Friday, September 21, 2007

SHOW & TELL #20 - Clowns

Okay.....Here it is Friday again and Show & Tell time at Kelli's of There Is No Place Like Home. Go here and find out ALL about it, if you don't already know. Then pick something to Show and Tell us about. Put it on Mr. Linky's at Kelli's and then have a great time visiting all the other Show & Tell posts. It's such fun. Trust me!!!

What I am showing today are two little clowns I made a number of years ago. You can see they sit up high, on a shelf in our bedroom that my husband made to hold our TV and speakers to the stereo system. (Click on pictures for detail)

Nothing really special but just cute little guys that have brought us joy over the years.


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Maalie said...

Happy Autumn Equinox to you too, Penless. I like the clowns :-)

Unknown said...

sweet clowns. I used to collect them when I was little. But don't have them any longer.. I don't know where it all went. I really like the black and white perot style one. Just so sweet.

Unknown said...

Oh there cute and remind me of toy clowns that were popular when I was a kid in the sixties.

I also enjoyed catching up on your Suzy Blue post with photos. The smashed car window was awesome!

Hootin Anni said...

I made those before too....similar anyway. Are they made from a piece of 2x4 wood, then costumed so they can perch on shelves? Super. Now you make me wanna make more...I have no idea where the two I made went. *giggles* [I especially like the black and white one]

Momma Roar said...

They are cute!! I'm sure they put a smile on everyone's face!

Anonymous said...

I think they are very cute! Reminds me of the Raggedy Ann and Andy that I made many years ago that sit on a shelf at my mom's. I took picturs of them when I was 'home' last week. I'll have to post them for show and tell sometime.

inspired said...

i'vE GoT A SoFt SpoT 4 CloWnS ;]

nannykim said...

Well I hate to say this, but clowns have always scared me!! Having them in my bedroom would cause awesome nightmares--perhaps it is because I never know what is behind the masks and I had dreams that were very scary when little!! But glad you can enjoy them, eh!

Anonymous said...

I love clowns! awesome!

Rose of Sharon said...

Cute clowns! Nice hubby to make such a neat shelf for your TV too!

I enjoy your Blog!

Have a great Friday, Sharon

Yellow Rose Arbor said...

Oh, Susan, I think they are very special! I think clowns are cute and fun and make people happy! I know someone who has a clown collection and I enjoy seeing all the different kinds!


Lori said...

Your two clowns are so cute!

Have a blessed weekend!

LBP said...

Thats very good handiwork, if they weren't clowns!

I am terrified of clowns and have been all my life. At a parade once when I was about 5, a clown grabbed me and put me in a cage with a person in a gorilla suit. I was terrified. My dad ran up and grabbed me out when he saw how scared I was.

Anonymous said...

They are both unique. It's so nice that they still bring you joy...

Pen of Jen said...

Very cute! I continue to see your creative talents coming through!

I really like the one on the right!

charish said...

Hello Susan,
I just wanted to stop by I have no show and tell this week. I have been stressed because my mom has been in the hospital with her cancer. There are new masses and she is under alot of pain.. Your clowns are cute. Thank you for sharing . Please keep my family in your prayers.

Anonymous said...

I really like the black and white one! Have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

What a bright, cheery pair! Cute!

someone else said...

Very cute little clowns.

Susie said...

Hi Susan,
I think seeing them each day would put a smile on my face too. They're delightful!

Frazzled Farm Wife said...

Awww....such cute clowns!

Tammy said...

Adorable, Susan! :D

Carole Burant said...

I've always loved clowns and these two are just adorable, made even more special because you made them!! xox

Hannah said...

Whoa! You made those?!! Those are so pretty! My favorite is the black and white one.

Anonymous said...


nannykim said...

Hey--I noticed you live in OK--we lived there for a couple of years, We lived near Tulsa in Sand Springs. I can't believe you have traveled to all the states except Hawaii!! Wow--bet you have some interesting tales!! (Oh Heidi is on a bookshelf--answer to your question)

Anonymous said...

Oh those clown are so cute. Even better that they were made by your loving hands. They will be a great keepsake.

Take care,

Miss Rebekah Ann S. said...

You are very talented! Thanks so much for sharing those with us.

Thanks for visiting my blog!!! :) Please come back often.


Short Stop said...

I think they're just precious!

Happy first day of fall to you, too! :)

Anonymous said...

It's so nice to have things around the house that make you smile.
Have a great day!

... said...

cute clowns. i thought about collecting clowns when i bought a cute figurine as a young adult, but decided against it. i think i still have that clown... i'll have to go look for it.

have a great weekend.

Sondra said...

What cute clowns. My sister made some just like that years ago.
Happy Fall to you too :)
I just love Fall.

Amy ~ (Life's Small Treasures) said...

Very nice clowns. My grandmother used to make them~I had forgotten till I saw your show and tell. Thanks for the memory.

Thanks also for stopping by my blog.

Ginger~~Enchanting Cottage said...

They are very cute clowns, they would make me smile if I were having a bad day.

Anonymous said...

Leave it to you to be clowin' around.

Happy fall my friend!

Lynne said...

I love your clowns, Susan. They must bring a smile to your face when you wake up in the morning.

Justabeachkat said...

So cute. My granny loved clowns so I always think of her when I see one. Thanks for sharing.


Stephanie D said...

Liked the clowns, but really loved the hot air balloon stories! Keep 'em coming!

Knit-Wit said...

Their cute! I'll bet your grandchildren are always asking to play with them. My daughter would be.

Mrs. Anna T said...

These two are so cute! I wish I could make dolls!

Sue Seibert said...

Wow, love your cute little guys!!

Susan said...

Wow...those are so very cute. I actually have a SIL who cannot look at them. They frighten her....even those that aren't real.

:-) Susan

Karen said...

Happy Fall to you too! Your clowns are precious! My mother-in-love used to collect clown figurines. She would love yours too.

MightyMom said...

how adorable!!

Unknown said...

What CUTE little clowns! I love the pom-poms!!


Nadine said...

Nice job. The clowns are cute. You are very crafty.

Andrea said...

Very nice clowns.

Myrna said...

Cute clowns. I also like the shelf--Tv out of the way, but viewable. good idea1

I think the clowns are adorable. I have a friend who is afraid of clowns--50+ and still scared of them. She doesn't even like cute cuddly ones like yours. She takes a lot of teasing for it--Not from me, oc course. AHEM!

TMM said...

Wonderful blog you have, Susan. I haven't seen so many responses all my life. haha

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