Saturday, February 27, 2010

SPIRITUAL SUNDAY 2010 - #3 - SHALOM - Using a new word

Participating in Spiritual Sunday once again. Go here to read all the other Spiritual posts for this week on this site hosted by Charlotte & Ginger.

The meaning of the word "Shalom"

By David Silver

The Hebrew word SHALOM is understood around the world to mean peace. But peace is only one small part of the meaning of the word SHALOM. Here in Israel, even though we don't have much in the way of peace, we use the word SHALOM on a daily basis. We use it to greet people with, and we use it to bid farewell to people. However, SHALOM means much more than peace, hello or goodbye.

Strong's Concordance 7965 - Hebrew Shalom ..... A word study in the New King James version for SHALOM says: Completeness, wholeness, health, peace, welfare, safety soundness, tranquility, prosperity, perfectness, fullness, rest, harmony, the absence of agitation or discord.
Shalom comes from the root verb Shalom meaning to be complete, perfect and full. In modern Hebrew the obviously related word Shelem means to pay for, and Shulam means to be fully paid.
Sar SHALOM (Prince of Peace) is one of the descriptive names the Bible uses to indicate the ministry and personality of the Messiah: Isaiah 9:6 - The Son of God is completely perfect in all things.

So in essence, when you speak out the word SHALOM - you are not only proclaiming peace, but all the above meanings of the word over that person - that's a mighty blessing!!!
Remember what the word of God says - "there is life or death in the power of the tongue".
We recently heard someone on a Christian TV program say: "No wonder the Jewish people are so blessed, because every time they say Shalom to one another, they are also allowing the full meaning (see above) of SHALOM to be pronounced over them. He humorously proceeded to say that this greeting word would be much more beneficial to the American people if they greeted each other with SHALOM instead of their usual "Hi" or "Howdy" greeting. As Josie and I adapted to life in Israel, we adapted to the SHALOM habit over the "Hi" habit....As Messianic Jews, we are called to bless you and we take that very seriously, by praying for you and by greeting you with SHALOM. Therefore, from now on, when we or someone says SHALOM to you, you should receive it as a tremendous blessing. And bless them back with a hearty SHALOM!"

Numbers 6:24-26: The Lord bless you and keep you. The Lord make His face shine upon you and be gracious to you. The Lord lift up His face upon you and give you SHALOM. In the name of SAR SHALOM - the Prince of Peace.
Our Tuesday night Bible Study, 3rd Day Sisters, are going to start using SHALOM now that Cindy brought us this information last Tuesday. I thought it was so insightful I wanted to share it here with all of you.
Shalom, dear readers!!!

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Friday, February 26, 2010


I received this by e-mail but it is SO good I just had to share it with all of you here.

WARNING: I laughed until tears were rolling down my cheeks. This is the kind of humor I love. Hope you enjoy it as much as Mickey & I did.

UPS Airlines

Just in case you need a laugh:Remember it takes a college degree to fly a plane, but only a high school diploma to fix one; a reassurance to those who fly routinely in their jobs.

After every flight, UPS pilots fill out a form, called a 'gripe sheet,' which tells mechanics about problems with the aircraft. The mechanics corrects the problems, document their repairs on the form, and then pilots review the gripe sheets before the next flight.

Never let it be said that ground crews lack a sense of humor. Here are some actual maintenance complaints submitted by UPS pilots (marked with a P) and the solutions recorded (marked with an S) by maintenance engineers.

By the way,UPS is the only major airline that has never, ever, had an accident.

P: Left inside main tire almost needs replacement.

S: Almost replaced left inside main tire.

*P: Test flight OK, except auto-land very rough.

S: Auto-land not installed on this aircraft.

*P: Something loose in cockpit.

S: Something tightened in cockpit.

*P: Dead bugs on windshield.

S: Live bugs on back-order.

*P: Autopilot in altitude-hold mode produces a 200-feet-per-minute descent.

S: Cannot reproduce problem on ground.

*P: Evidence of leak on right main landing gear.

S: Evidence removed.

*P: DME volume unbelievably loud.

S: DME volume set to more believable level..

*P: Friction locks cause throttle levers to stick..

S: That's what friction locks are for.

