Thursday, October 4, 2007


October 4, 1958 - Flagstaff, Arizona
First Baptist Church

Susan Errett became Mrs. Mickey W. Joyce

October 4, 1958 Mickey Joyce became father to Suzette & Jacque

None of us have ever looked back and continue to look forward!!
Thank you honey for 49 wonderful and exciting years together.


I was just awarded this award!!

Mathetes is the Greek word for disciple, and the role of the disciple (per the Great Commission) is to make more disciples. I'd like to take the opportunity to award five other bloggers with this award and badge for acting in the role of a disciple of Christ. These five all share the message in their own creative ways, and I admire them all for what they do.

In the spirit of this award, the rules are simple. Winners of this award must pick five other "Disciples" to pass it on to. As you pass it on, I just ask that you mention and provide links for (1) this post as the originator of the award (Dan King of management by God), (2) the person that awarded it to you, and then (3) name and sites of the five that you believe are fulfilling the role of a disciple of Christ..."

2) This award is from Karen of Karen's Ramblings. Here are Karen's words:
"I want to pass this on to 5 others and hope that they are blessed and affirmed afresh in their callings. I have witnessed their hearts for Discipleship (via blogland)and the qualities of this Award in their characters."

"Susan - I know I am awarding you again. But you really fit here. Susan I feel has been through some deep waters; spent hours in prayer and seeking God; plus she is a woman who I believe has wept with passion for others, with love, with longing. Her heart is to reach out with truth and purity. She will not compromise the Word or her convictions and that is a beautiful quality. "

On my comments for October 3rd Karen left me this comment: "Susan, I hope you don't think I am being 'award giving' friendly, I do take serious consideration over any award I pass on, but you have so touched my heart and when I got this one 'Mathetes Award', well you came to mind and I want to encourage you that what you share, all those prayers - they are heard, valued and you are very effective in the Kingdom, you DO make a difference. Most of all though - Father just loves you, because you are wonderful YOU."

Karen, I take this award VERY SERIOUSLY and am deeply honored that you have passed it on to me. I treasure your kind words and comment.

3). As seriously as I receive this award I have given serious thought in selecting the following 5 names of my choice:

Karen - I know you've been awarded this Mathetes Award but I must give it to you again. This young woman never ceases to amaze me with her deep spiritual insight and love of Jesus. On those busy days, when there is time to read only a few blogs, I will always select Karens. I am eager to glean and learn what new message and wisdom she is passing on to us in Blogland. Her reach in being a Disciple maker is just beginning.

Jennifer - Jennifer is a blogger that truly "walks her talk". She is one of the most uncompromising bloggers that I have found. She is consistently standing for what she believes is right, honest and truth. She is the Proverbs 31 Woman. She wears many hats, and wears them all well. She is a Home School Mom extraordinaire. She maintains 4 blogs (I do well to keep up with one!!!) Jen's Pen is powerful. I am honored to call you friend and sister-in-Christ.

Stephen - I first met "Inspired" on 5/29 when he signed my guest book. stated he was from England, United Kingdom and "A sinner saved by grace." The Salems are known for the wonderful photography of the 2 BoyZ, ages 4 1/2 & 2 1/2. I have recently really gotten to "know" Stephen and his heart for not only his boyz and wife, but for his Lord, Jesus Christ. He is a true disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ. He has touched my heart and life in a very profound way.

Ginger - Sweet, is the first word that comes to mind when you think of Ginger because of her gentle, caring ways and words. But underneath that sweetness is a strength as strong as iron. Ginger's goal is to make a difference, to have her life count and she does this consistently day after day here in Blogland. She was one of my very first true blog "friends" and I treasure her and her friendship. She is a Disciple in every sense of the word.

Michelle - Many are called but few are chosen. Michelle is one of the chosen ones who has left the comforts of home and home land to live and serve 1/2 way across the world. Michelle's love for the people, especially the children, of South Africa makes her a true Disciple maker. It was a privilege to meet this sweet, gentle young wife, mother and Child of the King. You deserve this Award.

post signature


Nonnas News said...

Congratulations on 49 wonderful years together!

Susan Skitt said...

Happy Anniversary and Congradulations!

Momma Roar said...

Congratulations and Happy, Happy, Happy Anniversary! I love your picture!

Anonymous said...

Susan, first of all, CONGRATULATIONS on your anniversary! That Mickey is a blessed man! Secondly, I cried at the words written about you by Karen. How very true they are. God has blessed all of us that have come to know you. Lastly, thank you for your words written about me. You know my heart and my desire to be a world changer. I am very honored to recieve this award. It means more than any other.

Michelle (wife, mom, grandma, daughter, sister, friend, co-worker, and striving to be a Proverbs 31 woman) said...

Happy Anniversary.
Your love for your husband is so evident. I am inspired by you!
And congratulations on a very deserved award.

Pen of Jen said...

Happy Anniversary to an amazing couple!!! I love the time I have spent getting to know you both!

