Saturday, October 1, 2011


This is probably going to turn into a griping and complaining post, I dislike getting into that frame of mind and I don't allow myself to do so very often, but I'm also wanting to know if it's just me, the quality of items I'm purchasing or are you experiencing the same thing.

What I am wondering about is the quality of merchandise we are now receiving.  So here goes.........

Back less than a year ago I decided to purchase new bath accessories; towels, throw rugs and shower curtain.  Now nothing was wrong with what I had, I was just wanting a change in how it looked color wise.  The towels I was using I had purchased years before and they were still good and had not really become worn.  I just wanted something new.  The first time I washed the new towels my lint filter was packed with lint!!!  This continued for about a month or more.  They also began to fray along some of the edges within a couple of weeks.  Long and short, after less than a year they are nowhere as good in quality as what I had previously had for years and discarded!!! 

Now further about these towels:  I usually shop at Wall*y Wor*ld but this time I thought, no I'm going to spend more and get something a little nicer.  Suzette actually went shopping with me for them after one of her earlier appointments.  So I deliberately spent more money and went to another store thinking I'd get a better quality. 

Now from towels to socks.  I am a sock wearer.  I buy white socks and wear them around the house.  You will never find me in shoes at home!!  Because I wear so many I have an entire drawer of just socks.  I have some in that drawer that I have had for several years but, as with the towels, the newest and latest socks are wearing clear through and having to be thrown out. 

True on the socks I continue to purchase them at Wall*y Wor*ld but I've purchased them there for years.

Is it just me????? or is the quality of what we are buying just awful?????  I'd really like your feedback and comments.   

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Mari said...

I have noticed the same thing, especially in socks! They get holes in so quickly. I spent a little more last time and got Gold toe socks and they are holding up well.

Susan said...

Mine wear out in the heels first, Mari.

Unknown said...

I agree Susan, it seems the quality is down and price is up.

Becky said...

It is not just you for sure. Just today I put on a sweatshirt I have literally owned for 12 years. And it is white! I bought another just like it a couple of years ago and it is was all pilled and ugly after the second washing. I always go with the same brands because I think once you find quality you will always find quality. But that is not true anymore. And may I say, the same goes for food?

weavermom said...

We have found that to be true of things - appliances, especially. We have a 5 year old washer & dryer that are the same brand as what we owned before, and pur new ones are top of the line. The only reason we replaced our 15 yr plus washer and dryer is because we wanted something a little quieter - which is also why we invested in the top of the line model. We have had more issues with this washer & dryer than the others by FAR. It's annoying to spend more thinking you are getting a better product and then find it isn't.

Same with our printer. The one I use for my work, I know will last less than 2 years. However, for the feature set I need, it is still the best value so this is my third one of essentially the same model. To me, that is pitiful. Not to mention that throwing a printer in the landfill every two years is horrible. So far, someone on freecycle has wanted them for parts so I haven't had to actually do that.

I'm like you with the socks. I never wear shoes at home. But, I've never had socks last more than a year. :) Maybe I shuffle my feet too much!!! :)

I'm sorry for your frustration!! I hope you are able to find some good quality items that you need. I bet with the socks that if you researched the brands online you would be able to find some good ones! My husband wears the gold toe as well and really likes them. He wears shoes in the house, but I don't think I've had to throw any of those out for having holes in them. I think the heels are reinforced in them as well.


Kathy said...

I just had the craziest question pop into my head. Not to overspiritualize, but I wonder if the Lord has any thoughts about the quality of our time with Him these days? I suspect He might have a thing or two to say.....I don't know. It just came into my head, and I sure don't mean to take away from the post.

I feel like I know you well enough, Susan, that I could go ahead and leave the comment anyway. Love you (and yes, quality has definitely gone down in material goods.)

Susan said...

YES Kathy. You are so right!!!! I do think almost everything has a Spiritual lesson and implication for us if we just have eyes to see & ears to hear. I missed this one, and I'm glad you didn't and shared. Love you!!

Shirley said...

Definitely the quality has gone WAY down! I am especially discouraged at electronics - cell phones are absolutely terrible at not lasting. Blenders are just a mess, too. In fact, just the other day, I was pondering to my dear hubby that maybe I should look in an antique store for a new blender!!

retha said...

We have not seen quality for years upon years.
But then, we are 'just Africa' - the dumping ground of world.
To hear the 'rich America' are going the same route in this regard is not good to hear.

Midlife Mom said...

I agree with Nancy, the quality is down and the price is up. I am finding white towels just don't seem to stay white even though I wash them in hot water and occasionally use bleach. Socks are the same, the heels wear out first and I throw them out but I have some older ones that are still fine. I have a whole drawer full of socks too! ha!

The floor in our new sunroom is a laminate that is rubber backed for comfort. We have the same thing at the cottage and are putting it in the basement. Very easy to take care of. They put it down just like real hardwood in strips.

Debra said...

I recall a GE refridgerator my parents used for 25 years. My husband and I used it for years after we got married. We bought a new one because we needed more space. You guessed gave out in no time.

I agree quality is not what it used to be.

Yet God Is... said...

I agree totally. I have noticed that with many things. Goes along with the smaller packaging/same price scenario. And yes, I did have some towels do the same thing. Frustrating, but nothing we can do about it unfortunately. That's where trusting God to meet our needs comes in I guess! He knows!

Yet God Is... said...

Just read Retha's comment. Definitely food for thought. Kathy's too!