*P: IFF inoperative in OFF mode.

S: IFF is always inoperative in OFF mode.

*P: Suspected crack in windshield.

S: Suspect you're right.

*P: Number 3 engine missing.

S: Engine found on right wing after brief search..

*P: Aircraft handles funny. (I love this one!)

S: Aircraft warned to straighten up, fly right and be serious.

*P: Target radar hums.

S: Reprogrammed target radar with lyrics.

*P: Mouse in cockpit

.S: Cat installed.

*And the best one for last

*P: Noise coming from under instrument panel. Sounds like a midget pounding on something with a hammer.

S: Took hammer away from the midget.


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Thursday, February 25, 2010


Remember my post "God Knock's Our Socks Off". Well, God's done it again.... Knocked My Socks Off!! Last time it was about The King's Kitchen, this time it's totally different but oh so God.

I have had this blog for a little over 3 years, beginning it January 21,2007. Among the first blog friends I made was Ginger who lives in Michigan. My friendship with Ginger has grown and grown and she truly is a treasured blog friend of mine. We even had the privilege of meeting in "real" life in November, 2008.

Five weeks ago I get an e-mail from Ginger asking me if I know some one named Janiece. No, I do not. I have never even heard the name. Somehow ???? You know how it is in blogland you see a comment and click on it and then that leads to a blog and you see another comment and click on it, etc. etc..... Well, anyway "somehow" Janiece became a commenter on Ginger's blog, although Janiece does not have a blog.

Next, through seeing my blog, and my friend, Sandra's, blog , Janiece leaves this comment on Ginger's post:

Janiece said...
How unreal it is for me to find out that Sister Faith, Susan and me live 15 minutes from each other???
January 25, 2010 9:01 AM

Next Janiese sees my friend, Wantha Ann's, name on one of my posts and realizes she knows Wantha Ann from years ago.

By now I have made contact with Janiece on FB and we are e-mailing. Due to the bad weather and my busy, busy schedule we had difficulty setting a time we could meet but were anxious and determined to do so

Tuesday, February 23rd we met at McD's in Wagoner at 4 o'clock!!!

Meet Janiece.

Oh, my!!!! It was INSTANT connection and we both feel we've known each other for years!!!!!

We talked and talked. Well, you who know me well know I did most of the talking!! And we talked until 5:15 when Cindy came to pick me up for us to go to our Tuesday night Bible Study at Sandra's. We would have continued to talk for hours more. I tried, and I mean really, r-e-a-l-l-y tried to talk Janiece into going with us. It was too short a notice......but she will be joining us next Tuesday night. Then she'll get to meet Sandra and re-connect with Wantha Ann.

HOW GREAT IS OUR GOD!! YES, once again God's blown my sock's off and as the song goes, "If He did it once, He'll do it again". He does. I can't wait to see exactly what God is up to but both Janiece and I know He's up to something and we are both excited about it.


I can't wait to see what God's up to next in my life.

And people say, "It's boring to be a Christian?"

They do not know what they are talking about!!!!

Connecting 2 woman (Janiece & I) who live within 15 miles of each other through a woman (Ginger) who lives in Michigan who has never met her and only met me once.

What a mighty God we serve.

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Wednesday, February 24, 2010


With all my excitement and joy over the King's Kitchen I want to assure you this is just one work that is going on at Coweta Assembly. I am so very proud to be part of this church and this group of Jesus lovers and followers. So I want to give you a bigger view of my wonderful church.

First, and foremost, and the reason for this strong body of believers is our wonderful Pastor Gary Rogers and his lovely wife of 35 years, Paula.

Although Pastor Gary has only been Mickey & my Pastor for 3 years and 2 months, he has been serving as Pastor at Coweta Assembly for going on 17 years. The church has grown greatly under his leadership. He shares that his first service there were just a few people present, and 4 of them had come in his car!!!

Pastor Gary first and foremost loves the Lord and his mission for our church is "To decrease the population of hell and increase the population of heaven." Every sermon, every teaching, every activity of the church is geared to that one purpose.

Sister Paula is a retired school teacher who brings her love of children and her love of learning and teaching into full swing in various ways in the church. Gary & Paula have been happily married 35 years.

