Friday, June 22, 2007

SHOW & TELL #7 Beer Stein

Well it's Friday again and Show & Tell time again. Such a fun time. Be sure and go here, to Kelli's blog There Is No Place Like Home to find out all about it and sign up on Mr. Linky.

This is my show & tell for this week. This is a beer stein (no we do not drink!) but I have a collection of beer steins and mugs that were started with this guy, and then added to by friend's trips overseas and bringing me back steins as gifts. I have had this guy since about 1966, so that makes him 41 years old to me. I have done a lot of looking, when we are in shops where steins sold and I have never seen another one like him. He is so cute and special.

He has quite a few stampings on the bottom showing he was made in Western Germany and then initials and numbers.

This is a side view of him showing his handle and profile. Quite a lovable looking guy wouldn't you say?

Thank you Kelli for letting me once again participate in your Show & Tell and show off this special little guy.


Kim said...

He's adorable. My dad used to have a few steins and my brother and I would drink LOTS of hot cocoa out of them. He never used them for beer either. LOL.

Trella said...

They is neat. He is adorable and I have never seen anything like it.

Alycia said...

That is so unique! My mother in law, also collects steins. Thank you for sharing today and I am happy to have found some time to read through your posts! Have a wonderfully blessed weekend :)

Anonymous said...

That is a very fun stein. It's great to have a unique one amongst the every day ones you see...

Mary L. Briggs said...

Oh, he is adorable! How special to start your collection with him! I love to see beer steins on the antique road show as they are very interesting to look at!

Lori said...

He is a cute little guy!

Have a great weekend!

... said...

what a wonderful looking stein. i think steins are so beautiful and unique. what a great thing to collect. do you display them all? how many do you have?

thanks for sharing.

charish said...

Very neat.

Sandra said...

How neat :)

Thank you for sharing :)

Ruth said...

That is so funny! I can't imagine drinking anything out of something like that!! He is so cute.

Anonymous said...

How cute! I have never seen one like it.

Anonymous said...

Love the stein! He is just so jolly, jovial cute!

Frazzled Farm Wife said...

He's great, what a great treasure to have. I love looking at all the show and tell items you have!

Susie said...

He's got such a jolly expression!
My mom used to have a few, but I think my brothers may have them now..

Tammy said...

So adorable! :)

Kelli said...

He is very loveable! What a fun collection to have!

LBP said...

So ugly he's cute!! Your beer steins need to come over and visit my toby mugs. They could keep each other company!

Anonymous said...

That is very unique :) I'm new to Show & Tell and thank you for stopping by my blog today.

Lila Rostenberg said...

That is a wild beer stein! I do like an occasional microbrew beer!

someone else said...

He's very cute!!

Becky said...

That is a very interesting stein. Thank you for sharing.

PS Thank you for the comment you left on my blog.

Have a great day!

Michelle said...

How neat and unique! Thanks for sharing!

Jenn4Him said...

Those stein makers were very creative!

Lyndy said...

He is unique. I have known several people that collect steins.

Thanks for sharing and have a blessed weekend.


Carole Burant said...

What an awesome beer stein!! I've never seen one like that either! When I was growing up, my dad had a bar downstairs and he had quite a collection of steins but I'm not sure who my mom gave them too after he passed away, I must ask her! Have a wonderful weekend my friend!! xoxo

Annie said...

I love show & tell!
Very cute little guy.

theups said...

I have never seen anything like this before!! How neat!! Is the rest of your collection this neat?

Mrs. U

Lynne said...

What a handsome little guy. My father collects steins but he doesn't have one like yours.

Anonymous said...

Hope you are feeling better.

Cute little of those unique things, huh?!

Autumn said...

He looks very jolly! lol
That would be a unique and cool collection. MAybe you could show more sometime.

Marci said...

He is adorable. You might look on ebay and see if anyone else has one like him.

Myrna said...

He is a friendly looking fella! You always come up with something unique. thanks for introducing us to little friend!

Maxine said...

He's so cute and so cheerful! I never had a collection of anything but wish that I had. Too late now--I'll just enjoy other people's.

Pear tree cottage! said...

collecting is very good for the sole I am told.

I too as you know collect china and love every piece.

So nice to be back in the land of blogger and visiting you today.

smiles from Lee-ann

Susan said...

Awwww...he's so cute. I think you should take him to the Antiques Roadshow. I'll bet he's a unique one.

Thanks for sharing as always.

:-) Susan

Anonymous said...


And I am glad you are not one bit guilty for blogging. No one should do anything they feel guilty for.

I just need a bit of balance.

Have a great week Susan!

sandy said...

What a cute stein. I bet every family has at least one stein around from family...

Pen of Jen said...

How very neat, and cute! I love coming over to show and tell!

Jeanette said...

Hi Susan. Love your beer stein he is so cute, my friends got a couple but nothing like that

Anonymous said...

I linked to your blog. I hope that is ok.

Momma Roar said...

Cute! I'd love to see the others.

Anonymous said...

ARE YOU KIDDING? You are IN CHARGE of the meeting. You are going to teach us how to do this guilt free and out in the open. Some of us are still "closet bloggers".

Diane @ A Watered Garden said...

What a fun collection. This little guy is a cutie!

Unknown said...

AAWW! He is quite a lovable looking guy! What a unique little man! Thanks for sharing. Hope you have a wonderful week!

TO BECOME said...

Yes, he is very cute. Thank you for showing him. connie fromTexas

Nadine said...

Very cute and unique indeed.

Pearls of Wisdom said...

He is so cute and very unique.


Angel ():)

groovyoldlady said...

He looks like a keeper to me. Hey, ya know what? We have an ashtray and we don't smoke. :-)

Just Mom said...

LOVE the beer stein, with or without the beer.

Barbara said...

I trust you are now better Susan.

Saija said...

that is a neat thing to collect ...

i collect postcards that others have sent to me ... my first was a california card, 1961 ... the stamps alone are fun to look at!

Diane @ A Watered Garden said...

Hi Susan! Thanks so much for visiting my blog and your "cyber" friendship. I have really enjoyed getting to know you through blogging. Yes, for some reason my email link doesn't you just have to cut and paste my address into your own email program. ( You are certainly welcome to link to my post and I will look forward to what you have to write on it as well! Thank you for asking! Blessings, Diane