursuit it Fervently, as I Persevere, make myself Vulnerable, and strive for Unity in The Body of Christ. ~~~~ WOW!! I just realized, for the first time in writing this, how God has been using these yearly words as foundational building blocks in my life.
Just the other day some friends of ours, who we hadn't personally seen in about 9 years, came by to visit. Before they left the husband prayed over me for an "expansion" of my ministry. He had no idea that this was to be my 2013 word and I did not share that with him after he prayed. I thank The Lord for His confirming
word to me.
Pray and ask Jesus to give you a word for the year 2013. He will. "Ask and it shall be given."