Coweta Assembly has a full time staff of 9. These 7:

And not pictured - Melody, Office Manager - Misty, Pastor's Secretary.
We, also, have an elected Deacon Board of 7.

What I am most proud of is, we do not have just a large Church that is used only on Sundays and Wednesdays, and occasionally another time. NO - there is something going on ALL the time at Coweta Assembly and our Church is opened up to the use of our community.

Just as an example last week: February 14-20.

SUNDAY: 8 am, 10:45 am & 6 pm services. 9:45 am Small Group Meetings. At the 8 & 10:45 services this week Bridge Builders Ministry leaders were highlighted during the sermon. Missions was having an entree sale after both am services to raise money for the 2 upcoming Spring Missions trips. Fine Arts met at 4:30. Also during the 6 pm services Sister Paula is conducting G.E.D. classes. I am one of about 10 mentors and am privileged to be working with a young woman. There are 2 young women and 1 young man currently in the class. This is a new program begun 3 weeks ago called CA Academy.

MONDAY: 6:30 pm, in the ORC Building, the Young-At-Heart Ministry was having their monthly meeting and pot-luck dinner (this month Italian). I was honored to be invited and to give the devotion on "LOVE". At the same 6:30 time, in the Parlor Kitchen in the main Sanctuary building, Mickey & Valerie, Bill, Tammy & Sherry were busy preparing the main course for The King's Kitchen delivery the next morning. At 6 pm there had also been a brief Board Meeting. Pastor also does private Counseling on Monday evenings.

TUESDAY: 9 am the ORC building is abuzz with activity; Bill & his daughter, Nancy, are busy preparing a sit down banquet for 100 that evening! Paula, Cathi, & Dustin are busy setting up long tables pushed together in the shape of a cross. All are covered with white table clothes with broad red ribbons flowing down the center, with small twinkling lights wound through the ribbons. There were also several round tables set up with the red ribbons & lights and with a ceramic cross in the center of each. I wish I had taken some pictures. It was stunning!!!!

9 am in the Parlor Kitchen Mickey & I are cooking the Swiss Chicken, Green Beans, & New Potatoes and browning rolls for the 28 meals that are going out to homes today. We are also loading up the cold containers for the 4 different routs with containers of cottage cheese & peaches, apple or cherry cobbler, individual containers of ice cream, 1% milk, & butter. Janice comes in to assist and help about 10, as well as Cathi comes in from the ORC and decorating to help us. Around 11 our 4 teams of drivers & deliverers begin arriving: Tim & Jenne - Jimmy & Nellie - Andy & Dustin - Joi & Cathi (wearing her 3rd hat of the morning!). Around 11:15 I, Janice, Tim, & Jenne begin to fill the 3 part hot trays and put a hot roll in a sandwich bag while Mickey is packing them into the hot containers. By 11:45 all 4 teams are on the road. Mickey, Janice & I clean up the kitchen.

10 am Judy & Thelma came in to work in and open The Klothes Kloset until 2 pm. This ministry has grown so much since it was started in September last year that it is having to be moved into a bigger room within the ORC. Praise God!

2 pm there was a memorial service for a grandfather of a young man who attends our church.

5 pm 100 Pastors and church leaders from all over the NE part of Oklahoma which make up the Sectional Conference of The Assembly of God Churches meet for the sit-down, lovely, special dinner that had been prepared for them.

7 pm a service of the Sectional Conference, open to the public, was held in our Sanctuary.

WEDNESDAY: 7:30-9 am The Coweta Chamber of Commerce met in the ORC.

7 pm ALL the Wednesday night activities plus Pastor teaching in the Sanctuary. He is currently doing a L-O-N-G study through the entire Bible. We had a VERY SPECIAL time and special move of the Holy Spirit this night that was so powerful that our Pastor set aside the teaching and we just relished in what God was doing.

THURSDAY: The Coweta Ministerial Alliance meet at our Church at noon for their monthly meeting. Klothes Kloset opened from 10 am to 2 pm.

FRIDAY: The Girl Scouts had a "Mom & Me" sleepover beginning at 8 pm. They also brought food items for The Food Pantry and there were so many items brought that The King's Kitchen was also blessed with a supply of canned green beans and canned corn. God gives above and beyond!!

