The long awaited day has finally arrived. At 9 a.m. on Friday, November 25th the movers arrive at the storage building where many of Marc's items have been living for the past 14 months. Marc & I run errands picking up shelf paper, etc. and return to the apartment, where Aric has been waiting, just in time to receive the call that the storage is now packed and the movers are heading for the new house. Marc & Aric and the dog leave for the new house. The cat & I remain at the apartment & I pack up the last boxes of kitchen items.
After unloading all the items from the storage to the house, which included the refrigerator, and washer & dryer the movers took a lunch break. Marc & Mickey return to the apartment but leave Aric & the dog at the house, so the dog can become familiar with her new surroundings.
The movers return, after their lunch, and load up all the apartment items and all of us, except the cat who we leave at the apartment, head for the new house. The cat ran away once since they've been at the apartment and Marc was so worried about that not happening during this move.

Backing up the moving truck into the drive way for unloading of the apartment items.
The moving crew. Why are moving guys always skinny?!! But they got the job done in 4 and 1/4 hour and did a good job.
Marc has kept very few items and is going to be buying new furniture. Two side chairs, the antique chair he just bought at the auction last week, a flower vase and an old antique check printer sitting on the mantle. Can't remember what Aric was plugging in. Probably checking out some connection for one of his games.
This is my fathers old antique solid oak desk and chair that I had given Marc when we sold our big home in 1997 when Mickey retired and we went on the road in our RV.
The desk alcove that I did not have a picture of in yesterday's post.
An old Antique chest that had belonged to Aric other grandmother and Marc has been keeping for her.
The tiny little breakfast set that they had in the other house looks so small in this huge dining room but will do until he gets large new dining furniture. The chair in the corner, which you can hardly see, is the other antique chair Marc bought at the auction.
Three concrete acorns and bench that will be placed in the yard somewhere.
My job was lining all the kitchen cabinets and shelves, all the pantry shelves, and try to get a few dish items in place so they can manage until all the boxes get unpacked and everything fnds a home.
We worked 12 hours on Friday and we were all bushed. We did take time out and had a lovely meal mid-afternoon at Olive Garden.
Saturday we worked from 10 to 2 but had to leave because we had tickets to go to Dry Gulch and ride the Christmas Parade and have dinner with our small group. We left the church at 4 and didn't get home until 10:30. We were 2 tired puppies.
We'll go back some time next week and get the laundry (which has cabinets on both side), linen closet, and both bathrooms cabinets lined and done,
Sunday the whole family came out in the afternoon: Jacque, Benny, Dave, Mickey & I.
What a wonderful time of rejoicing over this blessing for Marc & Aric. I love my family and I am so thankful we get to share in so much together - the happy & the sad. God is so good to us.