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11:46 AM
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Labels: House
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10:59 AM
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Labels: Blogiversary, Give Away
Posted by
11:58 AM
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Labels: Bible Study, Friday Favorites
Yes, one of the hardest parts of getting older is finding it harder to do things that require a lot of physical dexterity. The last major updates we did to our house were in April, 2008 when we changed the wallpaper in our kitchen, and changed the paint color on one wall in the living room and dining area when we had French Doors installed. Mickey had also repainted the exterior trim in the spring of 2007.
When we purchase our little home in Coweta in March of 1998 I just loved the little master bath with it's free standing sink, the flowery wall paper on the lower walls with white trim and walls above.
Posted by
3:38 PM
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Labels: House
Mickey & I have had a Tr*ac*ph*one for the past years. An inexpensive one that we purchased at Wal*ly and we prepurchased minutes for a year at a time. We had no ability to text (what is that?!) nor could you leave us a message. I, who does not particularly like to talk on a telephone much anyway, was perfectly content with what we had and especially the fact it only cost us $10 a month. To me the purpose of a phone is to leave a message or tell someone something important that I need to tell them.
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8:26 AM
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Labels: telephone
Posted by
3:50 PM
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Labels: God
Once again participating in Spiritual Sunday. Go here to read other entries.
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7:17 AM
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Labels: Spiritual Sunday
Posted by
6:06 AM
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Labels: God Speaking
Yes, this was suppose to be posted on Wednesday, but let's just say..........I'm running behind!!!
1. A new Miss America was crowned on Saturday night-did you watch? No, I did not. If you were a contestant what would your talent be? Playing the piano.
2. Do you have houseplants? Yes MANY. Real or fake? Real and my husband basically takes care of them :o)
3. When you were in school did you speak up or were you more of the hide your face, avoid eye contact, and pray the teacher didn't call on you type of student? Oh, I was, an still am, definitely a speak up person!
4. Next Monday marks the Chinese New Year...what do you order when someone suggests Chinese food? I prefer buffet and my favorite are egg rolls & chow mein with nuts.
5. How would you define a miracle? Something that is definitely in God's control and that we cannot do ourselves. What would it take for you to consider something a miracle? Not a lot because I believe we see miracles of God around us ALL the time.
6. What's your favorite Disney song? M-I-C-K-E-Y Mouse because of my husbands name.
7. I should have nothing yesterday. Because I do not run my life on SHOULD HAVES.
8. Insert your own random thought here. We spent last evening celebrating our dear friends, Jack & Mary's, January 15th BD, with another couple of dear friends, Don & Barbara. I am so very blessed with wonderful friends. What is one of your biggest blessings?
Posted by
8:34 AM
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Labels: Wednesday Hodgepodge
There are those who have gone through the Bible and traced the story of Jesus.
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6:56 AM
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Labels: Bible
I have to be the most blessed woman on earth ------
1. I was blessed with wonderful Christian parents who not only loved me but taught me basic values and responsibilities. Who held me accountable from an early age.
2. I was blessed to find Jesus in a BIG WAY at the age of 18 and to be able to build my life around HIM.
3. I have been blessed to have shared 53 wonderful years with my wonderful husband, Mickey.
4. I am blessed to be the mother of 2 daughters, 2 sons, 2 granddaughters & 1 grandson.
5. I am blessed to have been nurtured, taught and grounded in MANY different churches over these many years.
6. And last, but certainly not least, I have been blessed with many wonderful long-time friends over my life.
This pitcher is just one example:
Posted by
10:18 AM
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Saw this on my friend Crystals blog and it looked different and fun so thought I'd give it a try.
RIght now, I am...
:: marveling At how much God loves me.
:: tired from cleaning our son's house on Thursday and still not total recuperated.
:: laughing after having just posted about cows running down our street the other day and police men and a patrol car "herding" them.
:: overwhelmed when I see the mess our country is in and not knowing if we are going to put someone in as President who can really make a difference.
:: pleasantly enjoying the wonderful life I have with my husband.
:: wondering just how many years we might have left here on earth.
:: grateful for the wonderful life we've had together these 53 years.
:: hearing the sound of the TV from the living room where my husband is watching TV
:: going out to dinner tomorrow night to celebrate some wonderful friends birthdays. The husband and wife share a January 15th birthday (and she is one year older - but don't tell her I told :o)
:: planning are having a less hectic week this week than we had last week.
:: digging around for new and different ideas to do in this one!
:: sewing is definitely a thing of my past.
:: listening to be sure I'm in tune with God and what He speaks to me.
:: eating again after fasting liquids only for the first 12 days of this New Year.
:: saying I'm glad our after Christmas Christmas Party for our King's Kitchen ministry was Saturday night and a lot of fun but I wish more people would have come.
:: inspired on a daily basis with the wonderful woman God has placed in my life.
:: happy that we get to spend so much time with our youngest son and only grandson.
:: delighted to be hosting a Tuesday night Home Bible Study each week.
:: waiting to paint our second bathroom.
:: being able to save up our money for new hardwood floors for our living room.
Posted by
4:48 AM
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Labels: Meme
Posted by
7:38 AM
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Labels: Coweta
Posted by
7:46 AM
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Labels: Spiritual Sunday
I saw this sometime ago on someones blog and thought I'd do it someday. Today is that someday.
A. Age: 74
B. Bed size: Queen
C. Chore that you hate: Anything where I have to get on my hands and knees: cleaning the bathrooms.
D. Dogs: None
E. Essential start to your day: 2 devotional readings, reading from the Bible, reading a chapter of the current book, and prayer. My husband and I do this together.
F. Favorite color: Blue
G. Gold or Silver: Like both
H. Height: 5' 5 1/2" (use to be 5' 6 1/2" scrinking with age!!)
I. Instruments you play: Piano
J. Job title: Retired
K. Kids: 2 sons & 1 daughter living and 1 daughter in Heaven
L. Live: Small town of Coweta, OK
M. Make of car: HHR Chevy
N. Nicknames: Princess & Honey by my hubby - Mama, Mom, Grandma
O. Overnight hospital stays: Major chest surgery at age 18 - 4 childbirths - pneumonia - gall bladder surgery.
P. Pet peeves: People who always complain about their problems instead of our Victory in Christ.
Q. Quote from a movie: Haven't the fainest idea!!!
R. Right or left handed: Right
S. Siblings: 3 half-sisters (but 2 almost as old as my mother and more like aunts) 1 12 years older than I who I loved as my sister and adored.
U. Underwear: White cotton
V. Vegetable you hate: Okra (can't say I hate it, but don't like or eat it)
W. What makes you run late: Sometimes taking one last look at fb or blog :o)
X. X-Rays you’ve had: Several
Y. Yummy food that you make: 3 cheese chicken enchiladas
Z. Zoo animal: Monkeys
Posted by
10:51 AM
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Labels: Meme
On Thursday, October 13th Mickey & I had the fun experience of having a little spot in being involved in the making of a commercial for Markwayne Mullin, a young man from our church who is running for Congress in Oklahoma's 2nd District.
This happened to occur during a visit when my forever, lifelong friend of 68 years from New Mexico was visiting. That made it even more special. I blogged about it here.
Here is the commercial. You'll have to look really close because it's just a brief second and if you blink you'll miss us!!!! We're sitting on a park bench and talking with Markwayne.
Markwayne Mullin commercial.
Posted by
8:22 AM
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Labels: Commercial
GIFT - n. 1) something given; present. 2) the act of giving. 3) a natural ability; talent.
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5:19 AM
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Posted by
7:11 AM
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Labels: Wednesday Hodgepodge