SATURDAY: 2 - 9 pm Special Olympics were held in the ORC.

6 pm was the launch of a new Saturday night service for Young Adults. Associate Pastor Stephen Lee will be preaching every Saturday night. They had 45 adults & 7 children at this first service, Our entire body is excited about this outreach to the Coweta Area and the un-churched young adults. Although the service is open to any age it will be geared to the young adult.

So, that is a sample of some of the multitude of activities and outreach to the Coweta community that our Body is involved in.

Mickey & I are so proud to be a part of this vibrant, active Body of Christ.

My next post will cover ALL the various activities with-in this body. This post was just getting too long :o)

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Sunday, February 21, 2010


February 20th and it's our Granddaughter, Oksana's 15th birthday celebration. She selected the Cheesecake Factory to celebrate.

Mickey watching out the window for them to arrive. I had wanted to get a photo of them entering is why he was watching so intently.
Here they come, Deann, Aric, Oksana,
Tayler & Marc.

The lunch & celebration was set for 1 o'clock but Mickey & I arrived at 12:30. It was a good thing we did, because we turned in our names (reservations had been made ahead of time by Deann) but we did not get seated until 1:30. An hour wait for Mickey & I but believe me it was well worth it.

Our Birthday girl with her best friend, Tayler as they were looking at the menu's. This was the 3rd birthday celebration for Oksana. Deann had made a birthday cake Wednesday night and they had birthday with the 7 of their new family. Friday night Tayler had joined them and they had all gone out to eat Chinese food and then she spent the night. Tayler was also spending Saturday night with them.


Cousin Jessica with her boyfriend, Josh, Aunt Suzette

Uncle Dave, Suzette's husband, with Deann. You can see how happy he is that she is now part of our family. See Deann's arm and hand reaching for Marc :o)

Dad Marc & Deann. Newly weds of 8 days!!!

Brother Aric. He was giving me that false smile and then I ended up with no smile.

Grandpa Mickey & Grandma Susan
Missing were Aunt Jacque and Benny (Jacque had to work) Deann's 3 sons, Mason, Aaron & Cody (with their father) & Uncle David (in California - although he had called Oksana).

Time for the presents and cards. Mostly card with gift cards or money. You know when a girl reaches those teen years they like to do their own shopping :o) Grandpa & I did give her a little short sleeves white shirt with a big pink heart in the middle of it and 3 pair of the ankle high colorful socks (Pink poke-a-dots - bright orange - and black & lilac hearts) just to have a package to open and then a $30 gift card to Target.
She had cards & gift cards from Jessica & Josh and from Suzette & Dave. Here was her final card & gift. See the happy look with the $100 bill stuffed inside from Dad & Deann. The outside of the envelope with the $100 bill in it read: Phone??

Whatsoever you want....
BESIDES a kitten or a puppy!!!

With the merger of the two families of: 4 boys, 1 girl, 2 dogs, 1 cat & 1 chinchilla !!! another kitten or puppy was out of the question.

The complimentary birthday cheesecake with strawberry & candle
the wait staff singing Happy Birthday

It was a grand time of celebration for all of us. The food was delicious, naturally!!! Mickey & I SPLIT a BBQ Salmon dinner and SPLIT a slice of Key Lime Cheesecake. So I didn't totally blow the weight loss program and goal :o)
We had superb service with a wonderful waitress that handled this large group well and gave excellent service.

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Saturday, February 20, 2010

SPIRITUAL SUNDAY 2010-#2 - Another Powerful Book

For Spiritual Sunday today I am once again recommending and sharing a wonderful book God just placed in my hands that has stirred me deeply. Go here to share all the other wonderful Spiritual Sunday posts.


Any who follow my blog know that I am an avid reader of Christian Literature. I wish I had kept track of the number of these books I have read since being saved in 1955.

The very first book I read, after making Jesus my Savior, was Anna Whitall Smiths "The Christian's Secret Of A Happy Life". A woman from church gave it to me. It was truly a gift from God because it blessed me so much, and helped set my feet on the right path for my growth in this new life as a Child of God. That book still sits on my bookshelf and I have read it numerous times and given away a lot of copies to others. Some books become like "special friends" which I hang on to for dear life. I will loan you MY copy but I want it back!!!!