LOts of love from Sunny NM
oh, I am touched by the award...thank you.

TO BECOME said...

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY TO YOU AND YOUR HUSBAND. 49 years, that is great. I am so happy for you and your family. You are a blessing Susan. connie from Texas

someone else said...

Happy Anniversary, Susan!!

inspired said...

Congratulations and well done to you both.. Thank you also for the award i'm touched by your words about me ;]

Michelle-ozark crafter said...

Happy anniversary and many more to come. Congrats on the award and the ones you chose sound so awesome!

Praise and Coffee said...

OH WOW- Happy Anniversary!!

candy said...

Happy Anniversary!!!
I love hearing about anniversaries especially in this day and age where we hear alot about the divorce rate.
So next year is your 50th!!! Wow, how truly wonderful!!!
May God bless you with many more wonderful anniversaries!
Love & God bless you both today, and always,

ps. Now you will have to change your sidebar to "49 years and counting" ;)

Larissa said...

Happy Happy Aniversary! That is the sweetest little pic of your girls! That warms my heart, and you have no idea the encouragement that it gives me!!!

Lori said...

Congratulations on your award.
You are a blessing to all of us.
Happy 49th Anniversary.

Knit-Wit said...

Congratulations on your anniversary! What a great tribute to marriage, love, and family in these divorce crazy days!

Congratulations on your award! You fit this one perfectly!

Unknown said...

Happy Anniversary. I really like the way you inserted the family photos in your post.

Thanks Susan for your testimony and for your example to me.

Christy said...

Happy Anniversary! I love your blog, you are so encouraging-congrats on the award, Karen couldn't have given it to a better person!

Susie said...

Hi Susan,
Congratulations on your well deserved awards.
I know you and your husband enjoy the rich rewards of a long and happy marriage. Happy Anniversary to you both.

Linds said...

Happy Anniversary!!!!! Many many congratulations to you both, my friend. What a wonderful achievement!

Carole Burant said...

Happy Anniversary to you and Mickey, dear Susan!! Wow, 49 years is certainly something to be proud of! Congratulations also on the award, you deserve each one of them:-) xox

Anonymous said...

Susan, The good news keeps rolling in! Well deserved award :).

And that wedding picture! Gorgeous. How fabulous you have been married so long. It is just what we all need to hear more of :)!!

A Captured Reflection said...

Happy Anniversary! Wow what a tiny waist!! You made a beautiful couple and you still do. Thanks for sharing these pictures. Thank you too for your kind comments, I don't feel worthy of them - but I love that you call me a young woman. I could hug you and squeeze you and give you a big kiss for that :-)

~~Deby said...

Happy Anniversary...
the pictures are great....
Your marriage is a good example of what is is ABOUT...
Many God Bless you with many more years together.

Mrs. Geezerette said...

This is a lovely photo of you and your husband, a beautiful couple, on your wedding day. Congratulations on your 49th wedding anniversary. Next year is the big one. How will you celebrate it?

Lisa said...

That is a beautiful wedding picture. Congratulations!

Ruth said...

Congratulations on your award, Susan. You TRULY deserve this as you are a great discipler and witness through your words.

Yellow Rose Arbor said...

Happy Anniversary!! Wow! Going into your 50th year!! Congratulations!

What a good looking couple!


Myrna said...

Happy Anniversary! Congratulations on 49 years! I'm sure you have been a blessing to many as a couple and family just as you are to all of us in Blogland.

Congratulations on the award--Very appropriately bestowed!

Anita said...

Dear Susan!

First of all, congratulations to your 49 wedding anniversary! God bless you and your dear husband!

It's 6.30 a.m. on Friday morning over here in Germany and I was so delighted to see your comment on my S&T post! Are you not yet gone to bed? ;-)))

I need to hurry for work now but I'll try to be back here this evening because I am so curious to see what you're gonna share with us on S&Z!

All my best wishes, Anita

... said...

happy anniversary and congratulations on 49 years. that is so neat and quite an accomplishment. something we all can strive for. i love the picture.

and congratulations on the award. you are the epitomy of this award.

Mary@notbefore7 said...

Congrats and happy anniversary. YOu truly deserve this award. I know you have an impact on so many blogs you visit. I love the nominees and the thought you gave to nominating them. I whole heartedly agree with everything you said about Jennifer! I don't know the others, but look forward to visiting them!

Jill said...

Congratulations, Susan, on your well-deserved awards. And Happy Anniversary, a day late!

Justabeachkat said...

Happy Anniversary! 49 Years!

Congratulations on your award too.


Mike's Travels said...

Congratulations and many thanks for your visits and comments. God bless.

Barbara said...

Congratulations Susan. Thanks foir showing your wedding photo. They do date us though don't they? You musy have been very youngwhen you had your 2 little girls.

Jennifer in MS said...

Wow! Congrats on 49 years!! I loved seeing the picture of you and Mickey!

Jenny said...

Happy Anniversary! I love the pics!
And, congrats on the award!