I have been tagged by Tiffany of Southern Sass to do the 6 Random Things About Me ..meme.
Here are the rulz of the game...1. Link to the person who ‘tagged’ you!2. Post the rules on your blog!3. List 6 random facts about yourself!4. Tag 6 people at the end of your post!5. Let each person know they have been tagged by commenting on their blog!6. Let the tagger know the entry is posted on your blog!
I have posted so many things about myself it is going to be hard to find 6 more random things about me but I'll try.
1. When I was growing up in Santa Fe, NM it was about 85% hispanic. I was surrounded by the Spanish language and had every opportunity to learn and even took a class in school and yet never learned to speak Spanish. Mickey & I took a Spanish class at the Church we attended in 2003 and I really studied and worked at it but could not retain it. This is one of the regrets of my life.
2. I am one who takes very little medicine and therefore the slightest bit makes me talk really silly. When my first child was born I had a very long labor, over 30 hours, and by the time she finally came I was completely "out" from the gas they gave me. Consequently in rolling me from the delivery table, to the cart, to the bed I was sort of tangled in the sheets. Upon coming to in my room one of the first things I said was, "I feel like a mummy not a mommy!" Remember, I am just 12 days shy of being 17 years old!!!
3. I have lived in 4 states NM, CA, CO, OK and have been blessed to travel in all 50 states. The order of living in these 4 states has been: NM, CA, NM, CA, CO, OK, NM, OK.
4. Oklahoma has a very large Indian population and is home to the 7 civilized tribes. When we first moved here in 1964 the schools would have the children fill out a report whether they had any Indian blood in them. For about 3 years straight our young daughters, who were 9 & 8 when we moved here, would come home saying, "Are you SURE we don't have any Indian blood in us?". They felt slighted that they didn't.
5. I have never been concerned about growing older. I am sure this is because of having such a wonderful, energetic father who was 52 years old when I was born. I think growing older is an honor and something that should be done gracefully and without shame or regret. I think our society has been sold a bill of goods, mostly by the advertising industry, that aging is something to be dreaded or denied. I try to disspell this notion every chance I get. Like here!!!!! Even the Bible says " "The hoary (gray) head is a crown of glory, if it be found in the way of righteousness." Proverbs 16:31
6. I have worshiped and been active in 9 different "denominations" over my lifetime: Disciples of Chirst, Southern Baptist, Independant Baptist, Bible Church, Vineyard Fellowship, 3 Non-denominational- Oasis of Love, Church on the way, Our Finest Hour and now attend Assembly of God. I am thankful God has seen fit to do this in my life because it has given me a picture of the True Church which is made up of believers of ALL because it has nothing to do with the church we attend, or the denomination, but our relationship with the Head of the Church, Our Savior and Lord, Jesus.
Here are my 6 choices to participate: Leeanne, Bob, Groovy, Bev, Lisa, Sue. Please leave me a comment and let me know when and if you participate.