I just posted about "The Bait of Satan" by John Bevere on February 12th. Since then I read, "Toronto Blessing" by Dave Roberts. It was an ok book. If I start a book I will finish it, no matter what!!! This book gave me some insight behind the Toronto move of God but the book itself was not, for me at least, a great read.

The next book was one of those wonderful NEW friends who will be on my bookshelf for the rest of my life!!! I seem to be going through a period where the Lord is blessing me with wonderful book, after wonderful book !!! Thank you, Jesus.

My friend, Carmel, brought a box of books over to my home a few weeks ago. When I saw this one by A.W. Tozer I really got excited because I love his writing. He always speaks to a very deep place within my Soul and Spirit.

It is a small book, only 128 pages, with 10 Chapters. My favorite Chapter was #7 - The Gaze of the Soul, but the book starts off with a bang in Chapter #1 - Following Hard After God.

To any of you who desire to "Follow Hard After God" I wholeheartedly recommend this book. It gave me an even deeper understanding of my walk with my Lord.

A.W. Tozer has written 26 other I can't wait to read more of them. If any of you have read his work please let me know which one and if you'd recommend it. If you've read "The Pursuit Of God" I'd like to hear your comments and feelings. If you read it after my recommendation I hope you'll let me know how it affected you.


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Friday, February 19, 2010


My long time blog friend, Ginger, just republished a post that she first blogged in 2007, titled My Box - Reposted. Please go and read her moving post before you read my comment to her, which I'm posting here.

"Since I've been following your blog since 2007 I've read this 4 times and each time it has stirred me.

It is amazing the way God is opening ALL of us up to so much truth. Yes, we are in our individual towns, churches, families, "boxes" so to speak, but it is HE who has placed us there and it's not the "box" that is wrong - it's not opening up that box and sharing it, and most importantly, our selves with all who our "box" comes in contact with that is wrong.

I desire to share ALL I am with all who choose to look at my box, from afar and hopefully will move closer to really see GOD and His working with me inside that box and pouring out the contents over the side and sometimes dumping it all out. "

As I was writing this comment I knew I just had to post on this subject, too, and told Ginger I planned to do so.


Come in all sizes: smallest box, small box, normal box, large box, & largest box. The size and beauty, or lack of beauty, of the box is not the important thing. We all know that sometimes the smallest box will contain a priceless diamond or pearl. Sometimes a box with no outward appeal will have a really wonderful surprise in it. What is important is that we don't hide in our box. That we allow others to see inside, climb inside - if they desire to do so, and that we are willing to share every piece of ourselves that are so safety stored, and so often covered up, within our box.

Over the 3+ years I have been blogging one of my consistent goals has been to be real. To not present myself in any way other than what and who I am. I share my joys, and I share my sorrows. Thankfully, lately my life has been filled with more joys than sorrows but that has not always been the case and I have been very open about those parts, too.

One of the blessings that blogging has given me is connecting with so many others who love The Lord and want to share that love with me, and others. One of my favorite Bible scriptures is: Proverbs 27:17 – “Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend.” Ginger's post today, for the 4th time, has sharpened my iron and I am thankful for that.

To all of you the Lord has seen fit to connect me with, either here in blogland, or in real life I want you to know I want to peer into your box. If you will allow me, I even want to climb in that box with you. And, most importantly I want you to be able to literally pour out all the contents your box holds and share YOU and every aspect of your life. We are "lights" we are not to hide our "candlesticks" but set them high to help and shed light to others.

God, I thank you that YOU have made us all different, but all special. I thank you so much for the people you have brought, and those you will yet bring, into my life to teach me and share their hopes, dreams & SELVES with. In Jesus precious, precious name I pray. Amen

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Wednesday, February 17, 2010


We began a new Bible Study last night at my friend, Sandra's.

I don't know how many of my readers are familiar with Kenneth E. Hagin and his teachings. He established Rhema Bible Teaching Center a number of years ago in Broken Arrow so his simple faith and teaching are well known here. He went to Heaven in 2003. Mickey & I were blessed to hear and see him on several occasions.

