Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Damascus Count Down - Book #12 for 2013

I normally am not a fictional novel reader.  I prefer to read Christian books along the teaching and inspirational line. One of my exceptions is each and every novel written by Joel Rosenberg.  I began reading his books back with the publication of his first, The Last Jihad, written in 2005. I am one of those avid fans who awaits his latest book.

This was #10 for us and I just finished it  Saturday.  As usual Joel has left us hanging on the edge awaiting his next book and the continuation of this fantastic series!!!!

If you have not read Joel's books I encourage you to start with the first and follow this story in each and every book.  His books are truly those that, once I start it, I can hardly put it down. I'm always a little sad to see the current one end.  

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Mari said...

I follow his blog and really like what he has to say. I've never read any of his books, but I just got this one on my Kindle so I'll be reading it soon.

Danny Wright said...

I should really try to read a novel. I can't remember the last time I did. My philosophy has been, why read a novel when I could be reading something real. But novels actually teach too, and sometimes better.