The main point of the chapter last night was "receiving" what God has made available to us.

As we were discussing this I brought up about how hard it is for us to receive, even in the natural. Since Mickey began The King's Kitchen and we contacted people, to begin receiving the hot meal we are delivering at noon every Tuesday, we were shocked to hear some comment that they didn't feel like they needed this or deserved it. It was hard for them to just accept, or "receive" this free gift that was being offered.

This morning I began thinking and meditating on our study last night and tying it back with the King's Kitchen and the reluctance of some to not want to "receive".
This truly is a manifestation in the natural of how we are in the spiritual. We all want to be, or at least appear to others to be, Oh so self-sufficient.

The basic core problem, as always, comes back to that "self", that "flesh", that wants to do it ourselves and not have to depend or rely on anyone else.....even GOD!!!!

That "self" that always falls into one of two ditches. The one: "I am so capable and able I don't need anyone or anything - even God". The other: "I'm so unworthy. I'm so nothing, no one can find me attractive or lovable or care about me...not even God."

I realized afresh and anew that we need to learn, and teach others to learn, that it truly is ALL about God. When we can and WILL get our eyes off ourselves and truly just put our eyes on HIM, He has already done it. It truly is "receiving"....whether that is Salvation, the Holy Spirit, Tongues, provision, walking in health, healing, the ability to accomplish and DO what He calls us to do!!!

The more I thought and meditated on this the plainer He made it to me. I just love the fact that our Lord is constantly teaching us, showing us, opening our "eyes" to see truth, and our "ears" to hear truth. I suddenly became consumed with now very much we need to truly learn to just "receive" from God. PERIOD.

I read this quote almost three years ago and I know I've shared it here before. “You are not self assured, you are God assured”. 7/27/07 – Francis Frangipane

When I saw that it had an impact on me and I've never forgotten it.

When our assurance and confidence it totally on God, and on Him alone, we will be able to "receive" everything He has for us.

I don't know about you, but I know I want to walk in the entire fullness that God wants me to have and that my Jesus has purchased, with His precious blood, for me. I don't want to get to the end of my life and hear Him say, "Why didn't you trust me? Why didn't you believe my Word?"

"Lord, I believe; help thou mine unbelief." Mark 9:24b

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One of my favorite blog friends, Maxine, is having a lovely Day Star giveaway at her Unspeakable Gifts web site.

Isn't this lovely?

If you love and appreciate Day Star products as much as I do, go here to participate in this Give Away.

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Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Several of the blogs I read participate in this Daybook and I have always enjoyed reading them. I decided to give it a try today.

Outside my is still pitch black because it is 5:52 a.m. and the sun has not yet come up.

I am very honored I am that I was invited to be a special speaker on the subject of "Love" at the monthly meeting of a group of couples at our church called "Young at Heart".

I am thankful for...having a brand new daughter-in-love, Deann, and three new grandsons, Mason, Aaron & Cody join our family February 12th!

I am wearing...PJ's - Black bottoms with colored snow shaped designs and a solid purple top with the neck trimmed in satin with very small buttons.

I am much we enjoyed our travels in all the Canadian provinces as we've been watching the Olympics.

I am going... to our church at 9 a.m. to prepared a hot meal, Swiss Chicken, that will be delivered to the homes of 28 shut-ins and elderly today at noon.

I am currently reading..."The Pursuit of God" by A.W. Tozer

I am hoping...We don't have any more ice storms this winter.

On my mind...looking forward to my 3rd Day Sisters Bible Study tonight. We had to cancel last week due to the weather and it always leaves a big hole in my week the few times we have been unable to meet.

Noticing desk is once again a mess and needs to be sorted through and cleaned off.

Pondering these words... Don't love the world's ways. Don't love the world's goods. Love of the world squeezes out love for the Father. Practically everything that goes on in the world - wanting your own way, wanting, everything for yourself, wanting to appear important - has nothing to do with the Father. It just isolates you from him. The world and all its wanting, wanting, wanting is on the way out - but whoever does what God wants is set for eternity. I John 2:1-17

From the kitchen... nothing..not even the coffee going yet.

Around the house... the guest bedroom needs to be cleaned and straightened up since we had the grands with us for 4 days (Thursday -Sunday).

One of my favorite things~a hot, relaxing bubble bath.

From my picture journal... Our last snow and one of my husband's beloved birds at the feeder.

Check out The Simple Woman's blog if you would like to read more day posts or join in!

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Sunday, February 14, 2010


We are so very proud to welcome Deann as our new daughter-in-love
and wife of our younger son, Marc.

They were married February 12, 2010 in Eureka Springs, Arkansas.

They have known each other and been dating for 16 months. You have see Deann, and her sons, in a lot of our family celebrations over the past year.

We not only add Deann to our family but her 3 wonderful sons:

Mason - 13, Aaron - 11, & Cody -9.

With Aric - 11 & Oksana - 15.

That gives them one 9 year old, two 11 year olds, & one 13 year old sons

& 1 -15 year old daughter.

Pray for all 7 of them as they make the adjustment of bending these two families into one. It won't be easy, and both Marc & Deann are fully aware of the challenges ahead of them and have given much thought and consideration to this union.

Marc and his two are moving into Deann's home in Owasso. Marc's home will then be put up for sale. When it sells they will put Deann'a home up for sale and purchase a bigger new home in Owasso.

Marc deserves a wife like Deann and Deann deserves a husband like Marc.

This is truly a win-win and we could not be happier or more delighted.

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Saturday, February 13, 2010


Every year around Valentine's Day the mission arm of our church puts on a banquet called Agape Cafe. It is two fold: first a lovely meal to celebrate Valentines and second to raise money for the upcoming Spring Break Mission trips (this year there are 2 of them).

Last year our two daughters, Suzette & Jacque, and Dave & Benny accompanied us. This year we took two of our grandchildren, Oksana & Aric.

It is always a lovely event. You make reservations and buy your tickets ahead of time and the tables are set up in sizes to fit your party - for 2 - for 4 (like ours) - for 3 - for 6 - and large tables for groups. The tables are always set with linen table clothes a center piece and candle light. The "dining room" is always darken and pleasant.

The meal begins with a nice tossed salad with choice of ranch or Italian dressing. The main dish is either Lasagna or Swiss Chicken and is served with potato, green beans, & Parkerhouse rolls with butter. Oksana & Aric ordered Lasagna & Mickey & I had the Swiss Chicken. The drinks are tea, sweet tea, water or coffee.

After the meal a dessert cart is brought over and you choose whatever scrumptious dessert you choose. Oksana had a 3 layered cheese cake, I had chocolate cheesecake, Aric had butter finger cake and Mickey had carrot cake.

It was a lovely evening out for us and of course we saw many of our church friends at the same time. The reservations are taken for either 6 or 7 o'clock. Ours was 7.

Our entire Church had just ended a 21 day fast on Tuesday the 9th so you could imagine how good this lovely meal tasted to all of us :o)

Then the four of us came home and watched the wonderful opening ceremony of the Olympic games. A very fun, and special evening for all of us.

We picked the kids up from school on Wednesday afternoon and they are with us until late Sunday. Nice to have both of them for this long.

This morning the four of us went over to their Tulsa house and Mickey & Oksana finished cleaning out and boxing up all Oksana's things from her room and Aric & I did likewise in his room. We had a box for "keep" - a box for "garage sale" or "give away" and a huge garbage bag for "throw away" for each room. Aric & Oksana were not too thrilled about doing this job but it will be a big help & a surprise for Marc when he returns and finds he has at least this much done!!!! They have lived in the Tulsa home since Aric was born 11 years ago and you know how much stuff and junk you accumulate, especially with 2 kids!!!

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Friday, February 12, 2010


Yes, I love to read......BUT I really love to read a book that speaks directly to an issue that effects our walk with The Lord.

This book does just that.

I first heard about The Bait of Satan, by John Bevere, about 4 years ago. A friend at church had read it and was saying what a great book it was. Then last year it seemed like everywhere I turned someone was telling me about this book. I always wanted to read it but never had.

Now that I have read it, I highly recommend this book. As far as I'm concerned, if you are a serious follower of Jesus this is one of those MUST READ books. The subject matter, Living Free From theDeadly Trap of Offence, is a timely topic.

"And then shall many be offened, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another. And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many. And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold." Matthew 24:10-1 KJV

Two quotes from the book that really spoke to me are:

"Physical growth is a function of time.
Intellectual growth is a function of learning.
Spiritual growth is neither a function of time or learning
but is a function of obedience."


"Purposes for shaking.
1. To bring it closer to its foundation.
2. To remove what is dead.
3. To harvest what is ripe.
4. To awaken.
5. To unify or mix together so it can no longer be separated."

I'm wondering how many of you have read this book?
If you have I'd love to hear your comments.

If not, please do. It may just change your life & your eternity.

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Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Monday evening, February 8th, 6 p.m. the cooks arrive~~~~

The main dish will be prepared the evening before because most of our cooks work full time jobs. Here are Kathy and Jane setting up and getting everything ready.

We have two kitchens in our church. This is the smaller one, the Parlor Kitchen, and will be used on Monday nights because there are various meetings in the ORC on Monday nights which make the big kitchen unavailable to us.

Stacy is at work at the stove starting to brown the hamburger. The two large pots are on the other stove, one for the spaghetti sauce and one for the spaghetti. Mickey has just returned (hence the coat still on-it's cold) from a trip to the ORC for another large can of tomato sauce.

Sherry arrives. Sherry is the key person in this operation and has just come in, with her 2 small children, after working all day, and then going to Wa*lm*art for the final items: fresh green & red leaf lettuce, and shredding carrots for the salads, fresh french bread for the garlic toasts, red grapes, etc. The subway boxes are her children's dinner!!! What dedication to serving.

Kathy, Stacy (who is our Senior High Pastor's wife and the mother of an infant daughter) Mickey & part of Sherry. The hamburger had been divided into the second skillet because there is so much.

This group prepared the spaghetti and spaghetti sauce, 25 small containers of ranch dressing & 25 of Italian (so the recipients can have their choice), the 2 lettuces cut and the carrots added for the salad, and the bread sliced, buttered and garlicked.

Tuesday morning, February 9th, 8 a.m.~~~

Mickey & I arrive and the preparations begin.

Cathi & Sherry are here to help. The salad's have already been boxed. The large sheet cake, supplied by the Young at Heart cooks, has been sliced and boxed.

Cathi has also brought small, individual Day Star Cards for each person. On the envelope she wrote "For Someone Special" and inside they were all signed "You are loved".

The spaghetti sauce (left pan) and the spaghetti with some sauce (right pan) which were prepared the night before are being reheated.

The red grapes have been divided in small, individual bags.

One of the two pans of garlic toast.

The cases are ready for loading by route.

The first delivery team, husband and wife Tim & Jeanne, with their folder with driving instructions, names & cases ready to roll.

Second delivery team, husband & wife, Jim & Nellie with Mickey discussing their route.

This is Mickey's brother, Jerry who came in last night from Tennessee getting in on the fun, as a spectator. Janice, putting on her coat and ready to leave after having helped fill and manually fill the hot 3 part dinner trays.

Sherry discussing with Andy his route.
The third route was delivered by Cathi (pictured above) and Joi and her young daughter, Brooke. We failed to get a picture of these as they left :o( You'll see them a lot in the future.

Andy, Stephen (our Associate Pastor), Dustin (the Junior High Pastor) and Mickey finalizing the last route. Andy & Dustin deliverd this route.

Just in case you think ALL I do is take the pictures......I'm a really good dish washer.

What a joyous, answer to prayer, planning, willing hearts & plain hard work today was as 24 meals were delivered to individual homes, a nursing home, and assisted living home.
The menu: Spaghetti with meat sauce, tossed salad with choice of dressing, garlic bread, carton of 2% milk, small bag of grapes, and slice of yellow cake with butter frosting.
Each 3 part servicing tray had a sticker "Do Not Microwave - Heat in Oven - 350 - 15 minutes" just in case they didn't want to eat it when delivered.
Also a sticker which read: King's Kitchen "Nevertheless He left not Himself without witness..filling our hearts with food and gladness." Acts 14:17 KJV
We plan on changing the Bible Verse every 2nd week.
It was truly a joyous time for the 15 of us who worked to make this meal a reality.

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